Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 343 Why don’t you drink water?

Why here?

The tree hole that the Sheriff got into happened to be the tree hole where the goblins were. Lu En was absolutely unmistakable about this, although he did not see any goblins in the dark passage.

There are no coincidences in the extraordinary world. Lu En felt that this was more like something that attracted the Sheriff.

"Rody, something doesn't seem right here!"

Liv's soft, fragrant and warm jade was almost completely pressed against Lu En's body. She held a flashlight in one hand and scanned the surrounding tree walls, and whispered to him uneasily.


Lu En just nodded vaguely and didn't say much. Something was definitely wrong, because in some dark corners, there were countless goblins lurking, watching them secretly, but when the light swept over, But he hid it again.

This looks like something from a horror movie.

The group of people hurriedly followed the footsteps of the Sheriff, Luke and others, not paying attention to the changes around them. Only Lu En noticed that the wall of the home tree next to it looked very fresh, as if it had just been excavated.

"Is there a light ahead?"

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded in Lu En's ears, and then they suddenly saw some soft and hazy green light emerging from the darkness not far away, and vaguely moving figures could be seen.

"It's Luke and the others!"

Several miners following Lu En shouted excitedly, but Lu En consciously pulled Liv's feet and slowed down a few beats, and still let these people pass them and hurried past.

"Come here, we really found water!"

Luke's shouting came from ahead, and he was extremely excited. Lu En and Liv slowly approached, and finally discovered that the source of the soft green light turned out to be a pool of crystal clear, pure water. !

A fresh and sweet smell filled the air. At this time, the Sheriff, Luke and others were excitedly gathered around the pool. Some even leaned down and started drinking.

"It's so sweet and delicious!"

The unknown miner buried his head in the pool for almost half a minute, then finally raised his head, let out a comfortable groan, and exhaled a long breath with an expression of extreme enjoyment.

"I've never had such delicious water!"

"Really, let me try too!"


The police officer acting strangely, the strange sense of peeping all around, and the sudden appearance of a pool of water.

Everyone seemed not to feel the strangeness in it, and instead began to drink the water in large gulps. What's even more strange is that this small and shallow water pool, even if it was drunk by more than a dozen people, , the water level has not dropped at all.

Nowadays, the only normal human being is probably Lu En's Roddy, and Liv beside him has loosened her grip on him at some point and walked towards the water pool with bright eyes.

“Looks delicious”

Liv murmured to herself, gradually approaching the water pool, and Lu En was right behind her, without any thought of stopping her.

"Why don't you go drink water with everyone?"

Suddenly, a gentle female voice sounded in Lu En's ears, and then a group of green light emerged from the tree wall next to him. A beautiful lady with a hot figure, but only the size of a thumb, fanned her crystal The little wings flew out and stared at Lu En curiously.

The eyes are pure and clean, like the best crystal, without any impurities.

Even a person with a heart as solid as ice will melt under such a baby-like pure gaze, and even feel like his soul is being washed, and he can't help but want to do what she says.

This thumb-sized fairy exudes an indescribable charm.

"Aren't you thirsty after walking for so long?"

After tilting his head and glancing at Lu En, the little goblin spoke again, flapping his little wings and flying to his shoulders. A fresh feeling of nature instantly filled the tip of Lu En's nose.

"Sorry, I'm not very thirsty."

Lu En rubbed his nose and answered, but saw the elf chuckle, "This is the legendary water. If you don't drink it, it will be gone!"

What is the legendary water?

Lu En felt that the little elf's wings were flapping and seemed to be emitting something. Lu En suddenly felt the instinct and impulse to drink that water.

At the same time, all the people who were drinking water by the pool suddenly turned their heads, stared at Lu En, and asked in unison, with overlapping voices: "Why don't you drink water?"

This instinct is completely automatic in the body, and Lu En can easily overcome it with his consciousness. However, under the gaze of many eyes, Lu En still walked directly to the water pool, then picked up the water and took a big gulp.

It's not that Lu En is afraid, although he is sure that if he doesn't drink water, a mosaic-like scene will definitely happen next, but this still does not pose a threat to him.

Lu En did this out of curiosity.

Now it is certain that the search for water may have been entirely the result of the Sheriff's seduction, with the purpose of bringing them here. But then, what is the purpose of attracting these people, what is the function of these pools, and what is the purpose of bringing them here? have

Lu En glanced at the goblin sitting on his shoulder, swinging her white feet, out of the corner of his eye, and his pupils shrank slightly.

If he guessed correctly, this little goblin who was only the size of a thumb and seemed to exist only in fairy tales was the previous goblin queen!

Not only because her face was exactly the same as the one Lu En had seen before, but also because this fragile-looking little thing was actually a bishop-level being who was unscrupulous!

From the huge body before to the size of a thumb now, not only the strength has not changed, but the memory and personality have even been cleaned and changed. Lu En can only think of a mastermind who can do this.


It was obvious that the creator wanted to use these humans for something, but instead of showing up in person, he took this roundabout way of hiding himself behind the scenes.

The pool water that Lu En drank was actually not unfamiliar to him, because it was originally the sap of the home tree, but some other things were added to it.

This does not seem to be harmful to humans. Lu En even felt that his body was rapidly strengthened, and the injuries on his chest were all healed in the blink of an eye. It felt like it had been improved by two or three times. If he changed his attributes, If the value is correct, all items should exceed 1.5.


Suddenly, Lu En narrowed his eyes slightly and saw that the originally dull expression of the Sheriff suddenly shuddered, and then the flesh and blood on both sides of his neck suddenly separated, and two sharp spikes protruded from them. The tips were hollow like straws, and suddenly He plunged into the pool and began to draw.

Then, his body surface turned into a strange floral green, his eyes turned into crab-like structures with vertical handles that rotated freely, his cheeks split open, revealing staggered fangs, and the police uniform on his body was instantly destroyed by countless people. The hair was pierced, making it look ferocious and terrifying.

He didn't seem to notice it himself, but showed a drunken expression. Although everyone around him looked at it, no one took it to heart, as if it was just a trivial matter.

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