Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 329 The manager of the home tree!

Human horror? !

To be honest, after Lu En knew this answer, the ridiculous feeling that emerged in his heart was indeed indescribable.

If we turn things around, it might be more true. Most of the creatures in this world should be truly terrifying to humans.

But in the Queen's description, this is indeed true. In the eyes of most creatures in this world, even though they have never seen humans, the appearance of humans still evokes some kind of inner fear, making them Instinctively choose to escape.

Just like some creatures in nature will imitate other predators to scare other creatures, creatures in this world also have this habit, but most of the objects they imitate are humans.

Goblins are not an isolated example of these creatures. In fact, there are many creatures that imitate various characteristics of humans, but goblins are the ones that imitate the best among them, or they look the most like humans.

Apart from anything else, the three lifelike women above the Queen's head looked just like real human beings.

The weird thing is that they have never seen real humans, but they imitate them so much and are so frightened that Lu En finds it difficult to understand.

In nature, predators imitate and scare other creatures. That's because those predators really exist. But in this world, the queen said that she has never seen real humans, so why would there be creatures that are afraid of humans.

Why are they afraid of creatures that don't actually exist?

But soon, Lu En had a new, more reliable guess.

If this world is really used to seal the defeated gods and monsters as the Imperial Master Yongchao said, then the creatures in this world are most likely the descendants of those existences. As losers, they will have a fear of human beings. It can be justified.

Of course, those gods and demons should only fear the great witches and immortals among humans, not ordinary people. However, in appearance, these great witches and immortals are not much different from ordinary people.

Therefore, as their bloodline is passed down from generation to generation, perhaps the object of fear gradually expands to the entire human race.

This is like the legend among humans that evil dragons are terrifying. Although no one has actually seen them, this impression is deeply ingrained. Unless one day humans discover that the so-called evil dragons are just bugs the size of earthworms, they will never die.

Although this guess was equally absurd, Lu En felt it was very realistic and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since this is the case, it is actually not a big deal for him to reveal his human appearance. He looks just like the goblins around him. Even the queen who imitates a human being and lifelike person did not notice the one standing in front of him. , is actually a real human being.

Although in a narrow sense, it still needs to be examined whether Lu En is a human being today, but in a broad sense, the scope of human beings is extremely large.

Generally speaking, anyone who considers himself or herself to be a human being should fall into the human category.

After answering this question, the other information Lu En wanted to obtain did not seem ideal.

Although these goblins have wisdom, 90% of them are concentrated on the queen, and they have not formed a civilization, let alone exploring the world and accumulating knowledge. Most of the information is what the queen saw along the way when she first separated from the group, and there is not much reference. .

As for the anomalies in this world that Lu En wants to know most, and where are the beings such as gods and demons that have been sealed in, he still has no idea. Moreover, since the discovery of the Home Tree, the Queen has almost been in the deepest state of mind. He didn't move much, and he knew even less.

Although her intelligence was close to or even surpassed that of humans, in Lu En's eyes, the queen was no different from a beast. Disappointed, he even thought of killing her and trying to eat the spirits.

However, at this time, the queen burst out with a strong desire to survive, and quickly said that although she did not know what Lu En asked, there were other creatures that should know something, at least more than she knew.

That is the home tree itself, or the embodiment of part of its will.

The huge home tree provides food and shelter for countless creatures, and it is even like another world. In this world, there are not only these residents, but also other creatures, playing the role of managers or policemen.

There are always some extremely aggressive groups that try to occupy the entire home tree, or reproduce unscrupulously, destroying the structure of the home tree, and even some groups that feed on plants want to devour the entire home tree.

Usually when this happens, most of them will be solved by other groups that feel threatened. After all, the home tree is shared by everyone, and destroying it is not good for any living thing, but there are always some that these groups cannot resist.

After all, those who can fight are definitely only the nearby groups, not the creatures in the entire home tree. So at this time, it will be the turn of another kind of creature to take action. They are called "Mushu".

Of course, this is the title that Lu En translated based on the queen's mental fluctuations.

They usually look like vines, hanging from the top of the tree canopy to bask in the sun, and may even be regarded as plants, but in fact, they are just creatures shaped like vines, and their fighting power is amazing.

This kind of creature is like the manager or protector of the home tree. Any behavior that is harmful to the home tree will be stopped by them, and the stubborn ones will even be killed. Apart from this, they do not interfere with other members of these groups. All activities.

Therefore, the Queen believes that these Mushu creatures should be the embodiment of the will of the entire Home Tree, at least part of the will. The reason why she feels that these Mushus can communicate is because the Queen also made the same decision when she first came to the Home Tree. An attempt to hollow out the trees in their home.

Then those Mushus came to the door and used pheromones to warn the Queen and asked her to stop this behavior. This made the Queen feel that these Mushus could communicate and should know a lot.

If they are really the embodiment of the will of the Home Tree, and the Home Tree has grown to its current size, you can imagine what they have experienced and known. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are living fossils.

The queen suggested that if Lu En really wanted to know something, it would be better to look for these Mushus. With his strength, he would definitely be able to find what he wanted.

Lu En thinks it makes sense.

So now, he changed into the appearance of the captain goblin again, and flew towards the top under the leadership of another real captain goblin. As for why they are not guard goblins, it is because they are too big and have no wings at all. Even if they have wings, , and also unable to fly.

The energy in this world is extremely suppressed, and everything depends on one's own body. Even the wings on Lu En's back have lost their ability to fly. Fortunately, the ability to walk in the air stimulated by the body has not been affected.

However, on the way, as expected, there was a slight problem. He and the captain goblin were caught by a creature similar to a pterosaur, and they were about to take them back to feed their descendants.

So soon, Lu En changed into the appearance of a pterosaur, flapped his four pairs of wings and began to take off.

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