Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 720 Nuclear proliferation button!

The sun was setting, and it was about to set, spreading a sheen like blood on the ground.

A huge balcony located at the highest end of the city, second only to the two mage towers, was originally a place where nobles and celebrities in the city held banquets. Their favorite thing was to light up the surroundings with candles at dusk, showing that they were different from others. A person's wealth, power or other things.

This is the Vanity Fair that everyone in Enoch City longs for. Every year, young boys and girls sneak into it, trying to reach the sky and get the life they dream of. As a result, countless conspiracies, love, hatred and hatred have arisen. .

But now, on this balcony surrounded by flowers, there is just a young figure standing quietly, looking indifferently at everything happening in the city, looking at those people who claim to be noble, and in the end, like everyone else, they are confused. wandering around, mixed together inconspicuously.

There are many injustices in this world, so Luen showed mercy and granted them the most common justice - death.

In such a world where both technology and systems are extremely backward, the spread of blood poison is almost unstoppable. There is no need to kill, just to be scratched or bitten. Within a few minutes, an ordinary person will become a new infection. source.

This kind of terrifying virus, even if placed on the Blue Star where Lu En lived in his previous life, would be enough to cause devastating disasters, not to mention this backward world. The more people there are, the faster it spreads. It only took half a day. , the leading city in this area, turned into a dead city.

Zombies infected by blood poison have a natural desire for fresh blood. They can even smell the fragrant smell emanating from the blood vessels of a living person through the wall, and then break in, causing the number of survivors to decrease sharply.

Of course, in this city of tens of thousands of people, there is still a small group of people who are special cases and will not be attacked by zombies.

"Sir, everyone has been brought here!"

Soft footsteps came from behind, followed by a nervous female voice. Along with some messy breathing and noises, a group of people appeared behind Lu En.

The speaker was a beautiful woman wearing a black dress. In a city full of death and blood, she was dressed extremely enchantingly, revealing her delicate collarbone and half a ball, with a red gem embedded in the middle. People have a strong desire to reach in and find out.

This is a rich and famous lady in Yinuo City, the object of many people's covetousness, but only a few people know that her true identity is actually a blood mage.

Everyone knows that the most dangerous place is the safest place, and unlike necromancers, many blood mages focus more on pleasure, which makes it easy for them to get around the city and even occupy high positions.

Necromancers are aloof and spend most of their time in the mage tower, playing their own games. As long as they don't cause trouble at will, in fact, most necromancers will not spend energy and time searching for the blood mages under their rule. Willing to stay with the undead skeletons and conduct his own research.

Behind the woman, there were about seven or eight people standing, both men and women, old and young. The oldest one’s hair and beard were already gray. One can imagine the status of those who have lived for such a long time under the rule of the Necromancer. And the younger ones, it seems He looks about fourteen or fifteen years old.

They are all blood mages hidden in Enoch City, as well as blood mages' apprentices.

Lu En turned around calmly. The noble lady quickly lowered her head and at the same time secretly pushed up her breasts. Lu En's eyes directly ignored her and looked at the people behind her.

A middle-aged man, an old man, and an old woman looked like a family, which was indeed the case. The woman was surrounded by four trembling boys and girls. Seeing Lu En glance over, He quickly lowered his head.

For the sake of safety and confidentiality, the inheritance of blood mage is often carried out within the family. The family in front of me is the blood mage family in Yinuo City, and the beautiful woman is the eldest daughter of the family.

"I don't want to talk nonsense. I have called you here because I have a task for you!"

Lu En got straight to the point, his tone was unequivocal, and he had no intention of asking for their opinions. In the face of absolute power, any refusal would be in vain.

"Whatever you need us to do, please just ask us!"

The seemingly sickly old woman was actually the strongest among them, but even she had the illusion of standing tall when facing Lu En, as if she were facing the sea. She stepped forward and acted extremely. humble.

