Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 732 Siege!

The Necromancer can rule this world for tens of thousands of years, and his background is naturally extremely profound.

It only took two days for these necromancers to assemble an army that was even more powerful than the one that surrounded Luen, and they were ready to face the surging tide of corpses.

Moreover, in the city, in addition to sensing the Necromancer, Lu En also discovered several other strange auras, which were more powerful and colder than the Necromancer.

One of them, even Lu En's senses were only vaguely visible, made him couldn't help but be more vigilant.

Although it was Lu En's purpose to gather these necromancers, it would be very embarrassing if the boat really overturned in the gutter and failed to show off.

Due to the unique rules of this world, an ordinary person with a knife could kill a powerful mage. Lu En felt that he should keep a low profile as much as possible and leave the attack to the Blood God Giant and the zombies.



The blood god giant held Lu En in one hand and stopped far away. However, the surging corpses did not stop. They swarmed towards the city in front of them. The fragrance of countless blood revealed from inside made these people even more excited. The zombies immediately fell into madness.


The zombie walking at the front was walking unsteadily, like an old man taking a walk after eating. Suddenly, his nostrils twitched, his red eyes widened, and the next moment he burst out with a speed comparable to that of a cheetah, and sprinted out.

It's just that they are not facing weak ordinary people, but a strong and towering city wall, and it has obviously been specially reinforced. The outside of the city wall is covered with a thick layer of white bones, which are crisscrossed and indestructible!

The zombies that swarmed up could only make a harsh friction sound with their sharp nails that could disembowel their stomachs. They then stared at the city wall that was several meters high and roared unwillingly.

Zombies are irrational, so naturally they cannot be forced to come up with all kinds of clever siege strategies. However, these zombies also have unique siege skills.

There was a solid wall in front, and the zombie tide was naturally blocked from moving forward. However, the zombies behind were still advancing one after another, squeezing each other. Soon the zombies in the front were trampled under their feet, and the zombies behind were trampled under their feet. He stepped on their bodies and lifted himself up a bit, but was soon trampled down by the corpses coming from behind.

Just like this, you step on me and I step on you. The zombies, who have no concept of fear of casualties in their minds, just piled up a slope made of corpses on one side of the city wall. Many zombies were not even trampled to death, and kept waving their arms. , pulling the zombies that stepped on him one by one, forming a new path.

In addition, some groups of corpses also began to flow along both sides of the city wall and began to climb from different directions. However, the large number of undead servants on the city wall never made any move, as if they were letting everything happen. .

This was certainly not their intention, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Zombies are not afraid of death. Apart from their heads, they have no vital points. Most of the long-range attacks have been abolished first. There is no need to mention bows and arrows. If you use spells to clear the area, it is too worthless. The magic power of the necromancers must be guaranteed first. It is to maintain one's own servants.

As for other attacks, such as falling rocks or fire attacks, the former is probably a stepping stone for the zombie tide. The latter is not to mention whether they can find enough fuel. Even if they do, the zombies burning with flames will not be afraid of pain. More likely to increase in power.

As for the tide of steel zombies heading out of the city, the necromancers didn't even think about it, because almost half of their servants were scattered in every corner of the city, ready to deal with the emergence of infection or crazy blood mages. If they left the city, the city behind Once infected, they will be attacked from both front and back, and they will definitely lose.

Moreover, the purpose of these necromancers is not to eliminate the zombie tide, or to kill Lu En. They gather just to protect the city and protect their precious population resources in the city.

Without any obstacles, it only took about five minutes for the slope in front of the city to be completely built on the edge of the city wall. The first zombie to climb up had a ferocious face, but he was killed without even letting out a roar. Cut off the head with a knife.


A skeleton warrior silently retracted his weapon, with a cold green light flashing in his eyes. He was equally fearless and fearless of death.


The next moment, more zombies rushed out from the slope and rushed towards the undead servants in front of them. They let out chaotic roars from their throats and opened their mouths to reveal sharp canine teeth. What greeted them was a row of bright canine teeth. The light of the sword.

Almost simultaneously, the skeleton warriors stationed on the city wall raised their knives at the same time, and then they all fell down. The arms and heads fell to the ground, and some were stuck in the shoulders and heads of the zombies, sputtering out dark red. of blood.


Densely packed banshees flew out from behind the skeleton warriors, their broken brains filled with the desire for killing. They used their ferocious twisted claws to grab zombies into the sky, and then cooperated with each other, or tore them into pieces. block, or simply throw it down from the sky and smash it into the group of corpses.

The second wave of hundreds of zombies rushed up, but they were cleared away by the undead servants almost in the blink of an eye. The damage caused was negligible, and the area above the city wall immediately turned into an area like a slaughterhouse.

But the number of hundreds is also insignificant to the zombies. More zombies were pushed and crowded onto the city wall. Although the skeleton warriors resisted vigorously, they were still quickly overwhelmed by the numerous zombies, and some bodies were mutilated. After the zombies fell to the ground, they were still crazy. They opened their mouths and bit whatever they encountered. The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Among the banshees flying in the sky, there are also banshees that are bitten by zombies from time to time, or they fall down because they refuse to let go. Some banshees are even torn off by many palms reaching towards the sky while they are swooping down. Then it was torn to pieces.

There were a lot of undead servants, but the number of zombies was even greater. Both sides showed their crazy characteristics of not fearing death, and the scene suddenly came to a stalemate. But overall, the zombies almost forcibly used their bodies to kill the undead servants. Squeezing back inch by inch.

Tap tap tap!

However, this situation is now expected by the necromancers. The urn towers on both sides of the city wall suddenly opened, and then the rapid sound of horse hooves emerged. Two rows of undead knights charging out at high speed were like two guillotines. Two bloody paths ran through the zombies.

If they were on flat ground, these death knights would probably be pulled off their horses and torn into pieces soon, but the zombies that rushed up the city wall were only a few after all. Each one of them was broken like building blocks in front of the death knights who picked up speed, and the skeleton warriors He and the banshees took the opportunity to counterattack and immediately restored the situation.

At the same time, the ground near the city wall suddenly exploded, and undead creatures emerged from it, killing the crowd of corpses, attracting the attention of most of the zombies, and allowing the zombies on the city wall to be completely eliminated.

According to this rhythm, within a few rounds, the threat to the city from the remaining corpses will be greatly reduced.

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