Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 304 Mrs. Bai! (Chapter 300)

"Girl, we've arrived!"

Along with the sound of brakes, a voice suddenly sounded, and then the car door was opened. An ordinary-looking woman wearing a printed short coat and dressed like a village girl, Shi Shiran, got out of the car. Her smile was very bright and unremarkable. .

"Thank you, uncle, for sending me here specially."

The village girl smiled and waved to the driver. The latter touched his head and smiled honestly: "It's okay. We are all out and about, so what's the point of helping each other? But girl, there are many wild animals in the deep mountains and old forests of Snake Mountain. What are you doing here? What?"

"I'm here to visit a relative. Thank you, uncle. Goodbye!"

As the village girl said this, she waved her hand to him and disappeared on a path that had been trampled by others, leaving the driver muttering to herself in confusion: "There is no village in front and no store in the back. Where is the human habitation?"

As he spoke, the driver remembered something and suddenly shuddered, started the car and left quickly.

After walking onto the path, the village girl's expression slowly softened, her smile disappeared, and she just looked around with a calm gaze, as if deep in the jungle, there were many unknown eyes hidden in the darkness.

And what’s even weirder is that as she walked, white light began to appear on the village girl’s body, and then in the white light, her body shape, appearance, and clothing all changed drastically. In the blink of an eye, she transformed into a charming and charming girl. A pretty woman wearing a retro gauze dress walked out with her waist twisted.

The winding and uneven snake mountain road seemed like flat ground under her feet, and she looked like a ghost while walking. If someone saw it, she would be scared out of her mind and run away in a hurry.

But in fact, there is absolutely no way that this Snake Mountain is inhabited. Even the humans who originally lived here moved away one after another in the early years, because there is an old legend that there is a demon in this mountain!

Perhaps this was not a rumor at all, because as the woman gradually went deeper, overlapping mountains, dense forests, and miasma, rustling sounds suddenly began to appear, and then, from beside her, under her feet, and even above her head, a stream of sounds began to appear. Colorful venomous snakes began to poke their heads out and stared at her with cold eyes.

If ordinary people encountered this scene, they would probably be scared to death. But how could this woman be an ordinary person? Her face did not change at all, and she continued to move forward steadily. However, the surrounding poisonous snakes hurriedly backed away as she advanced, as if they were escorting her. She is average.

Seeing that this was not the way to go, the beings hiding behind the scenes couldn't sit still. They couldn't let the woman go directly to their lair, so with a bang, on the cliff in front of the woman, a giant python with white and red bodies appeared. , directly blocking her way.

"Who is here and why?"

This giant python is huge, coiled together like a mountain of meat. With its huge head sticking out, it swallows the scarlet snake letter and speaks human words directly, like a woman with a hoarse voice.

"It's Sister Honglin. As expected, she is still as cautious as ever. My sister came uninvited this time, which is quite disturbing."

The woman finally stopped, with a smile on her lips. As soon as she finished speaking, the giant python suddenly trembled, and even the scales on its body began to relax and make a rattling sound. Her voice was extremely cold and stern, even with murderous intent: "You are Who knows I'm here?"


Behind the woman, there was a sudden loud noise, and a huge rock fell directly, blocking the originally narrow path. It cut off her escape route and also blocked her directly in the middle.

"Sister, please be patient, but do you still remember the white fox that escaped with you decades ago?"

Instead of panicking, the woman chuckled softly, bowed to the giant python in front of her and said a blessing: "Mrs. Bai from the slave family, I came here specifically to thank my sister for saving my life!"

"Decades ago, white fox?"

A humanistic look of thinking flashed in the python's eyes, and then his eyes changed. He looked at Madam Bai with shock and doubt, and the huge snake mouth opened: "It's you? Absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"That white fox only has three hundred years of Taoism. Even if he escapes with his life, he won't be as strong as you. Who are you, pretending to be her."

The next roar of the giant python was swallowed back in the throat, because after a flash of white light, the originally charming and invincible Madam Bai turned into a snow-white fox. There was smoke-like mist all around, and the charming female voice still sounded when she opened her mouth.

"Sister, you should believe it now."

"How is this possible for you?!"

The giant python was dumbfounded and couldn't utter a complete sentence for a moment. It couldn't help but be shocked. The white fox it rescued decades ago had not even reached the human level at that time, but it was already a human level. Demon King, but in just a few decades, the opponent not only broke through, but also vaguely surpassed him in strength. How could he believe it?

But the fact is right in front of you, and it doesn't matter if you don't believe it. After a long time, it forced a smile and said: "It turns out that she is really my sister. I didn't expect that my strength has reached such a level that I can't even recognize my sister."

The white fox turned into Mrs. Bai again. Hearing this, he covered his mouth and chuckled: "I don't blame my sister. It's not like my sister is in a dream. I came here this time because I also want to give my sister a great opportunity."

"What chance?"

After hearing this, the giant python couldn't help but speak, but saw Madam Bai glance around: "Sister, are you going to talk to me here?"

"Mistake, mistake, sister, please come with me."

The giant python immediately woke up and dispersed the surrounding snakes. At the same time, he let the giant python lead the way. He quickly crossed the mountain road and came to a dark cave. After walking in, it was dark and damp, and he couldn't see his fingers. It seemed to be a The caves leading to the underground are intricate.

Madam Bai did not hesitate and walked straight in. After twisting and turning several times, she finally saw two figures at the end of the cave. They were two huge pythons that were intertwined with each other. One had blood-red scales, and the other had blood-red scales. One was as dark as ink, and everyone opened their eyes and looked at her.

"Sister, you are really talented and brave. Let me introduce you to him. This is Mr. Black. According to human terms, he is your brother-in-law. Why don't you come to meet your brother-in-law?"

Click, click, click.

The two giant pythons rubbed their scales against each other, making a permeating sound. The red-scaled giant python spoke human words. It looked at Madam Bai like it was looking at prey caught in a trap, giggling and calling the black male. The black python had a cold look in his eyes, as if he was ready to make an attack at any time.

In this cave, there is not only Hong Lin, but two real-life demon kings!

For a moment, Mrs. Bai seemed to be in danger, but she was only slightly surprised. Then she actually saluted Mr. Hei: "Greetings to my brother-in-law. It turns out that my sister already has a partner. This is really great."

"What's so good about it?"

At this time, the black python suddenly raised its head, looked down at Madam Bai from a high position, made a deep voice, and together with the red scales, silently surrounded Madam Bai, but the instinct in its heart vaguely felt that something was wrong.

From the beginning to the end, Madam Bai was too calm, so calm that she seemed not to take them seriously at all!

"I was originally worried that my sister wouldn't be able to handle this opportunity alone, but now that I have a brother-in-law, it's different."

Madam Bai looked at the two of them, a strange smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she suddenly knelt down.

"Welcome to the Holy Lord!"


Before the two giant pythons could react, a bloody stream of light suddenly separated from Madam Bai's body, and then an overwhelming and powerful aura directly pressed the two monsters to the ground, unable to move.

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