"You saw it on the way here. Everything that happened was my doing. What do you think?"

Lu En did not directly tell them what he wanted them to do, but instead asked the old woman. It seemed like a bloody show off, but the old woman couldn't help but shudder.

Because she didn't hear any hint of showing off, pride, or even madness in Lu En's tone. Instead, she felt an unusually cold and indifferent emotion. It seemed that the tens of thousands of people who died for him did not arouse any concern in him. Mood swings.

This is not boasting, nor seeking approval or fear, just a plain description, just like where I went today and what I ate.

This is a madman, a complete madman!

Before the old woman came, she was actually full of anger and had many plans to take action, because in this ruined city, there was her wealth, power, servants, everything she owned, but now, she really faced Lu En. At that time, she didn't even dare to look at him.

As a blood mage, she had let countless people bleed alive and bathed in the blood of young girls, but her evil deeds were nothing compared to Lu En. There were tens of thousands of people. Even thinking about it made the old woman shudder and feel terrified. "Your strength is far beyond our imagination, comparable to the legendary gods!" After calming down, the old woman responded in a low voice. "Gods, have you seen real gods?" Lu En smiled inexplicably, shook his head gently, flicked his fingers, and a few blood lights burst out from his fingertips, then sank into everyone's body and disappeared. "This is a spell I developed, called blood poison. It works just as you can see. It has two forms: rapid transmission and temporary latency. It all depends on you."

Lu En's fingers fell down, and he turned around to admire the bloody sunset. His voice was flat and emotionless: "I want you to leave here and spread blood poison in other cities. If you meet other blood mages, you can also teach them. Are you willing?"

Lu En turned his back to them. The old man and the middle-aged man were about to speak, but the old woman had already taken the lead and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, we are willing to act according to the adults' requirements!"

As she said, the old woman grabbed the old man's hand and shook her head gently.

"Well, go down and make arrangements!"

Lu En waved his hand directly and let them leave just like that, but the beautiful woman did not move her feet, but quietly came over and pressed her breasts against his back.

"Why don't you leave?"

"I'm willing to stay with you and serve you!"

The beautiful woman smiled, her eyes full of charm, but it was a pity that Lu En didn't turn his head, which was like throwing a wink to a blind man.


Lu En chuckled and suddenly said: "After this matter spreads, the necromancer and the blood mage are already fighting to the death. If the blood poison spreads, the blood mage can also manipulate some infected bodies to block the necromancer's servants, otherwise he can only run away and be hunted down until he dies."

"I know what you are thinking, but if you don't do it, it doesn't mean that the necromancer won't do it. I hope I can see you alive and kicking again in the future."

After Lu En finished speaking, the beautiful woman behind him suddenly changed her face several times, and finally picked up her skirt and hurriedly chased the old woman who left.

"This move is called forcing someone to take action!"

It is conceivable that after the news of Yinuo City spread, the conflict between the necromancers and blood mages will be more intensified, because Lu En's approach is too vicious, it is simply cutting off the firewood from the bottom of the pot. Whether it is a blood mage or a necromancer, in the final analysis, they are all born from the existence of the human race.

If the previous blood mage only threatened the status of the necromancers, then after mastering the blood poison technique, the blood mage has threatened the foundation of the existence of the necromancers, and it must be eliminated as soon as possible without any room for negotiation.

The simplest example is a certain Lak who has mastered oil resources and tried to study nuclear weapons. The former was smiled and silent by the Americans, and the latter was immediately arranged.

The blood poison technique is a nuclear weapon that destroys the world, and now Lu En has spread the button. Lu En does not believe that in the face of the crisis of death, everyone has a firm and incomparable overall view, otherwise the idiom of drinking poison to quench thirst would not have been invented.

After I die, who cares about the flood!

This is the truest reflection of many people's inner thoughts. There may be saints, but not everyone can be a saint.

It is impossible for one person to grow mushrooms as fast as a group of people, right?

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