Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 738 The surrendered bone dragon!

Generally speaking, the undead are cold and ruthless. Their killing is usually accompanied by silence, which makes many people feel that this is just a cold corpse, relying on the instincts of the previous life.

In fact, most low-level undead are indeed like this, but for high-level undead, their wisdom is not lower than that of ordinary people, but they are used to silence, and due to the lack of emotions, they rarely take the initiative to communicate.

More often, most high-level undead give people the feeling of a cold stone, but if you can communicate with them, you will find that the thinking of these undead is actually much simpler than that of most humans.

Or simply put, it is easier to deceive.

Of course, if you try to deceive an undead, you must bear the terrible consequences of deception, because this will inevitably reap an endless enemy.

What's more terrifying is that due to the stubbornness of the undead, they will not accept any apology or reconciliation. This is a chilling thing for many people, and the cost is too high.

As for Lu En, he had only tried to say a few words, but he did not expect that the bone dragon's mind was so simple that it was beyond his expectation. After he simply said that, it actually started to attack its own people.

However, for the undead, death took away most of their emotions, and it was still unclear whether they still had a sense of identity with their own kind. Anyway, the bone dragon was ruthless when it attacked other undead, and had no concept of holding back.


Rushing in the front, there was also a several-meter-tall undead giant bear that stood up as tall as two floors. Although its hair was attached to its bones and looked abnormally shriveled, judging from the footprints left by the charge, it was obviously not too weak, but the bone dragon just slapped it with its tail and flew it out.

The heavy body of the undead giant bear outlined a light arc in the air, and finally slammed heavily into the undead army behind it, like plowing the land, directly knocking out a team of death knights who could not dodge, and then quickly climbed up and roared angrily at the bone dragon.

The huge power of the bone dragon's tail left a concave outline on its chest, but it was harmless to the undead. The undead giant bear stepped on the other undead in front of it and charged again.

Facing a bone dragon that was more than 20 meters long and stood on the ground like a small mountain range, the undead giant bear was not afraid at all. Instead, it lowered its head bravely and aimed its bone helmet full of bone spurs at the bone dragon's chest. After charging for hundreds of meters, it jumped up!


This was the low and loud sound of the giant bear's huge body printed on the ground, accompanied by the giant bear's angry roar, but it stopped abruptly the next moment.


Because facing the giant bear's fierce charge, the bone dragon's response was very simple, opening its mouth wide and biting it!

The two rows of strong and sharp teeth were like a guillotine, making a friction sound in the mouth of the bone dragon, and then the giant bear's body was cut into pieces and leaked out of the bone dragon's empty throat.

While chewing, the bone dragon turned around and protected the blood giant behind it, staring at the attacking undead army with cold eyes, and a faint green light appeared in its eyes.

The fragment of power, it must get it!

However, what the bone dragon faced was not normal life that could be intimidated, but the undead who had also lost their emotional fear. Therefore, under the command of the necromancer, the surging army of death still surrounded it from all directions.


Facing these fellows who came to snatch the fragment of power from itself, the bone dragon showed no mercy. It flapped its tattered wings, and its huge body flew up directly, and then shot out directly from the original place like a sharp arrow!


The powerful storm caused by the rapid flight blew away all the undead under it, and the next moment, the bone dragon had found its target.


Although the bone dragon has a simple mind, it is not stupid. Naturally, it will not fight with those manipulated undead servants. Instead, it follows the induction and directly finds the undead mages hidden in the undead army.


Suddenly, the low-flying body of the bone dragon began to dive, and then at a lightning speed, its sharp front claws pinched a six-legged undead creature. While lifting its body, it crushed it with one claw and scattered it on the ground.

A skull with unwilling thoughts fell to the ground, and was immediately trampled into pieces by the surging undead. A small number of undead in the undead army suddenly stopped in place and stood still.

Because their manipulators and controllers have fallen.

The battle between the undead is cold and cruel. Lu En stood on the palm of the blood giant, looking down at the bone dragon plundering the entire undead army, just like a child stepping on ants everywhere, and occasionally stretching out his fingers to press the larger soldier ants to death.

There were no screams, no wails, no roars or pleas for mercy. If Lu En ignored the noises made by the undead army, he felt like he was watching a not-so-exciting black-and-white silent film. Although the undead army was numerous, the bone dragons were even more unstoppable. Every time they swooped down, they would clear a space on the ground.

Lu En thought that with such a huge disparity in strength, the necromancers would quickly give up and flee. After all, compared to pure undead, their minds were more active and they cherished their lives very much.

But he underestimated the attraction of the fragments of the power of death to the undead. It was as strong as the Bone Dragon, an ally of the necromancers for thousands of years, a powerful undead that helped them protect an important city. Faced with this temptation, he chose to betray. , let alone these necromancers?

Like moths to the flame, they were scattered among the undead army, and then drove the undead to launch a painless attack on the Bone Dragon or Luen, as if they had lost their usual reason and were driven by a strong desire. Driven.

In this situation of willing to die, the Bone Dragon did not show any mercy, but accurately and quickly eliminated the necromancers one after another until the swarming undead army gradually stopped moving and stood in place like a sculpture. A spectacular death cemetery was formed.

In the end, not knowing whether it was because they had regained their senses or because of strong fear, several necromancers finally chose to escape. However, the Bone Dragon did not pursue them, but flew back from a distance, crushing the undead beneath them into pieces with a roar. Fragment looked at Lu En intently.

"I prove to be strong!"

Perhaps there had been no communication for hundreds or even thousands of years. Bone Dragon's communication was intermittent, but the meaning was very clear. The green light in his eyes was staring at the fragment of authority in Lu En's hand.

"Of course, but this is not enough. Your efforts are not enough to get such a huge reward."

Lu En nodded, and then spoke unceremoniously, without any intention of bullying Honest Dragon.

"you tricked me!"

When the bone dragon heard this, he immediately became angry, exuding strong mental fluctuations, and half of his body stood up.

"No, I just want to add another condition!"

Lu En shook the fragment of authority in his hand, and the bone dragon's head turned, and his momentum suddenly stagnated.

"I can give you this, but the condition is that you surrender to me!"

Lu En felt that he was like a villain who was threatening others at this moment, and he was ready to turn against him, but he didn't expect that Bone Dragon didn't even think about it and lowered his head without hesitation.


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