Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 305 Your blessing has arrived!

"What, what is this?!!"

The two giant pythons were forced to the ground and could not even lift their heads. Their hearts were full of fear. They watched the red light quickly pull into a vague human shape in the air. Their faces and clothes could not be seen clearly, but their movements were , but it is filled with unspeakable terrifying power.

Even the air seemed unable to bear the figure and was slightly distorted.

The white lady who broke into the tiger's den alone was naturally the white fox that successfully broke through with Lu En's help, and this blood-red figure was undoubtedly Lu En.

"Is it these two?"

In the air, Lu En deliberately concealed his face, as well as the thick and deep voice that he had concealed, and spoke loudly.

It was impossible for him to appear in person in front of these monsters. After all, his features were too conspicuous. But fortunately, in addition to his powerful body, he also had the ability of the Blood Lord. After breaking through to the Archbishop, the Blood Lord was also elevated by one level. Although the grade is not worth mentioning in front of people of the same level, it is perfect for concealing one's identity.

"Holy Lord, this red python was the demon king under the great demon. My subordinates saw it with my own eyes. At that time, she took away several forbidden weapons and gave one to her subordinates."

Mrs. Bai knelt on the ground and reported to Lu En in detail.

Fortunately, she asked casually and learned that Hong Lin's lair was in the deserted Coiling Snake Mountain, so she followed the clues and came directly to the door.

"Sister, please hand over the forbidden weapons that you took away back then!"

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Bai raised her head and looked at the red python with a joking smile on its face. However, if the red python hesitated at this time, it would be instantly wiped out. After feeling the pressure on her body suddenly loosen, she quickly shouted: : "I am willing to pay, I am willing to pay, and please forgive me, Holy Lord!"

At this moment, its heart was so full of regret that its intestines were green. If it had known that there was such a being standing behind Madam Bai, why would it have to be a villain first? Wouldn't it be better to reminisce about the past first?

But who could imagine such a thing?

A holy lord, an existence that can only appear in myths and legends. Hong Lin wanted to test whether he was dreaming, but his majestic momentum alone gave him the illusion of being crushed to pieces, and even more Don't dare to act rashly.

Along with a ray of red light, the huge red python shrank rapidly, and finally transformed into an ugly woman nearly two meters tall, with round eyes and a big mouth, only two black holes for the nostrils, and scales on her face, and she trembled and got in. into a narrow cave next door.

Compared with the charming Madam Bai, this woman is simply a devil. No wonder she always displays a huge snake body.

For these monsters, transforming into humans will not bring any improvement in combat power, nor will they have any special abilities, but almost every monster has this ability without a teacher.

Lu En guessed that there is probably only one reason for this, which is to better integrate into humans. After all, although humans are weaker than monsters, they have been the mainstream of this world since ancient times, forcing these inhuman monsters to not Do not hide in human form.


While Lu En was thinking, Red Scales had already come out of the cave, holding a small box in his hand. Judging from the moss and rust on it, it seemed that it had not been taken care of for a long time. Originally, there should be a thick layer of rust on it. It was dusty, but it was quickly wiped off by the red scales.

If she had known that the things she took with her when she ran away would cause such a disaster, she should have just thrown them away!

It's a pity that there is no regret in selling medicine. Hong Ling held the box and plopped down to Lu En, with a trembling tone: "That's it. In the past few decades, I have never touched the contents inside. Please forgive me, Holy Lord." !”

You said you never even touched it, why did you take it away in the first place?

Lu En couldn't figure out what she was thinking. He stretched out his finger and the small box opened. As expected, the items placed inside were all similar to bracelets. They were bronze-like in color and engraved with thunder patterns of cloud beasts. They were each one. A pair of earrings, and two rings.

Okay, I think I kind of know why.

Looking at the carrot-thick fingers and ears covered with scales after the red scales transformed, Lu En seemed to understand something. He stretched out his hand and the earrings and rings fell into his hands, and he felt them carefully.

Yes, there is still that mysterious energy, and it seems that each one contains more energy than Mrs. Bai's bracelet!

Obviously the combined material of these four items is not as good as half a bracelet, but the energy contained is four to five times more than that of the bracelet. Why is this?

Lu En was slightly surprised, but in any case, this was a good thing for him. Then he let go of his hand, and the four things fell into Madam Bai's hands.

"Bring the stuff back to me as soon as possible."

Although he could project his power and possess Madam Bai, it was still too dangerous to directly let the blood shadow return with the things.

If the Eastern Empire is compared to a big house, then Madam Bai is just a flying insect or ant. She can run around and hide when the owner is not paying attention, but Lu En is different. If it flies back, to the owner, it will be like a tiger or a lion running past, unable to hide.

Therefore, it is better to let Mrs. Bai take it back and protect it secretly, so that the safety and confidentiality will be greatly improved.

"Yes, Holy Lord!"

Madam Bai quickly put away the forbidden weapon, then looked at Hong Lin and Black Duke who were trembling and waiting for their fate. She suddenly said to Lu En: "To the Holy Lord, I think you can keep these two demons for the time being." Life, Hong Lin was the demon king under the big demon, and he must know a lot about the whereabouts of other demon kings who have forbidden weapons. They can be left to help their subordinates and avoid having to trouble the Holy Lord to show up for everything. "

Hong Ling, who was kneeling on the ground, and Mr. Hei, who was on the other side, immediately looked at Madam Bai with extremely grateful eyes, completely forgetting that the disaster of annihilation of their family, which they were almost killed by both of them, was also brought about by the other party.

This fox has a high EQ and IQ. She is the bad guy, and she is also the good guy.

But on Lu En's blurry face, Madam Bai couldn't see any emotion or anger at all. She just noticed that Lu En's eyes turned around her body and softly uttered a word.



Then Lu En pointed, and two rays of red light quickly penetrated into the bodies of the two demons, forming a blood-red mark on their foreheads, shaped like a blooming lotus. Then he pointed again, and the same mark appeared between Madam Bai's eyebrows. But it's more complicated than that.

"From now on, the life and death of these two demons will depend on your thoughts. You can do whatever you want, but you need to remember one thing. No matter what you do, I will get all the forbidden weapons."

Lu En's transformed figure shot out two red lights from its eyes and landed on Madam Bai, temporarily giving her the authority to use blood energy to condense marks and control other creatures before slowly dissipating in the air.

"Don't let me down."

"Congratulations to the Holy Lord!"

Madam Bai lowered her head and suppressed the surprise in her heart. She waited until she sensed Lu En's complete departure before she raised her head, with a smile as bright as a flower.

"Sister, brother-in-law, this is the opportunity!"

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