Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 731 The zombie tide sweeps away!

"Sir, ahead is the most populous city in this area, with more than 100,000 people living there. It is one of the base camps of the necromancers."

In the palm of the blood god giant floating in the air with its wings gently flapping, Lu En sat on a gorgeous throne, supported by the blood god giant. Next to him stood a trembling and beautiful blood mage, with long black hair. Most of her skirt was lifted up by the strong wind, revealing her fair and slender legs.

Under the Blood God Giant, there were countless zombies at a glance, completely covering the land. It was hard to tell how many there were, one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand, maybe even more.

Driven by Lu En, these infected zombies formed a mighty and irresistible torrent. In just these two days, they conquered several small cities and countless rural towns. Every one encountered Ordinary people were infected and became part of the corpse horde.

And when she thought of this, the beautiful female mage couldn't stop trembling.

She had never thought that such an evil person could exist in this world, as if his mission was to bring death and killing to the world. In his eyes, human life was even more insignificant than dust!

Yes, it was Lu En he was talking about.

Two days ago, after killing the necromancers who came to besiege him, Lu En swept through the outer area and cleaned up every necromancer and blood mage he encountered. The former was an enemy and the latter was a supply. .

Then after returning to Enoch City, he met a beautiful female mage who was being chased by several blood mages, and he rescued her. Then he gathered all the zombies he could sense in the entire area, and started Sweep outside.

Wherever the zombie tide passed, every human gathering place it encountered was submerged. Except for a few survivors, most people were infected and became zombies. This also caused the number of zombies to increase day by day, truly reaching a level of To the point of a tidal wave.

Of course, Lu En is not wandering aimlessly, but has a clear goal, aiming at those large cities with large populations, and one can imagine his intentions.

What is the most important resource in this world?


In this world where technology and systems are underdeveloped, the size of the population often determines the upper and lower limits of a power. How is the dominance of the necromancer in this world reflected?

In every big city, a necromancer's mage tower will be built to suppress everything from above.

The blood mages who are not weak in strength either hide themselves deeply and hide among the crowd, or they choose to live in isolation, living in the wilderness or cave forests, and eking out a living.

It is by controlling most of the world's population that the Necromancers can establish an effective rule. The large number of humans is not only an important source of their servants, but also the foundation of the Necromancers, ensuring their inheritance from generation to generation. .

To become a mage, talent and understanding are indispensable. With the largest population base, the number of necromancers is naturally much greater than that of blood mages. Therefore, population is the most important resource in this world.

Naturally, this is what Lu En is targeting.

If you want to end the rule of the Necromancer and allow the Blood Mage to rise completely, you must first seize the humans under the Necromancer's rule. However, the Necromancer's rule in this world is deeply rooted. If Lu En wants to conquer them one by one, he must first spend his time. It's huge, and secondly, he doesn't have enough manpower.

The number of blood mages was much smaller than that of necromancers, and Lu En was ruthless. Anyone who was hostile to him would be slapped to death, so he chose the simplest and most cruel method.

Spread the zombie tide and conquer the city!

If the entire world is occupied by zombies, then the status of blood mages and necromancers will be completely reversed. In this way, wouldn't blood mages naturally rise?

As for the consequences, Lu En can leave as long as he completes the task. After he leaves, he will not care about the flood!

Therefore, under the guidance of the beautiful blood mage, after two days, he finally arrived in front of this extremely important city for the necromancer. It is a big city with more than 100,000 people. If the surrounding towns and villages are included, the total population is There may be more than 400,000, and it is already the leading human force in this world.

From a distance, the number of necromancers qualified to build a mage tower in the city alone is close to double digits, and the high city walls are like mountains, covered with white bones.

But outside the city, the originally bustling roads were deserted. The solid city gates were tightly closed and covered with a layer of iron. The city walls were filled with people, and they saw a surging tide of corpses rolling in. , a commotion broke out uncontrollably.

However, servants of the Necromancer soon appeared and dealt with those who caused the disturbance without mercy, and order was restored.

Seeing the huge blood god giant approaching, the sound of flapping wings was heard in the city, and an undead flying dragon with a length of more than ten meters flew up, carrying a large number of flying undead creatures behind it, suspended above the city, and the blood god. The giants faced off against each other, seemingly never losing.

"Looks like the two days of waiting were not in vain, not bad!"

Sitting on the throne, Lu En could sense that there were more than two digits of eyes peering at him in the dark. However, following the sensing, Lu En glanced and the thick city walls and buildings immediately blocked his sight.

Lu En also took action several times in the past two days. Although he eliminated all the mages blocking his way and no fish escaped, some surviving ordinary people ignored them, so these necromancers also got some valuable information.

The most important thing is to never appear in Lu En's sight, otherwise no matter how many servants protect him, he will definitely die!

The beheading tactic is the most effective method for necromancers.

Of course, they didn't know how amazing Lu En's induction was. If he let it go completely, no blood mage within a ten-mile radius would be able to escape his eyes. Although the necromancer was much worse, he was almost within easy reach now. He quickly figured out the situation.

With half-squinted eyes, Lu En was already familiar with the number of necromancers in the city.


Nearly seventy necromancers!

This number does not include some apprentices. If they were included, it would be three figures, and it would be twice as many!

What is this concept?

If Luen carries more than 200,000 zombies to form an overwhelming and unstoppable zombie wave, then these servants of the necromancer in the city alone can not only stop this zombie wave, but maybe also directly solve it. Hundreds of thousands of zombies!

Zombies rely on quantity, which is extremely terrifying to ordinary people. However, compared to the servants carefully created by the necromancers, their strength is still much lower, and they are not afraid of blood poison infection. If it is only blood poison infection, for the necromancers, It's really not a big problem.

The problem is the blood mage who is hostile to them.

They won't be defeated in a frontal confrontation, but as long as one person in the crowd behind is infected, it will immediately cause catastrophic consequences. With the internal and external coordination, even the necromancers can only retreat steadily.

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