Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 344 Deterioration and Protection!

The last group of people gulped down the whole pool of water without stopping.

The unknown substance contained in the pool also strengthened everyone's body to an extremely exaggerated degree. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are little supermen. From this point of view, this is similar to some legendary treasures.

Of course, compared with the physical changes, the minds of these people are more changed. Lu En found that their minds seemed to be in a very strange state. The originally weird scenes seemed to be commonplace now, and they did not even show any surprise or fear for the changes of the sheriff.

Moreover, Lu En also felt that there were some subtle connections between him and the people around him, as if they could feel what each other wanted to express without speaking.

For example, now, Lu En felt a ball of hot love, burning like a flame around him. As expected, Liv came over and hugged his arm again, and not far away, Luke looked at the two people and clearly showed jealousy and anger.

But that was all.

The emotions and thoughts of these people seemed to be separated. In other words, the external emotions were more like the derivative of the body's instincts, which did not affect their consciousness and decisions at all. Even if they were angry, they would not make angry actions.

Their inner selves were in an absolutely rational state. Lu En felt that a force was continuously and slowly transforming his brain, but his consciousness was too strong and was not affected at all.

It was also because of his strong consciousness that Lu En felt that he seemed to have blocked something, so he slowly lowered his voice, and the vague sound in his ears became clearer and clearer, like a voice, talking to them in his mind.

Or, this voice was only one-sided, issuing tasks to them.

"So, that's it?"

Lu En chose to listen quietly, but a little strange color flashed in his eyes from time to time.


On the black land mixed with bones, a figure walked on it, with fine lines like water waves on his body. Some passing armored vehicles and even soldiers ignored it.

Not far away, dark red artillery fire and explosions sounded one after another. There were even fighter planes whizzing past in the sky, dropping explosive fireworks one after another, covering an entire area. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, no one would believe that this happened near the federal capital.

Although the outside world has been noisy, for this figure, everything around him will only make him more confused.

"There is no breath of the nightmare world, but everything that happened around here."

The figure muttered to himself, and suddenly the ground in the distance bulged up, and then quickly approached him, as if something was passing underground, and it came to his feet in the blink of an eye.


A big mouth that could swallow half a person, with sharp teeth on the edge, suddenly drilled out of the soil, with a fishy smell, but the figure was not panicked at all, staring at the distance absent-mindedly as if he didn't notice it.


In the air, a huge translucent tentacle rolled out, and with a bang, it smashed the big mouth and the ground together, making a huge dent, and dark green liquid immediately seeped out of the soil.

That's right, this person is Nim who just returned from the Nightmare Realm.

He was originally planning something in the imperial capital, but suddenly heard that a serious extraordinary incident broke out in the place where he just returned from the Nightmare Realm, so he hurried over to check the specific situation.

However, after arriving, he found that everything that happened here did not have the breath of the Nightmare Realm at all, which means that this matter has nothing to do with the Nightmare Realm?

"But these monsters are obviously not from this world, why."

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, looking at the original location of the town. At this time, there were only a few wreckages left, more of which were potholes, scrapped armored vehicles and fighter planes, and the hideous corpses of monsters of various shapes, outlining a tragic battlefield scene.

Now in the air, a figure with electric light all over his body is fighting with a huge bishop-level monster with spikes all over his body. The aftermath from time to time falls on the ground and forms hideous pits.

This is the second day of the abnormality. The scope of the black land is still expanding. Countless monsters are swarming out of it. So far, even bishop-level creatures have appeared. Both the army and the Red Gloves were caught off guard by this sudden outbreak.

Fortunately, the army reacted quickly and did not let these monsters spread out, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

But hundreds of miles away is the political center of the entire federation. Faced with this situation, Nim couldn't help but feel anxious and whispered to himself: "Should I do something?"

When he was the Grand Priest before, nothing would work, but now he is at the bishop level. If he takes action, it will indeed help relieve a large part of the pressure on the federation.

Although the Red Gloves still have the Night Watch as a support, are the Night Watchmen really reliable?

The lightning figure in the distance is still inseparable from the monster, but Nim knows that the bishop-level combat power of these Red Gloves is limited by time and cannot carry out a long-term battle. Just when he was about to make up his mind, he suddenly saw a shadow in his peripheral vision.


Nim was suddenly startled, his whole body tensed up, and he turned his eyes away instantly.

Indeed, right next to him, at some point, a figure whose whole body was shrouded in black robes, and even his face was blurred, stood quietly not far away.

Nim didn't even know when he appeared next to her!

"Do you want to help them, Nightmare Child?"

The black-robed man's face was aimed at Nim. Although he couldn't see his facial features clearly, Nim felt that the other person was looking at him with a strange look. His face changed slightly, and a figure suddenly appeared on the ground beside him. There were a few scratches, as if some huge but invisible existence was surrounding him, making a cold sound.

"Who are you?"

"Haha, me?"

The man in black robe chuckled twice, and Nim couldn't tell the other person's gender from the voice. It was a pure neutral without any impurities.

"The so-called name is just an insignificant mark, but if you want to know, you can call me, Ju!"

The man in black robe seemed to throw out a code name at random, but Nim didn't dwell on it. Instead, he stared at the other person warily: "Tell me your purpose, why do you want to stop me?"

Yes, just before Nim decided to take action, the man in black robe suddenly appeared. Nim did not believe this was a coincidence. The greater possibility was that the other party was trying to do something on his own.

And if you can infer his behavior from his personality, it is obvious that the other party knows him very well.

"Stop you?"

The man in black robe gently shook his head: "No, Nim, we are protecting you. We are always here. When you first awakened, we covered your breath, sent messages to the remaining Nightmare Sons, and helped you on your way to escape. Farmers, businessmen, etc., we are protecting you.”

"It's like a selfless parent protecting his child. Don't you feel it, son of a nightmare?"


Nim suddenly took two big steps back, his pupils shrank, and a huge and ferocious sea monster appeared behind him. Ice crystals condensed in the air. He looked at the man in black robes with a slightly ferocious look in his eyes: "Who are you?"

"That's the point, Nim."

The man in black robe smiled slightly: "The original sect greets you, son of nightmare!"

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