Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 341 Looking for water!

The same plot at eight o'clock in the evening did not last long. After all, everyone is now in a strange environment and needs to find an instinctive support. As a woman, obviously the best thing is to rely on a man.

On the other hand, Lu En is still seriously injured, and everyone is more or less tolerant towards patients.

Lu En also quickly withdrew from these things. After all, he was not the real Roddy. These entanglements had nothing to do with him. He mixed in with these people just to find the secrets hidden among them.

From the current point of view, the breakthrough point should be the two sheriffs who absorbed Mushu and Mantis. They will definitely undergo some changes, it's just a matter of time.

And as the night passed, something even more amazing happened. The wound on Lu En's chest had healed more than half, and he was even able to get out of bed and walk around freely.

This was not the effect of Lu En's use of his abilities, but the wounds of all the injured people in the ward healed at an unusually fast speed, as if they had been buffed.

Even the doctors couldn't come up with any useful conclusions. In the end, they reluctantly guessed that it might be because of some changes in their bodies after they came to this world, or some nonsense like radiation.

Because this phenomenon occurs not only to Lu En and others, but to all the injured people in the town. The healing speed has been increased by almost ten times. Even some small wounds will disappear automatically after a while, so that People were amazed.

If this happens to one or two people, it may cause envy or panic, but since everyone is in this situation, these townspeople take it lightly and even believe what these doctors say.

However, Lu En feels that it is not so much that they themselves have changed, but that the world has changed, and these people have just adapted to the rules of this world.

In short, being able to go out and roam freely is a good thing for Lu En now. The only drawback is that he cannot attend school classes, so the female teacher Liv almost blatantly sticks to him and cannot even drive him away. .

As for Roddy's first wife, she has almost never been seen since she came to the hospital to see him. The son and daughter have never even seen each other. It seems that the relationship between them is worse than imagined. .

Thinking about it, there is no airtight wall in the world. The matter of Roddy and the female teacher may have spread a lot. After all, in any world, one cannot underestimate people's desire for gossip, especially in a relatively closed town. above.

But now even if Roddy and Liv stick together openly, no one will care about them. Suddenly they came to a strange place, and everyone in the town felt a tightrope in their hearts. Everyone in the town was worried about the mayor. Under the command of the Sheriff, cut down home trees, collect food, and even build wooden walls.

Although even if the city wall is built, it will be useless to 99% of the creatures on the home tree, Lu En still admires this plan.

From a higher perspective, this is not only a waste of time, manpower and resources, but will have no effect in the end, but from a group perspective, this is absolutely necessary.

What is necessary is not the walls, but the work, or the action.

In today's situation, the most undesirable thing is to let everyone be idle, because when they are idle, people will have random thoughts, and even breed all kinds of conflicts under the fear of the unknown. Only by focusing your energy and strength on other aspects can you barely maintain stability.

Moreover, the built city wall will more or less give the townspeople some psychological security. At this time, the unknown dangers outside are not scary, but the inner people's hearts are scary.

"It seems that there are not no talented people in this small town, but that's right. Everyone is educated. Among thousands of people, there will always be some outstanding people who stand out."

Lu En thought to himself, how about saying that troubled times produce heroes, and times create heroes?

And the reason why he could have such emotion was entirely because of the dark-faced, ordinary-looking, even ugly man in front of him, but with piercing eyes.

"Teacher Rody, what are your thoughts?"

This man was sitting in front of Lu En now, his face full of sincerity, but Lu En noticed his peripheral vision and glanced at Liv beside him from time to time.

"This is also for the safety of the townspeople, and I am duty-bound!"

There was no flaw in Lu En's face, and there was nothing righteous or awe-inspiring, but his tone was firm, making Liv's eyes next to him softer and gentler.

From this point of view, this female teacher is indeed a good candidate to get married and start a family. She has good looks and a good figure. However, she was deceived by Rody. She can really be said to be a good cabbage!

The dark-skinned man who looked like a miner sitting in front of them was actually a miner.

However, this miner named Luke has a brother who is a police officer, and he happened to be the one who crushed the mantis, and he also saved Lu En and others, which can be regarded as a life-saving grace. With this relationship, this guy So he came directly to the door.

He is one of the heroes in Lu En's eyes. Originally relying on his brother's relationship, he was considered a small leader in the miners. He is also loyal and loves to fight against injustice. Generally, those who can set up this kind of personality are either really good people or have ulterior motives. generation, of which the latter accounts for the vast majority.

After all, there is no benefit. Who would be willing to help others in vain? Luke is naturally the latter. It was no longer clear what he planned to do, but now, everything that happened suddenly is not only a danger, but also an opportunity in the eyes of some people.

Relying on his original reputation and prestige as the brother of the Sheriff, this guy immediately gathered nearly half of the miners into a group. Although it was a little early for him to take the lead, there were already signs of this. In Luen It seems that this guy's ambitions don't stop there.

Because his purpose of inviting Lu En and others now is to find water for the townspeople.

The entire town was teleported along with the buildings and food, but the water wells, rivers, etc. were not brought along, and the trees in the home were completely flat without any water source.

A person can go without eating for several days, but it is impossible to go without drinking water for several days. One day has just passed and most people have not noticed this crisis yet, but this guy in front of him has a very keen sense of smell and is even ready to take action. .

If he succeeds, you can imagine how much fame he will gain. Under normal circumstances, people will naturally not want others to sit on their heads, but in this situation, everyone urgently needs a strong and brave leader. To give them a sense of security.

There is no doubt that Luke wants to be the leader.

Although from Lu En's point of view, seven out of ten of this guy's invitations seemed to be directed at Liv, and the look in his eyes was filled with some kind of malice, he still agreed to the other party's invitation. .

After all, the Rody now is no longer the Rody before.

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