Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 724 One sword once served as the master of millions!

it's over!

Whether it was the Necromancer who was expressionless but felt uneasy in his heart, or the unknown Blood Mage who was hiding in the dark, they all breathed a long sigh of relief when they saw Lu En being overwhelmed by the undead servants, and sentenced Lu En to death in their hearts. .

Mages in this world can use magic power to cast all kinds of incredible spells, thereby gaining power beyond ordinary people. However, magic power is not the so-called fighting spirit. It does not strengthen the body of the mage. It even has great side effects, like a living dead. The Necromancer.

Some mages will use spells to strengthen their bodies, but at most they will only be stronger than ordinary people, not to an outrageous level.

In the mind of the necromancer, once surrounded by his servants, even a missionary-level blood mage will never be able to struggle out. Mages are not warriors, and distance is crucial in their battles.

"I thought he had some trump cards, but I didn't expect that he was really a fool. Are he still counting on other blood mages to save him?"

The necromancer held the bone staff and looked down at the center surrounded by his servants. A scarlet light loomed, and his heart felt relaxed. The attack that he originally thought required a lot of effort and cost was actually successful like this?

The answer is of course impossible!

"Blood Flame Technique!"

A calm voice suddenly passed through the layers of obstacles and reached the ears of the Necromancer. Then right in front of his eyes, the seemingly shaky light suddenly expanded rapidly, and then burst into flames with a roar!


Scarlet flames like water flowed around Lu En. This violent spell, which is recognized as difficult to control among blood mages, was as obedient as a cat in Lu En's hands, surrounding it layer by layer to form a closed circle. Finally, Lu En let out a soft drink. , exploded with a bang!

The compressed blood flames in the ring completely spread out in a violent way, forming a raging fire storm with Lu En as the center. A violent shock wave erupted, immediately crushing dozens of skeleton warriors around into bone slag.

Da da da!

But it was not just the weakest skeleton warriors who besieged Lu En. Suddenly, several black shadows passed through the flames, carrying incomparable charging power, and rushed straight towards Lu En. They were simply unstoppable!

Death Knight, charge!

"Little tricks!"

Lu En even had some free time to glance at the surprised necromancer, then flipped his wrist, and a bloody sword half as tall as a man appeared in his hand.

Thanks to the collection during this period and the help of Skynet, he now has everything in his spell library, including all kinds of spells.

"Blood Sword Technique!"

Compressing magic power into an indestructible sword has miraculous effects on the minions of the Necromancer. This was created by a blood mage who was once a warrior. Of course, the final result can be imagined.


Lu En narrowed his eyes slightly and heard the sound of blood flowing from his body, as if stirring in a great river, surging and surging, providing every inch of muscle with incomparable strength wherever it passed.

"Blood Burning Technique!"

A spell used by blood mages to torture ordinary people can make them feel the pain of burning blood, but on the other hand, it can also greatly stimulate the potential of the human body at the cost of one's own life.

However, under Lu En's control, the effect of the blood-burning technique was just on the limit of strengthening the body without causing damage. The specific effect was like an adrenaline injection.

It’s a long story. It only took Lu En a moment to cast these two spells on himself, and it also only took a moment for the charging death knight!


Like a soft willow swaying in the wind, or like a trickle of water flowing through the gaps between the cobblestones, Lu En's figure disappeared from everyone's eyes at this moment, replaced by the smooth curves emerging in the air, which seemed to tell this A truth that the world has never known.

It is a perfect combination of strength and skill. It is different from the mage's leveraging rules to induce power. This is completely derived from the inner power of a life!

When ordinary skills reach their peak, can they be called extraordinary?

Lu En said, yes.

His figure emerged from behind the death knight again, his arm lowered and the tip of the sword dropped to the ground, and then he let out a breath.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Behind him, the eyes of several death knights who charged past still retained indescribable shock, as if a new door was pushed open in front of them, and then they all shook, and they fell to the ground together with people and horses. , completely dead.

This horrifying scene seemed to stop even the battlefield for a moment, and all eyes were focused on one person.

It's my turn!

It was a strange feeling. Although Lu En didn't say anything, but after looking at him, the necromancer understood the meaning in his eyes, and then the crisis in his heart became overwhelming, and he burst into a crazy roar:

kill him!

Fortunately, the undead servants are not afraid and are not afraid of death. Otherwise, whether they would still have the courage to attack Lu En is another question. In short, following the instructions of the necromancer, the morale of these undead was not hindered in the slightest and they still launched the attack.

Click, click, click!

The bones rubbed against each other, and before the charging skeleton warrior could even get close, his head flew out directly. The banshee screamed and jumped down from the air, and lightly collided with the lingering sword net. Immediately, it turned over and shattered into pieces. The tattered long skirt looked like Like flying butterflies.

Lu En took each step with his sword. He was in a fierce battlefield with attacking undead servants from all directions, but it felt like he was just strolling in a leisurely garden. He easily opened up a path outwards. No undead could stand in his way. With a casual sword attack, Zuna could only watch helplessly as he easily broke through.

Then, taking a step that seemed slow but actually fast, shrinking to an inch, he walked towards the necromancer riding the undead dragon.

One step, one third!

Another step, halfway across the distance!

At this moment, the Necromancer finally moved, but instead of launching an attack, he controlled the ground dragon and quickly retreated.

He is afraid!

The necromancer could swear that he had never encountered such a strange situation in all his years of living. The blood mage in front of him simply broke through his solid outlook on life and caused unprecedented panic.

Although necromancers lack emotions, some of their emotions are stronger than when they are humans. Don't think that because they often deal with the undead, they will not be afraid of death. In fact, necromancers are more afraid of death than ordinary people!

Of course, for Lu En, don't you think it's too late to think about escaping now?

No one could see his movements clearly, because no one in this world could perfectly combine power and magic like him. After only two breaths, he appeared at the moment when the necromancer turned his head in fear. behind him.

Within five steps, everyone will be wiped out!

The necromancer didn't know that this sentence was spread in another world, but at the moment when his head flew up and his consciousness disappeared, he felt the violent beauty that was completely different from the spell.

Calmness and recklessness, madness and indifference, these completely opposite qualities are all concentrated in one person.

"Dead. No injustice."

At the last moment, the necromancer thought so.

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