Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 327 Queen!


Lu En's heart moved, but he did not show any panic. Besides, he had already prepared for this before coming in.

Fairies are just a screw in the whole society, and they will not pay attention to or care about his abnormality, but as the controller of the whole fairy society, the queen who occupies the top may not be the same. The fact that these fairies knew to check Lu En's landing place before also shows that there are some creatures with thinking ability among them.

There is no doubt that if these fairies are just limbs, then the queen among them is the real brain and soul.

However, Lu En later found that the three women were not looking at him, but at the top of his head, and they also emitted pheromones representing expulsion towards him, as if asking him to leave.

It seems that in the eyes of the queen, Lu En is just a worker bee fairy who broke in by mistake, and she didn't take him seriously at all.


However, there was a sharp cry from above Lu En's head. Lu En looked up and found that a strange creature was hanging upside down on the tree wall above his head. It looked like a ball, with countless sharp limbs sticking out, but a huge eyeball appeared in it, looking at him.

The three queens in the image of beautiful women suddenly threw Lu En aside and opened their mouths to make similar calls to the ball. Lu En noticed that their heads no longer looked like decorations. At least their vocal cords were complete and could make sounds.

So the ball and the three sitting queens began to communicate with each other in this short voice. Lu En stood between them and no one paid attention to him. He didn't know what they were communicating, but the tone was getting more and more urgent, which didn't seem to be friendly.


Finally, with the three queens standing up from their chairs at the same time and screaming in unison, Lu En suddenly felt that pheromones were suddenly emitted in the air, and the content was

"Kill it!"


Several guards rushed in from outside, waving their spear-like weapons and stabbed at the ball, and Lu En's ears also heard a rustling sound at the same time. The whole body of the ball suddenly swelled up and rushed towards the queen!

Seeing the countless sharp limbs stretched out, Lu En found that the ball was actually some kind of multi-legged creature, with a body with eyes and mouth in the middle, and densely packed sharp legs around it, which looked very lethal.

Did the negotiation fail?

Lu En made such a guess, and the ball monster was torn into pieces by the guards in mid-air, and it can be said that it died miserably.

After all, in terms of strength, it was about the same as the captain of the goblin, and a single guard could not deal with it.

And soon, a worker bee goblin ran in from outside and cleaned up the wreckage. Except for the queen, no goblin showed curiosity about Lu En who was standing there, and they were indifferent throughout the whole process.

At this time, the queen also showed doubts. The three women seemed to have telepathy, and any action was synchronized. At this time, they all tilted their heads and stared at Lu En, constantly emitting pheromones to let him leave.

Of course Lu En would not leave, and after thinking about it, he also imitated the Queen and emitted his own pheromones. Lu En found that in fact, whether it was the worker bee fairy or the captain fairy, it was possible to communicate with each other through pheromones, but they basically would not do so.

The content of Lu En's pheromones was communication and exchange!

The Queen was obviously an intelligent creature, and her mood swings were very flexible. Lu En felt that he should be able to communicate with her and get the information he needed.

Then, let's start with the most gentle means.

"Exchange. Communication. Inquiry"

Lu En kept emitting pheromones representing such meanings. It can be seen that the faces of the three queens first became confused, then scanned the room, and finally locked on Lu En, looking extremely shocked.

Then, Lu En felt the familiar pheromones in the air again, and the guards at the door rushed in.


Lu En emitted his own pheromones, trying to stop these guards, but it was obvious that among the same pheromones, the Queen's priority was obviously the highest. These guards rushed over without hesitation, and then... nothing happened.

Because at this time, Lu En had cancelled the form of the simulated fairy and revealed his true body. The incomparable powerful pressure suddenly filled the whole cave. The fairy guards had not reacted yet, and they were like ants being pressed to death, turning into a few pools of meat on the ground.

"Since gentle means don't work, then force me to use violence!"

Lu En stomped his feet lightly, and the whole room seemed to have suddenly had an earthquake, shaking violently, accompanied by Lu En's mental fluctuations that spread like a tsunami.

"Get out!"

No matter in which world, as long as it is an intelligent creature, mental fluctuations are a convenient and fast means of communication. Although the threshold is a bit high, learning it is equivalent to learning countless foreign languages. Mom no longer has to worry about me being beaten because of language barriers!


As soon as Lu En's irritable mental fluctuations came out, the high platform where the three queens were suddenly squirmed, accompanied by a trembling thought, a behemoth appeared in front of Lu En.

This is a very disgusting-looking bug. Its body is creamy white, but its top is like a toad, with ring-shaped protrusions one after another. It also exudes some kind of mucus from time to time. Because it is too big, it appears at this time. What was in front of Lu En was only its upper body.

This is the real queen of the goblins, and the three women from before were now seen to be fixed on the queen's head like the high platform beneath them, arranged in a shape, and the whole thing looked like a crown.

Generally speaking, this is probably the kind of monster that can't eat for days after just one look at it. However, there is no strange color on Lu En's face. It's not like he has never seen something more disgusting than this. Moreover, he has scanned it with his mind before. By then, he already knew the truth.

As the queen who gave birth to the entire goblin society, any fantasy about its beauty will eventually turn into disappointment.

"Can you communicate now?"

The queen's huge body almost occupied more than half of the room. At this time, she was shrinking and leaning against the wall as hard as she could. Two rows of big eyes were fixed on Lu En, full of fear.

Faced with Lu En's inquiry, the Queen instinctively tried to release pheromones, and then she reacted and abruptly revealed her own mental fluctuations.


For any bishop-level creature, using mental fluctuations to communicate is instinctive. Even if you don't know it before, you can learn it very quickly.

"What do you want to know?"

Therefore, the queen quickly mastered this skill and sent out weak thoughts towards Lu En. Although she was extremely frightened, the communication was extremely simple and direct.

"Everything you know!"

Lu En knew nothing about this world now, and any information was urgently needed for him, so his mental fluctuations were directly transmitted. Faced with such an answer, the Queen seemed to be stunned before she responded.

"Yes, but there isn't enough time!"


Lu En raised his brows slightly, and at the same time spread out his mental induction. He immediately discovered that a large amount of chaotic life force was already rushing towards the area where the goblin was. It seemed that the comer was evil.

"The enemy is coming!"

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