Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 297 Lord Tianqi, witch and amnesia!

This is a huge, extremely old-looking beast. Anyone who sees it will have the feeling that the sun is setting over the mountains and that it is getting old. Countless smoke-like gases loom over it, covering its body. .

"Yes, Lord Tianqi!"

Lou Yue did not expect that the first thing she saw when she came to the Tianjian Bureau headquarters was a mythical beast that she had only seen in legends and illustrations. She was immediately frightened to the extreme. However, after all, she had faced Lu En before, and she had fought him. Vaccination, he stood up immediately after hearing this, but his head was still lowered.

This is not just pure respect, just like Venerable Tianqi, nor is he covering his figure with clouds just to be mysterious, but after reaching the level of the Archbishop, the jump in life levels has reached an extremely exaggerated level. Ordinary people are at risk of being contaminated if they take a look at its entirety.

Of course in the Eastern Empire, this is called demonization.

Although demonization can greatly enhance a person's power, the consequences range from immediate death and destruction of body and soul. Even the most minor one is losing one's mind and transforming into a complete monster. One can truly maintain one's reason. Therefore, those who have power are not even one out of ten.

Lou Yue didn't dare to joke with his own life.

"Tell me the truth again."

A huge head poked out from the clouds and smoke, with sharp teeth and humanized eyes that had experienced vicissitudes of life. It stared at Lou Yue, and the old voice sounded again.


Lou Yue lowered her head, not daring to hide anything at all. Even though her whole body was shaking under the gaze of Lord Tianqi, she still told Lu En exactly what she had observed when she met him.

In front of a venerable person, she did not dare to lie at all. She even explained her selfishness in her heart frankly. After speaking for at least ten minutes, the patience of the venerable Tianqi was comparable to Lu En was much better, but Lou Yue himself looked as if his whole body had been fished out of water, with sweat completely soaking his clothes.

"Good, you didn't lie!"

After a long time, Lou Yue heard a voice coming from her ears. She suddenly breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief. Her feet softened and she almost lost her balance. However, a few wisps of smoke floated next to her and sank into her body. She immediately felt refreshed, and then... A claw appeared in her field of vision.

"Now, give me the things and go see your master."

When Lord Tianqi's voice came, Lou Yue, instead of being angry and reluctant, took off the bracelet very quickly and put it into Lord Tianqi's hand, her tone even trembling with excitement.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

When her master, Luo Shanzhenren, was about to die and was already on his deathbed, what Venerable Tianqi was doing now was tantamount to telling Lou Yue that she could inherit the mantle of her master and become the person that everyone dreams of, and become the most beautiful person in the world. The final result of generations of hard work and inheritance!

A banished immortal!

"This is what you deserve."

Master Tianqi grabbed the bracelet and shrank back. An invisible force suddenly pushed Lou Yue out of the door. Then the door closed silently. She looked back and saw that the Tianya Eagle that had flown away had flown back again at some point. Stare at her with intelligent eyes.

"It is said that these Tianya Eagles were all demonized by a certain venerable person. They can be said to be the descendants of that person."

An idea appeared in Lou Yue's mind, and was then forcibly extinguished by himself, ensuring awe and respect for power at all times. This was a good virtue in the Eastern Empire, which valued seniority and order.

Inside Tianqi Palace.

As Lou Yue left, the covering clouds also dissipated, and Tianqi's true face was finally revealed. It was a strange beast with eight legs and a slender body. The head was slightly flat, the snout was long and narrow, and there were A pair of folded wings and scales on the body show different colors from the legs to the back.

It's like the color of the sky gradually changing as dusk approaches.


From the beams of the palace, a gentle female voice came out, and then a rustling sound emerged. A large python with snow-white scales was wrapped around its hanging head. It even had two crystal-clear small horns, and its eyes were also full of vicissitudes of life.

"He was not demonized, nor did he deceive me. The venerable-level existence that suddenly appeared did not seem to have any other ill intentions. He just left this bracelet."

A look of thought appeared in Tianqi's eyes, and he played with a bracelet that was too small for its ring. He slowly said: "I don't feel evil in the aura on it. It is very pure, but it is also very weak. For respect, For a human-level being, it’s not worth mentioning at all.”

"Do you suspect that this venerable man is hiding his true power?"

White Snake swallowed the snake letter and suddenly spoke.

"No, based on the description, I suspect that these are other existences that have disappeared for a long time!"

Tianqi narrowed his eyes and slowly uttered one word.



The huge candles with motionless flames all around seemed to be blown by a gust of wind, shaking a few times. The atmosphere fell into a strange silence. After a few more seconds, I heard White Snake speak in an extremely surprised tone. Open your mouth.

"Aren't those lunatics who want to reach heaven dead?"

"Death is death, but it may not mean death."

Tianqi moved his huge body and made a slight arc at the corner of his mouth: "Besides, all the gods have fallen now. Whether they are their enemies or friends, they have been buried in the dust of history. What does it have to do with us? ?”

"Now that the outbreak of demonic tides is becoming more and more frequent, the emergence of a possible witch at this time may help us."

Tianqi shook his head, approached White Snake, and said, "Don't tell other venerables about this matter for the time being. Only after I contact you for confirmation can we make appropriate arrangements."

White Snake nodded, and then his expression became a little strange. He shook his head and laughed softly: "A witch always feels like witnessing history and walking into mythology."

“Aren’t we ourselves also part of history and mythology?”

Tianqi replied calmly.

The white snake swallowed the letter, and the whole body suddenly collapsed into a ball of white gas and merged into the air, while Tianqi slowly opened its big mouth, and all the light in the room seemed to be sucked into its belly, even though the candle It was still burning, but the surroundings suddenly became pitch black, as if it was finally coming from dusk to midnight.

The only thing that shines brightly, except for Tianqi's eyes, is the bracelet held in its claws, emitting a soft white light. A sharp claw lands on the bracelet and taps gently.


After a soft sound, the entire bracelet suddenly shattered, leaving only a ball of white light floating. When Tianqi blew it, it suddenly expanded like a balloon, and turned into Lu En's human form, with black hair and eyes, lifelike. .

The only difference was that Lu En's eyes were closed. After a few seconds, he slowly opened them. Full of surprise and curiosity, he turned his head and looked around.

"So fast, I thought it would take two days!"

"Mysterious and powerful venerable, can you tell me your name? I am the venerable of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, Tianqi!"

A huge head poked out from the darkness and suddenly made a sound, while Lu En narrowed his eyes and looked at it for a long time before smiling softly.

"Sorry, I don't know who I am, because I have lost my memory."

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