Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 726 The price of rise!

Blood mages and necromancers actually joined together.

This was something Lu En had not thought of before. He believed that the emergence of blood poison would only trigger conflicts between the two, leading to a fight. Once blood was shed and people died, the situation would be difficult to control.

But there are far more smart people in this world than just Lu En. In terms of IQ, the mages who dominate the world are undoubtedly the best.

In addition to talent, those who can become mages must have calm thinking and a meticulous mind. The blood poison disaster continues to spread, and there are also many knowledgeable people who see its terrifying future.

Lu En thought of the rise of blood mages, which posed a strong challenge to the necromancers who originally dominated. Generally speaking, the rise of a new force must step on the corpses of the old force. Necromancers are all smart people and will not be unaware of this truth.

Therefore, hundreds of years ago, when the blood mages just showed signs of rising, they were strongly suppressed and became rats that could not see the light. They were oppressed and hunted all the time. After the blood mages mastered the blood poison technique, the threat they posed increased exponentially.

But Luen overlooked one point. After all, the necromancers were not living humans. After they transformed themselves into living dead, most of the human emotions were lost. Therefore, in many ways, they were not as tough as Luen thought.

On the contrary, the lack of emotions made them less troubled and able to think about problems in an "absolutely rational" state. Most necromancers gradually had a clear understanding of the outbreak of the blood poison disaster.

That is, the more they hunted and oppressed the blood mages, the more unstoppable the outbreak of the blood poison disaster would be. The servants of the necromancers could build lines of defense to block the wandering zombies, but they could not stop the blood mages who were hiding among ordinary people. If this continued, the result would only be a lose-lose situation.

The blood mages were forced into a corner, and blood poison became their best counterattack method, which could overturn the numerical advantage of both sides in one fell swoop. As for the life and death of ordinary people and the future of the whole world, how could they consider so much at the critical moment of life and death?

If there were no ordinary people, then whether it was the necromancer or the blood mage, the final result would be extinction, and this world might really become a doomsday zombie world.

Therefore, without Lu En knowing anything, the necromancer took the initiative to contact the blood mage, and the target was naturally the missionaries who had great prestige among the blood mages.

Blood poison proved that the blood mages had the power to overturn the table. In this case, unless they were really determined to destroy the world, reconciliation would definitely occur, which was also the way Lu En wanted to complete the third ring of the task.

The rise of the blood mage did not mean that all the necromancers must be destroyed. For the blood mage, as long as they could return to the sun from the gutter, it could be regarded as a rise.

Of course, even gods can have unexpected situations. Under the premise that both parties are smart, the speed of reconciliation is faster than Luen expected. The necromancer decisively gave up some rights, and the missionaries did not push them, and the two sides reached an agreement.

Of course, this is not good news for Luen.

From monopolizing the world to dividing the world equally, reason is one thing, emotion is another, and there are also specific interests involved. The necromancers must find a vent, and for the missionaries, Luen's existence is also beneficial to them.

The reason is conceivable. If the news spreads, Luen, who developed the blood poison technique, will immediately gain great prestige among the blood mages. At that time, let alone becoming the king of blood mages, it is possible to become the god of blood mages!

Then what should the missionaries who originally occupied an important position among the blood mages do? Not to mention that Luen had previously killed Old Wade, turning four missionaries into three, so they decisively chose to sell Luen.

Not only that, although Lu En was the culprit, Lu En alone was far from enough to offset the anger of the necromancers, so some blood mages who had used blood poison or sought refuge with Lu En were also decisively abandoned.

From this point of view, Lu En's plan was indeed successful, and the rise of blood mages could no longer be stopped, but unfortunately, there was no place for him in it.

The first bird to stick out will be shot, and the tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Although Lu En had been mentally prepared, he would not feel happy to be sold as a bargaining chip.

This may be the backlash from the whole world. The rise of blood mages does not have to step on the corpses of necromancers, but it must step on Lu En's body. If he is not dead, both forces cannot be at ease!

And since the attack has been launched, there will definitely not be much time left for Lu En.

Seeing Ducat disappear, Luen had a pair of blood-colored wings behind him. He flapped his wings and flew high into the air, heading quickly towards the manor where the blood mage was. Before he got close, he heard chaotic shouts. Waves of magic power came from the front. Luen stood in the air and looked down at the ground. He immediately found a layer of gray-white waves, which were crawling and sweeping, surrounding the entire manor. These blood mages who had surrendered to Luen for protection were regarded as his followers and were also bargaining chips for betrayal. There were about twenty of them, but their strength was not strong. They originally manipulated many zombies to form a barrier to resist the attack of the necromancer, but now it seemed that the necromancer had an absolute advantage on the scene.

Just the simplest skeleton warriors, there were now thousands of them, spreading on the ground like marching termites. Instead, the few zombies were submerged, and then surrounded the entire manor, launching attacks non-stop.

Obviously, most of the zombies have been lured away by the blood mage who betrayed them. Now the blood mage in the manor can only rely on his own strength to fight. However, in the face of the sheer number, the struggle is extremely weak and weak, and only a few zombies appear. A few insignificant blisters.

The mighty undead army that came in force only used one charge to completely swamp these blood mages, and tore them into pieces together with the manor. Then they began to turn, and depending on the situation, the target was directed at Enoch City.

Needless to say, Lu En also knew that after he left the city, there must be hidden blood mages who came out to scatter the corpses in the entire city, thereby reducing the biggest advantage he had in the eyes of the necromancers.

If he were still in Enoch City, protected by tens of thousands of zombies, if the undead army in front of him wanted to get close to him, he would have to pay a huge price of heavy casualties.

But now, only one necromancer's life was sacrificed to offset this advantage. From this point of view, although Lu En won the battle, from a strategic perspective, he lost completely.

"However, this just gives me the opportunity to catch them all in one fell swoop!"

Lu En laughed directly. Although the process was not perfect, the result was better than he had expected.

"As a token of my gratitude, let me grant you an equal death!"


His figure suddenly fell, like a sharp arrow, actively swooping down towards the undead army below!

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