Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 328 Home Tree and the Reason!

Outside the goblin territory, some objects that looked like pieces of wood but could float and move out of thin air were approaching rapidly.

In fact, these are not real wood, but some kind of creatures, or in other words, transportation tools!


The moment they approached the branch of the tree where the goblins were, the wood opened its openings one after another, and from the inside, black balls were launched one after another. The surface was covered with countless sharp protrusions. After landing, they quickly transformed into legs without any traces. After hesitating, he started killing the goblins.

Caught off guard, the worker bee goblins suffered heavy casualties. Some rose up to resist under the leadership of the leader goblin, while others hurriedly got into tree holes, and soon, the enemies also chased in.

This was the enemy in the Queen's mouth, and even though she knew there would be an enemy attack, the Queen had not made any move to evacuate these worker bee fairies before, but had allowed them to be killed and run away, seemingly not caring.

Lu En found that unless his life was threatened, this Fairy Queen seemed unusually rational and indifferent to everything else.

It was obvious that this was the group that had broken up with the queen before, and the opponent's attack came very quickly.

"But they won't succeed. I'm stronger than they think!"

After understanding that Lu En would not kill her, the queen's mood stabilized. Half of her huge body shrank back, leaving only three lifelike and beautiful women above her head, performing various behaviors to communicate with Lu En.

In fact, the communication between them is through mental fluctuations.

While expressing her confidence to Lu En, the queen also told Lu En the reason for the enemy's attack through mental fluctuations.

In fact, it is very simple. The other party is here to grab the territory.

Speaking of which, this may have something to do with Lu En. This giant tree with lush branches and leaves, like a world, is home to countless diverse ethnic groups. According to the queen, Lu En translated it, it should be "Home Tree" or "World Tree".

But Luen still decided to call it Home Tree.

Although the home tree is huge, there are more ethnic groups that rely on it to survive, and the competition is extremely fierce. Only losers will be driven off the tree and live another life. To use a sentence, Even though the home tree is big, not an inch is superfluous.

But the entire home tree is not as strong as Lu En imagined. The reason is naturally because of these creatures. Just like these fairies, they build passages and residences without destroying the overall structure, almost destroying the entire tree. It was empty, so it almost collapsed after being hit by Luen.

In fact, what Lu En didn't know was that the strong impact he caused almost caused a devastating blow to the Home Tree, especially some groups near the wound, and also made the remaining groups feel fear.

These creatures are a group of people living near the rift. Just like this, they want to move to a safer place, and what they are interested in happens to be the territory occupied by the goblins.

There were not so many twists and turns. After warning and intimidation to no avail, these groups immediately launched a brazen attack on the goblins. This is actually a very common behavior in the home tree.

Or for this world, fights are always everywhere.

At this time, the situation outside was just as the queen said. Although they were at a disadvantage at first, the situation slowly began to reverse after those multi-legged creatures chased them into the tree hole corridor.

After all, what they faced at the beginning were just some worker bee goblins. Both their fighting ability and fighting will were extremely weak. However, when the backbone captain goblins and even the guard goblins took action, they began to gradually fall into a disadvantage.

The goblins' tree holes were intricate and intricate, like a large maze. When these creatures entered it, they were immediately divided and then destroyed by each one. Without even breaking through the inner layer, they were almost completely annihilated.

Moreover, the creatures in this world are generally extremely powerful, either at the level of imams or great imams, and there are almost no believers. If any one of them is placed in the real world, it may cause a bloody storm.

"A meaningless act, a miserable group of people already dominated by fear!"

Even the dead wood-like creatures that came from the other side were torn into pieces by the counterattacking goblins. The queen made a calm comment, but saw Lu En in front of her smile slightly.

"I don't think so, they are actually very smart!"


As soon as Lu En finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion above the cave, and then a worm-like creature with smooth mucus on the surface fell down, followed by several huddled up and rolling. The incoming spiky creature.

"If you shoot the man, shoot the horse first; to capture the thief, capture the king first!"

Lu En had actually sensed it a long time ago, but now it seemed that the queen's perception was blocked by the other party in some way, because at this moment, the queen couldn't help but reveal a surprised emotion.

But it was only for a moment, because the moment these creatures fell, their movements froze like sculptures. That was because Luen's huge pressure filled the entire space, making them unable to move.

These creatures are all at the Grand Priest level, and they seem to be very different from the Bishop-level Queen. They are more like people who have fallen into a trap. However, in fact, as the controller of the goblin society, the Queen's fighting ability is almost non-existent.

Moreover, the purpose of these creatures is not to kill the queen, but to disrupt her command and coordinate with the next wave of attacks.

It has to be said that without the existence of Lu En, the other party's plan would most likely succeed. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as "what if" in the world.

Therefore, although the opponent launched a new wave of attacks, as long as the Queen's command still existed, the situation was no different from the first time. In this way, the opponent seemed to understand that the plan failed and simply left. .

The matter came to an end at this point. Although Lu En was standing here and doing nothing, the Queen still expressed her gratitude to him and was willing to tell Lu En all the information she knew.

Although what she knew was not much.

The group of goblins did not exist in the home tree from the beginning. In fact, they can be found everywhere in the world, including those living in the jungle, the desert, and even the swamp. Whenever the group expands, When they reach a certain scale, they will disperse and make their own living.

The queens of each group will inherit certain memories, but not many. However, no matter what, the general appearance of these goblins will not change, they are all similar to humans, and in the queen's memory, Lu En did find the answer.

These goblins have deliberately evolved to look like humans, and their function is to intimidate!

Yes, in the eyes of the creatures in this world, humans seem to be a very terrifying existence.

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