Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 296 Tianjian Bureau Headquarters!

But things in this world will never go according to other people's plans.

Lin Shaoting felt that he had a winning chance, and it was certain that he would be the future banished immortal. He even began to imagine the beautiful scene of Lou Yue kneeling down to beg him. However, the next development of the matter gave him a blow in the head!

"What, she reported directly to the headquarters without going through her uncle?!"


In the battleship room, Lin Shaoting, who was drinking tea leisurely, smashed the tea cup out. His face was filled with disbelief, and then a look of rage appeared on his face.

"She, how dare she, how dare she do this, why does she have such authority?!"

The hot tea splashed in all directions, but before it landed on the middle-aged housekeeper, it was pushed away by an invisible force. The latter was much calmer and told the truth: "It's Master Luo Shan. It seems that she used all her merits. In exchange for Lou Yue’s mission, any situation can be reported directly to the headquarters.”

"Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. Even if the end is approaching, Master Luo Shan still cannot be underestimated."

Finally, the middle-aged butler sighed with emotion. They were planning very well, but the other party directly came to the bottom of the cauldron and targeted the most critical link. This immediately hit the snake and hit the vital point.

"Bitch, two bitches!!"

However, Lin Shaoting could not hear these words clearly at this time. The anger welling up in his chest was about to burn his internal organs and even his whole body, making the alloy ground make a thumping sound.

"Master, be careful what you say!"

The middle-aged housekeeper suddenly frowned. It was enough for Lin Shaoting to insult Lou Yue, but Master Luo Shan was not only a real-life strong man, but also an elder of the Tianjian Bureau. To insult her was to lose the dignity and etiquette.

To put it more seriously, if someone were to report him, Lin Shaoting would immediately face a catastrophe, and he might even be kicked out of Tianjian Bureau and sent to the frontier.


An inexplicable pressure came to mind, which finally made Lin Shaoting calm down. He panted and looked at the housekeeper: "Have you found out? What exactly did she report to the headquarters? Is there any room for action?"

Revenge against Lou Yue is one thing, but more importantly, the place for the banished immortal, which means powerful strength, long lifespan, and extraordinary power, is what almost everyone dreams of.

"Master, I think you should be mentally prepared."

However, the middle-aged butler's answer made his heart beat violently and he looked at the other person with wide eyes.

"Master Dongwu and Master Dongxuan, who is also the elder of Tianjian Bureau, personally investigated, but found nothing. This has been classified as top secret information by Tianjian Bureau."


Suddenly, there was a violent noise outside the battleship, and then a figure rushed in.

"It's not good, young master, Lou Yue, she was picked up!"


Before Lin Shaoting could react, he suddenly saw a huge shadow emerging from the window next to him. Accompanied by the airflow that roared like a hurricane, a majestic giant eagle flapped its wings and flew into the sky before disappearing.

"He is the Tianya Eagle in the bureau. He can fly thousands of miles in a blink of an eye. Judging from this time, he has already set off from the bureau the moment he heard the news!"

The middle-aged butler was well-informed and recognized him immediately and took a deep breath.

"Young Master, it is better to contact the sect leader immediately and cancel the follow-up plan. Once the Tianya Eagle is dispatched, it means that this matter is irreversible."

Eastern Empire, Headquarters of Tianjian Bureau.

Unlike the Red Gloves, as the most powerful extraordinary force in the empire, the Tianjian Bureau is not located in the imperial capital, or any city, but is located on a towering mountain peak, sparsely populated.

However, in order to prevent possible intruders, the area has been circled by the government as a nature reserve and no one is allowed to enter, although even if someone accidentally breaks in, nothing will be found.

Halfway up the mountainside of the towering mountain, the ethereal clouds have obscured everything. Whether you look at it from a distance or up close, there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary. Only when you get really close will you find the difference.


A loud cry suddenly came from the distance, and then a white line quickly emerged from the clouds, crashing towards the mountain peak without slowing down, and disappeared into the white clouds with a roar, and all traces and sounds disappeared.

At this time, Lou Yue had an invisible barrier on the back of this huge goshawk, protecting her from the airflow blowing around like blades. This is not an adjective. With the speed of the Tianya Eagle, if Without protection, even if an ordinary person can stand firmly, the airflow will blow them to the bone.

"This is the headquarters of Tianjian Bureau?"

But at this moment, her mood was intertwined with excitement and joy, and was complicated and unspeakable. At the moment when the Tianya Eagle crashed into the mountain like a suicide, her eyes suddenly became wider.

In the blue sky, some misty white clouds floated by indifferently, and the warm sunshine spread all around, reflecting rainbow-like colors in the air. Mountain peaks, even small islands, palace buildings, and towering buildings floated in the air. Water pouring down like a waterfall, and colorful birds flying in flocks, all of this is simply like the legendary fairyland on earth!

After Tianya Eagle came in, her speed also began to slow down, allowing Lou Yue to look around more carefully. Although she was a member of the Tianjian Bureau, this was actually her first time at the headquarters.

In each branch, only the best members can come to the headquarters for short-term study every year. In addition, only those who have broken through to the level of real people, or are geniuses with strong backgrounds can last for a long time. live in it.

And Lou Yue just scanned around, and honestly looked at her nose and heart, sitting cross-legged on the back of Tianya Eagle, because she found that each of these floating island buildings emitted an extremely powerful aura, and it was very strong. The sense of voyeurism came from all directions, which brought great pressure to her, and she did not dare to act rashly.


Flying over the dense floating island buildings, Tianya Eagle took Lou Yue with him, and finally stopped in front of a tall palace, landed on the square, shook his head, and stopped moving.

"Tianqi Palace?"

Lou Yue naturally understood the meaning, jumped down from the eagle's back, looked at the plaque full of traces of time, hesitated a little, looked around, and saw no one.

"Are you asking me to go in alone?"

Lou Yue turned back to look at the only living creature. The Tianya Eagle, which was preening its feathers, suddenly swung, flapped its wings and flew away.

"Well, that's true."

Lou Yue was a little nervous, and gently pushed towards the door in front of her. It seemed like a heavy door, but she pushed it open without any effort. Then her eyes condensed, and she knelt down without hesitation, with her palms upward and her forehead tight. stick.

In the deep hall, two rows of huge candles burned quietly without any shaking. They should have illuminated the inside as bright as day, but in fact the light inside was more like dusk, dim and dim.

But all this is just the light emitted by the scales of a huge alien beast that occupies most of the space in the hall and lies on the ground.

"Get up!"

An old and thick voice rang in Lou Yue's ears.

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