Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 737 Fighting and deception!


In essence, the Blood God Giant is just a huge magical creation. However, due to Luen's high-level improvement, the Blood God Giant has some kind of anthropomorphism and even possesses a certain low-level intelligence.

Of course, this kind of simple intelligence is not as good as that of a death knight. It is more like some instinctive insects. Therefore, facing the attack of the bone dragon, the blood god giant has no good way to deal with it.

The purpose of the existence of the Blood God Giant is to store Luen's magic power and to serve as a turret, not as a melee unit. Moreover, the Bone Dragon is obviously experienced in combat. The moment the flames dissipated, it seized the opportunity to launch an attack.

The huge and ferocious front claws of the bone dragon seemed to be inlaid with ten sharp knives. They pierced the blood god giant's skin without any hindrance. Dark red mist immediately seeped out from it, colliding with the bone claws, making a hissing sound. Sound softly.

Visible to the naked eye, the bone dragon is crystal white, and its front paws, like works of art, begin to turn dull yellow, with wisps of bloody mycelium wrapped around them. This is because all the blood god giants store is pure magic power. For the undead, this is It's like jumping into a pool of sulfuric acid.

However, the Bone Dragon didn't pay attention to this. It just used the Blood God Giant to fix its huge body, and then opened its mouth to swallow Lu En together with his standing palm. This naturally included the hand that Lu En was holding. Fragments of authority in hand.

Although the fire storm that spread earlier also affected it, as one of the pinnacle powers in this world, the flames did not even leave any traces on its bones, and it was even more determined to obtain the fragments of the power of death!


Just when the Bone Dragon was about to succeed, two dark red streams of light burst out from both sides of its body at the same time. They were two huge clenched fists!


The blood god giant has four arms. Except for the one holding Luen, which cannot move, the other three arms reacted quickly. First, they punched the bone dragon's protruding head and tilted it, ready to go. One bite hit the air, and then the second punch landed directly on top of its skull!


A circle of ripples visible to the naked eye rippled in the air. The bone dragon's huge body was suddenly hit and sank down. At the same time, the front claws holding the blood god giant's shoulders were torn apart from the giant's body due to the huge force. Two hideous holes.

As a magical creature, the Blood God Giant naturally has no blood flowing out. Instead, densely packed spiral blood spears emerge from the wounds, countless and menacingly!


At this moment, the blood god giant seemed to have two more turrets on his shoulders. He aimed at the bone dragon in front of him and fired out a huge amount of spiral blood spears, forming two raging torrents. The latter did not expect that there would be more. With this attack method, countless blood spears fell directly on him, and he couldn't help but let out a roar.

Although the damage of the blood spear to the bone dragon is not high, it can even be said to be almost non-existent, but the opposing attributes between the blood mage and the undead still make the bone dragon feel pain, but when it opens its mouth and roars, the blood The third arm of the god giant also suddenly appeared.


Like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, the Blood God giant actually inserted the third day's arm directly into the bone dragon's open mouth, and then before it could subconsciously close it, the entire arm completely exploded.

The lifelike dark red giant arm completely melted into viscous plasma in an instant, and then quickly boiled. Countless black dots floating in the plasma quickly grew root vines, and then spread rapidly, from the skull of the bone dragon. Started and spread towards its whole body.


Creepy sounds of growth and friction sounded one after another. The bone dragon closed its mouth and let out a low roar, but a large group of bloodthirsty vines burst out from its throat, and even grew out along the gaps between its bones. It looked like Like a huge bloody vine.

Not only that, the rapidly growing vines were nourished by a huge amount of magic power and grew at an unparalleled speed. In a short time, they began to wrap around the limbs and wings of the bone dragon, causing the latter to turn its head distractedly. Use your sharp teeth to shred fast-spreading vines.


However, the Blood God Giant naturally would not just let it move like this. First, he carefully moved Luen to the other hand, and raised it high, away from the bone dragon. Then the broken arm quickly grew out, along with the other two arms. At the same time, he grabbed the bone dragon.

A huge bloody light began to brew in the three huge palms, and rippling ripples appeared in the air.

This is highly condensed terrifying magic power. Whether it is a spell cast or dropped like this, it is enough to cause a certain degree of damage to the bone dragon, but it is far from enough to cause it to fall.

However, facing the attack of the Blood God Giant, especially feeling the magic power that was completely opposite to his own strength, the Bone Dragon still reacted decisively, suddenly closing its ragged wings, and canceling the flying spell effect, and the huge body suddenly looked like Meteorites generally fall towards the ground.

How heavy could a skeletal dragon, which was over twenty meters long and had bones stronger than fine steel, weigh?

Lu En suddenly felt as if there was a mountain hanging on the blood god giant. Even though the six wings flapped desperately, he could not help but fall from the sky along with the bone dragon. Affected by this, the magic power accumulated in his palms suddenly dissipated.


The height of hundreds of meters reached in an instant. Lu En stood in the palm of the blood god giant Gaotuo and clearly saw the two entangled huge figures crashing down, smashing some zombies or undead below into pieces, and then easily A large semicircular crater was created on the ground.


The soil splashed and even the ground trembled slightly. The Bone Dragon that dragged the Blood God Giant down was naturally at the bottom. However, what happened was that the Blood God Giant suffered less impact.

The moment it touched the ground, due to the huge reaction force, the entire lower body of the Blood God Giant exploded like a glass product, revealing the undamaged bone dragon at the bottom. He just shook his head and got up.

However, this did not have a great impact on the blood god giant, because it was just a test product in the first place. Lu En took advantage of the situation and directly transformed the broken lower body into the mist state, while the upper body remained intact and faced off with the bone dragon.

"Give me this!"

Perhaps due to the fact that he had taken Lu En's strength seriously, the Bone Dragon, which had robbed him head-on, did not take action again. Instead, it used its teeth to bite the bloodthirsty vines that had grown, while looking at Lu En with empty eyes, exuding a An obscure mental fluctuation.


Unexpectedly, Lu En, standing in the palm of the blood god giant, nodded and then showed a bright smile.

"But it seems like they all want it, why should I give it to you?"

Lu En looked at the undead army that was rushing in the distance, surrounding him from all directions, and glanced at the skull in his hand.

"You have to prove that you really have the strength to possess it, don't you?"


As soon as he finished speaking, the bone dragon suddenly turned around, and then swept its huge dragon tail, smashing an undead giant bear running in the front directly away, making a huge roar.

"I'll prove it to you!"

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