Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 340 Lu En made a mistake!

"hurry up!"

"it's here!"

Rapid footsteps appeared, and seven or eight figures ran back quickly from the dark corridor.

Finally, under the threat and coercion of a police officer with a gun, other people who wanted to leave finally came back with them.

After all, they did not come to this world as a small team or a few people, but as many as thousands of people in a small town. If they went back and found out that they abandoned the others and escaped, it is hard to say what would happen.

The relationship between these townspeople is very close. It can be said that each other's bones are broken and their tendons are connected. If you give up one of them, there may be a lot of problems behind it. It would be okay if everyone can agree on the same tone, but there are still differences.

Lu En felt someone helping him up, and then he immediately exclaimed!

"Look, Roddy dug out the bugs himself!"

"By God, help him stop the bleeding quickly!"

The two police officers at the core of the team, one was parasitized by insects, and the other had some brains. While quickly instructing everyone to help Lu En stop the bleeding, he also wanted to dig out the parasitic mantis ants from the others, but it took him a long time to do so. , everyone still looked at each other in shock, not daring to make a move.

After all, there is no doctor among them, not even a veterinarian. To put it bluntly, they are all confused about the structure of the human body. Who knows what the consequences will be if a knife is cut. If you accidentally cut off a major artery or something, it will be a murder. Is it the murderer?

Yes, in fact, except for the two unlucky ones who were eaten from the heart, none of the parasitized people were still alive. They were just in a coma due to some toxins secreted by the mantis ants. Lu En probably had to eat one of them. If empty, it will take about two or three days.

In other words, most people are still saved.

The biology teacher in the team was somewhat genuine. Although the process went terribly wrong, the result was similar to what Lu En had predicted. Therefore, everyone quickly started to return with people on their backs, and the exploration plan was temporarily ended.

But before leaving, the sheriff was still angry and crushed the mantis larvae thrown by Luen into a pulp with his kick, because apart from the guy Luen replaced, the other one had his heart eaten directly. Yes, that's the only one left.

This time Lu En was closer and could see it more clearly and a little dimmer. The starlight, which was almost invisible to the naked eye, flew out from the mantis and landed on the Sheriff. No one else noticed it at all.

"It seems that this is not a special case, but a common phenomenon, so my current body should also be able to stimulate this kind of reaction."

Lu En's face was pale, his eyes were closed tightly, and he seemed to be in a coma. In fact, he knew everything that was happening around him. The human body he had now transformed into could not bear even the slightest bit of strength from his real body, and might even have extraordinary auras. contamination, but this also gave him the opportunity to solve the mystery.

If other people can do it, then the person he replaces can also undergo similar changes. When the time comes, it will be clear what the situation will be.

As for now, he should just settle down and be the injured.

He had not discounted the blow he had made to himself. The feeling of weakness and powerlessness now exuding from his whole body even made Lu En feel a strange feeling that he had not seen for a long time. This feeling of weakness had almost never appeared in him since he had the food spirit.

For Lu En, this was more like a novel experience.

Of course, there is a difference between replacing a human being and replacing other living creatures. Human beings are social animals after all and cannot exist in isolation. Under the huge network of all aspects, it is easy for people close to see the flaws.

Fortunately, Lu En was able to obtain the short-term memory of the person he replaced, named Rody. Some habits or familiar and close people probably had some impressions.

The reason why Lu En chose Roddy instead of the Sheriff was because he looked unkempt and had a big beard and hair. He seemed to be lonely and isolated, and he was not easy to reveal his flaws.

But even Lu En made mistakes sometimes.

This Roddy is a geography teacher at the school, which doesn't matter. The key is that this guy also has a wife and a pair of children, and they live in a small town. However, his relationship with his wife doesn't seem to be very good, and they spend most of the year Time lives in school, and of course this is Roddy in the eyes of others.

In fact, as a geography teacher, Roddy had a secret affair with the school's biology teacher. Yes, it was the female teacher who stood behind the sheriff and insisted on coming back to save people.

In addition, he also maintained a pure physical relationship with the wife of a lawyer in the town. As soon as this information came out, Lu En suddenly felt like his head hurt.

Especially the female biology teacher who was still holding his hand tightly in the dark with an extremely worried look on her face. It was obvious that she had real feelings for this Roddy.

However, Lu En, who had received Rody's memory, knew that this guy was just greedy for the other person's beauty from the beginning to the end. He was basically a scumbag who talked sweetly but actually put up his pants and refused to admit it. Otherwise, he would not hook up with other people. wife.

And this female teacher named Liv still has a sweet dream of Roddy divorcing her and then being with her.

Lu En glanced at the female teacher next to him and twitched the corner of his mouth. If nothing else, after completely restraining the power of his true body, he could really see some beauties with his eyes.

It was much easier to go down when we came here, but when we went back we not only had to walk up, but we also had to carry unconscious people on our backs. The team's speed was slowed down a lot. Fortunately, no accidents happened, and the group finally climbed up. Out of the tree hole, we see the sun again.

And not long after, the townspeople who saw them through the watchtower sent people to respond. Not to mention the panic and screams, General Lu En and others were placed in hospital beds.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, the entire hospital, its doctors, nurses, and various medical equipment all traveled through the town, so the operation went very smoothly, and there were several more patients in Lu En's ward.

Originally, Lu En didn't want to wake up at this time, but unfortunately he had been sleeping for almost a day. The other people who took out the mantises all woke up, so it would be unreasonable for him not to wake up.

"Am I still afraid of this kind of battle as a dignified archbishop?"

Lu En muttered silently, finally groaned, and opened his eyes as if waking up from a dream. Suddenly, a figure next to him rushed towards him excitedly.

"Rody, you finally woke up. How do you feel? Do you want some water?"

The female teacher Liv, who was wearing light make-up and had been staying by his side, had a face full of concern. Anyone could detect something fishy. On the other side, Roddy's wife, a woman who still had charm, also poured a glass of water. Holding it in hand, the expression seems to be a smile but not a smile.

"Honey, how are you feeling? Do you want some water?"


Lu En squirmed his dry throat and showed a dry smile to the two of them.

"No, I'm not thirsty!"

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