Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 725 Cursed Blood Mage!

In fact, if Lu En really wanted to get rid of the Necromancer, he could go even faster.

With his current total magic power and spell arsenal, he could just stand still and smash the necromancer and his servants into rubble. However, Lu En still preferred the refreshing feeling of mobilizing his body and punching to the flesh.

It's a pity that the rules of this world are biased in favor of mages. The so-called warriors are basically the potential servant resources of the undead mages. Otherwise, Lu En will definitely let the mages of this world know what it means to be unparalleled in the world and the king of the century!

Getting back to the subject, despite the huge momentum, the time it took to actually deal with the Necromancer was less than half a minute. After easily killing the Necromancer, the servants who followed behind were all frozen in place. Like a sculpture.

In fact, the outcome was already doomed from the moment this necromancer dared to appear in front of him carelessly. If he hid in some hidden place, it might be even more troublesome.

Although he is now a famous bloodthirsty king outside, and the name may have a terrifying effect on children, but in the eyes of these mages, he is still a blood mage, and it is not easy to break the inherent impression. one thing.

Of course, Lu En has not forgotten that there is another enemy hidden in the secret.


Standing on the head of the undead dragon, Lu En dispersed the blood sword technique, and clenched his palm instead. A red ball appeared in the air, covered with spikes like a sea urchin, and then with a hiss, It fell towards a wasteland.

For mages in this world, each spell must be released with full concentration and must be coordinated with gestures, materials, spells, etc. in order to exert its maximum power. However, for Lu En, silent spell casting is a basic operation.

The blood mage hiding in secret did not expect that Lu En not only easily killed the necromancer with one sword but also released a powerful offensive spell without any warning, and he was caught off guard.


The moment the red sea urchin touches the ground, it melts like beeswax, and then spreads and expands rapidly. The ground it touches quickly softens and turns red, turning into a swamp-like terrain. The weeds, sand and gravel on it begin to emit green smoke. Sizzles and melts.

This scene is like a large vat of strong sulfuric acid poured directly on the ground.


The corrosion of the ground was all-round and three-dimensional, expanding from depth to area, and soon an acne-like wound was formed on the ground. In this case, the mysterious blood mage hidden underground finally couldn't bear it any longer, and an acne-like wound was formed on the ground. A semi-illusory arm suddenly stretched out from the ground.

This arm is nearly three meters long and has only three fingers. Its surface is dark gray and covered with black spots. It gives people an ominous premonition at a glance. Its texture is even softer, as if the inside is completely rotten. It will explode if it moves. There is a certain "explosion" effect.

Of course, this was actually not as fragile as it seemed. He quickly extended his arm, grabbed the ground next to him, then pulled out the carrot and brought out the mud, and a huge figure jumped out of the swamp.

This was a monster nearly five meters tall. It had extremely long arms and a stooped body. Its mouth was full of fangs. Its forearms were like a gorilla resting on the ground. It was grinning at Lu En. Its face and body were extremely ugly.

However, Lu En's attention was not on this monster. Instead, he turned his eyes and saw a middle-aged man in rich clothes curled up inside the monster. At this time, he was slowly opening his eyes, and his body was semi-illusory. The monsters are gradually disappearing.

The other person's face, Lu En said, was familiar to him, but he also said he was unfamiliar to him.

"Cursed Blood Mage, Dukat!"

Lu En was condescending, watching the blood mage who was dressed like a noble standing steadily, and spit out a name.

Strange because he had never met this blood mage before and had no interaction with him. Familiar because Skynet had provided him with some information about these blood mages not long ago.

One of the four major missionaries among the blood mages—the cursed blood mage!

"I didn't expect you to recognize me?"

Dukat's real voice sounded rich and deep, giving people the feeling of a big shot. His lips moved a few words, and some gray-white faces suddenly appeared and rotated around him, forming a barrier.

This powerful blood mage specializes in curse spells, a branch of the auxiliary system. It is said that he is very powerful and has great prestige among the blood mage group.

"I didn't expect that it was you who colluded with the Necromancer. Can you tell me why?"

Lu En tapped his fingers, and a blood-colored translucent barrier covered the body surface, and his tone was quite curious.

It stands to reason that the relationship between the blood mage and the necromancer has reached the point where they are incompatible with each other and are fighting to the death. Lu En is now a rising star among the blood mages. As a blood mage, helping the necromancer kill him has a certain influence on him. What are the benefits?

Absolutely not!

Could it be that this Cursed Mage is a spy planted by the Necromancer?

Lu En's imagination was wide open.


Dukat glanced at Lu En coldly: "Don't you know what you did? Kill old Vader, take away the spells he studied, spread the blood poison, and actively provoke a war. You Do you really think you can become the king of blood mages that those guys are touting?"

"But isn't everything I've done for the future of the entire blood mage?"

Luen spread his hands.


Dukat sneered: "You are destroying everyone's future. The blood poison disaster will spread and turn everyone into monsters. Without people, both necromancers and blood mages will eventually perish!"

The curse mage's tone was full of murderous intent: "If you are really for the future of the blood mage, then you should die obediently and use your own sacrifice to exchange for our future!"

"To tell you the truth, we have reached an agreement with the Necromancer. The Blood Mage can appear in the sun openly and rule the world together with the Necromancer. However, the premise of all this is to kill you and your Those followers!"

Dukat suddenly made a shocking statement and revealed an important piece of information.

"So that's it. Let me ask you, why are more and more blood mages coming here during this period? It turns out that we have become victims?"

Lu En nodded calmly, touched his chin, looked at Dukat, and suddenly said: "Is your spell ready?"


The Cursed Mage, who had been extremely calm since his appearance and turned a blind eye to Lu En's power, suddenly changed his face. Before he could react, he saw Lu En mentioning it, and a large, intricately intertwined blood-colored image emerged from all directions. The net passed over his body.

"In that case, please tell me that I am waiting for you here, don't let me down!"

Oh no!

Dukat's body was like a building block, broken into countless small pieces and falling. A dark red light flashed away, but Lu En did not choose to interfere.

Because this is just the magic power that carries part of the memory.

Compared with the necromancer who went into battle in person, this cursed blood mage was much more cunning. What appeared in front of Lu En was a possessed clone with almost no fighting power. No wonder he never chose to take action from beginning to end.

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