Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 294 Vampires and speculation!

"The master's power is dissipating."

In Moros, in a central area surrounded by refugee tents, some people wearing international organization uniforms were distributing supplies. However, in a stone building deeper inside, there were several solemn-looking figures.

Walter, Malos, Suna, and several elders of the vampire clan gathered on this land in the name of supporting the people affected by the disaster.

Their purpose is naturally to find out what is going on.

At this time, Malos was reporting the latest detection results to everyone: "Although the Federation seems to have deployed marines to blockade, they can only blockade the area nearby, and further away are still in a state of letting it develop. , but we have made a surprising discovery!”

"Originally, in the territory of Moros, expansion broke out for unknown reasons. The power belonging to the master has stopped expanding and even begun to dissipate since not long ago!"

"All the thirteen observation points we set up are like this. Obviously this is not an isolated incident, but from the beginning to the end, we still haven't found any clues."


At this time, suddenly a vampire elder in a suit coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention, and then said: "Information from the parliamentary investigation shows that many survivors feel that they are related to a radical organization among the Sers. However, the Federation also learned this information, and the members of the radical organization have been controlled by them. "

"I think we can use parliament's influence in the federation to look for clues in this regard."

As they spoke, the eyes of several vampire elders crossed Walter's side and fell directly on the face of Su Na who was behind.

As the blood spirit of Luen and the highest-ranking being in the vampire clan, Suna has a transcendent status in the vampire clan. Even now that the parliament has been reorganized and Adrien serves as the speaker, this is still the case. Her decision is quite A decision based on half a Luen.

"It is recommended to reject and not adopt it."

However, Su Na rejected the suggestions of the vampire elders without hesitation.

Obviously, this matter now involves more than one force, and as the culprits, the Sers are being stared at by countless pairs of eyes. With the small stature of the vampires, they are not qualified to be involved in such a whirlpool. middle.

In the secular world, the Vampire Clan is already a behemoth, deeply involved in all aspects of the Federation, and has nearly a hundred reserve members, but in the extraordinary world, they are still at the younger brother level.

Since you are the younger brother, you must clearly understand your position and never jump out to attract everyone's attention.

"Yes, Your Excellency Suna!"

Several elders of the vampire clan were respectful and showed no signs of strangeness on their faces. Although in private, they all called Suna the queen of the vampire clan, no one dared to really call her that.

After all, the dominant position of the entire vampire clan is always that one master.

Malos waited until they finished speaking before speaking again, and at the same time took out something from his arms: "But after the master's power dissipated, we discovered this!"

A crystal-clear blood-colored crystal shone like a gemstone, shining with a charming luster in his palm. Almost all vampires were instantly attracted to it.

"This is the condensed essence of blood, which can enhance your strength."

Suddenly, blood-red fluorescence appeared in Suna's eyes, she stood up from her seat and spoke lightly.

A familiar but unprecedentedly powerful power instantly enveloped everyone in the room.

"The great master!"


Suna stood up, but all the vampires trembled at the same time and fell to their knees with expressions of surprise and shock.

After Lu En disappeared, the entire Vampire Clan has been searching for his traces from many aspects, but still found nothing. It is as if he suddenly disappeared from this world. Although the entire Vampire Clan is still developing step by step, it always feels uneasy, like... A group of puppies abandoned by their owners.

By God, the Lord is finally back!

A vampire elder couldn't help but pray to God in his heart, and then he realized that what he had done seemed to have betrayed the teachings of the Zhengyi Sect, and he quickly added.

For God's sake, you'd better go back.

A few minutes later, several large vehicles drove out from the central area of ​​the refugee camp. Not long after, they picked up some refugees who looked old and young, male and female, and arranged them in the core area with other refugees. Isolate.

Some refugees speculated that these new arrivals might be suffering from some kind of disease, because some people saw that their eyes were reddish, and they were moved overnight, making them look very urgent.

"The culprit is controlled by the Federation, but it is the Night Watchman behind the red gloves who is actually manipulating all this behind the scenes. Is the Federation trying to cover up the truth?"

"But things don't seem to be that simple. According to the blood clan's intelligence, this mysterious force is also avoiding the Red Gloves, and even has a tacit understanding to cover up each other, which shows that they and the Red Gloves are not of the same mind."

The howling wind blew past Lu En, and some light clouds slowly drifted over. Lu En's current position was thousands of meters high in the sky. Under the cover of night, even if someone saw him, they would only be able to see him. You would think it was a dim star.

After handing over some survivors in the Blood Realm to the Blood Clan with their white scales, Lu En did not return. On the one hand, the Vampire Clan created on a whim at that time had been of little help to him. On the other hand, he suspected that The vampires have been targeted by certain entities or forces.

For example, the mysterious force that used the Cyres to indirectly kill countless people and almost put the blame on Lu En.

"But it is more likely that the Red Gloves and the Night Watchmen are not of the same mind. Dr. Willy seems to have said that the Red Gloves are very wary of the Night Watchmen, or that the Night Watchmen are not of the same mind."

"Perhaps some of the Night's Watch still choose to help Red Gloves, but another part is tired or even disgusted, just like Lord Karn, and is secretly looking for a way to return to the real world."

Lu En felt that the latter guess was more likely. After all, he had witnessed with his own eyes that when he was in Lucas, the night watchman named Dark Crow was still fighting for the Red Gloves, and during the attack on the Imperial Capital Headquarters, Another night watchman also came to finish.

But what Lu En can't figure out is that the Night Watchmen are no different than the Nightmare Children. In the eyes of the world, they are no different from other nightmare creatures, and they will also be ostracized, hostile, and even obliterated!

Those night watchmen are not working hard to scatter their ashes on the land of their hometown, right?

"Unless they know how to rid the world of rejection and hostility, or..."

Suddenly, Lu En remembered Lord's words before.

"Then, there is something wrong with this world!"

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