Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 721 Half a month, the bloodthirsty king! (asking for votes)

Lu En's plan is not just a city of Enoch.

After getting the blood poison developed by Old Vader from an unknown town, Luen spent some time to re-develop this extraordinary virus, created the blood poison spell, and then began to implement his plan.

Since he no longer wanted to reverse the outbreak of blood poison like the old Vader, Luen greatly enhanced the spread speed and infectivity of the blood poison based on the old Vader, but instead it was able to infect the human body. Viruses that have been dormant for years or even decades can now only stay dormant for ten days at most.

Of course, this is a good thing for Lu En.

After setting off from the small town, he not only coerced and induced some humans he met on the road to carry the infection and spread it to nearby human gathering places, but also spread the virus on other people, but it was in the incubation stage for the time being. Even these people I don't even know.

Not all human gathering places are as densely populated as Enoch City. In fact, the vast majority of human beings in this world are scattered into small settlements. Villages and towns with hundreds to thousands of people are dotted around. Once an outbreak really breaks out Infection, there are definitely many survivors.

Enoch City has a towering city wall, and Lu En secretly closed the city gates. Catching turtles in the urn has catastrophic consequences. The population is densely populated, with tens of thousands. Once infected, it will increase exponentially and spread quickly. All over the city.

If it is a village with only a few hundred people, and zombies rush in and infect half of them, it would be considered a great success. Human beings' survival wisdom and desire to escape must not be underestimated.

Moreover, after Lu En's transformation, the zombies that were originally infected and were much stronger than ordinary people now only retain short-range super explosive power and some sensitive senses. Unless a zombie wave forms and has an absolute numerical advantage, otherwise Ordinary people can still escape.

That's why Lu En had an idea and asked other blood mages to help him spread the virus.

It can be expected that the blood poisonous disaster that breaks out from the center of Inno City will definitely cause everyone to panic, and then form a raging wave of refugees. The survivors will take the initiative to leave this area and go to places they think are safe. place, and then the virus lurking in some people's bodies explodes.

Tsk tsk, Lu En found that once he did something bad, he was almost afraid of his own evil!

After doing this important thing, Lu En did not leave, but stayed in Enoch City, like a spider spreading its web, standing in the center of the web, accepting all kinds of things from all directions. information.

This is a wise decision, because the population density of this world has not reached an exaggerated level, just like the Resident Evil series that Lu En once watched. A virus breaks out in one place and can quickly spread throughout the world. Finally the end comes.

If we only rely on Lu En alone, he may not be able to achieve the desired goal even if he doesn't stop until he is exhausted, and he has to eliminate pressure from all aspects. After all, his behavior can be said to be a complete act of annihilation, regardless of blood. Wizards, necromancers, and even ordinary people are all on the opposite side of him.

Lu En suspected that if he continued to jump, there was a great possibility that he would be strangled by all the forces in the world. This was also an inevitable backlash.

The emergence of blood poison gave him a way to complete the task that could be called cheating, but he also had to bear the consequences.

Fortunately, Lu En has now passed on the virus along with the risks to other blood mages. If these blood mages are smart, they will use the fastest speed to spread the blood poison technique to the entire blood mage group. spread among.

Because this is the best way to protect yourself. The concept of a nuclear button capable of destroying the world is in the hands of a few people and in the hands of hundreds or thousands of people. The former will be jointly strangled, while the latter D.

When the blood mages, who have been oppressed by necromancers for hundreds of years and hunted for hundreds of years, find that they have the ability to overturn tables, you can only imagine what choices they will make when they face a life-and-death crisis again. Know.

Therefore, now Lu En's years are quiet and leisurely, but with Enoch City as the center, the curtain of world destruction has been slowly opened.

On the second day after the blood poisoning disaster broke out in Enoch City, blood poisoning infections broke out in sixteen nearby villages and six large towns at the same time.

On the fourth day, the blood poison continued to spread outwards, and ordinary people had no power to fight back, forming a huge wave of refugees that swept in all directions.

On the fifth day, some nearby necromancers reacted and used their undead servants to form several lines of defense. However, in the refugee flow, infection broke out again, and a fire suddenly broke out in the rear. Looking at one thing and the other, they could only escape in embarrassment.

On the eighth day, countless refugees spread the news of the disaster throughout the surrounding area, causing huge panic. Everyone was panicked and began to gradually flee. At the same time, infected zombies spread, and panic boiled.

On the tenth day, in order to eliminate people's panic, and because of fear and vague news, the necromancers announced that the disaster originated from the blood mages, and mobilized their power to strangle the blood mages hiding in the dark. They gained the support of ordinary people, and nearly The identity of two-digit blood mages was exposed and they were mercilessly slaughtered.

On the twelfth day, a blood poison disaster broke out again in the spreading refugee flow. The surging corpses directly overwhelmed several undead mages who were caught off guard. At the same time, in two big cities with more than 30,000 people, a blood mage took the initiative to cast blood poison spell revenge

On the fifteenth day, no more news could come from further away, because a dead land had formed around Enoch City, with countless zombies wandering on it. The necromancer had no choice but to abandon this land. However, many blood mages who were being hunted fled into this area.

In just half a month, Luen achieved an unprecedented achievement, completely expelling the necromancers from this area and turning it into a paradise for blood mages.

Since blood poison is a virus developed based on the magic power of blood mages, not only cannot it infect blood mages, but infected zombies can also be manipulated by blood mages to a certain extent. Therefore, in the face of the joint strangulation of many necromancers, For the first time, the blood mages were evenly matched, and even had a vague upper hand.

There is no way. Although zombies are generally weak, and a single skeleton warrior can fight five of them, there are too many of them, and they are extremely infectious. As long as there is a slight wound, an ordinary person can immediately become an infected person. source, and then the number increases geometrically, drowning everything.

The mage towers originally built in cities were the strongest fortresses of the necromancers. However, once the virus spread, the cities turned into huge cages. Necromancers with quick reactions could still take the opportunity to escape, while those with slow reactions could Then the people and the tower were submerged together.

Disasters are like hurricanes, sweeping the entire world at an unimaginable speed. As the initiator of all this, Lu En, whose real name no one knows, is called by countless people with a tone of fear and awe:

Bloodthirsty King!

Although it has become a salty fish in the second watch, I still want the tickets o(╥﹏╥)o

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