Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 739: The way of life and death, suddenly awakened!

Under the gray sky, Lu En stood tall and straight against the wind. What he stepped on was not the summoned blood god giant, but the huge and smooth skull of the bone dragon. The surrounding scenery quickly passed by him. , the sound of whistling wind came to my ears.

Near his body, there are still three head-sized dark red light balls lingering. The surface seems to be boiling at any time, and they are making circular motions with him as the center. At the same time, they also block the strong wind coming from the face, and he In his hand, he kept playing with a skull that was imprisoned by dense bloodshot threads.

Although Bone Dragon agreed to surrender and behaved extremely neatly, Lu En would not choose to believe the other party immediately. The undead have simple minds and stubborn thoughts. Generally, they will not regret anything they agree to, but this is not absolute. In this world, There are never absolutes.

Therefore, the fragment of authority will remain in Lu En's hands for the time being. However, in order to prevent the bone dragon from feeling that he was deceived again, Lu En also made certain concessions, such as landing on the bone dragon's head in person and stepping on its skull. Use it as a mount.

Under the transformation of this concept, Bone Dragon had no illusion that he had become a tool dragon. Instead, he was satisfied that he had reached a cooperation with Lu En, and even during the flight, he did not forget to look at the fragment of power in his hand eagerly. .

In this way, Lu En naturally canceled the summons of the Blood God Giant and replaced it with three extremely concentrated magic light balls surrounding him. Down, enough to cause fatal trauma to the bone dragon.

After all, Lu En was standing on the head of the bone dragon. While putting himself in danger, he was also at the key point of the bone dragon. They reached a weak balance.

After all, blood mages and undead creatures are inherently antagonistic. If it weren't for the temptation of the fragment of power in Lu En's hand, Bone Dragon would never have any communication with him.

"The power of death."

Lu En narrowed his eyes slightly and seemed to be staring straight ahead. In fact, all his attention was placed on the fragment of authority in his hand. Strands of pure magic power climbed up his palm, firmly fixing the authority. And it keeps eroding inward.

If it were anyone else, two completely different hostile forces would collide with each other, and the power was at the level of the Ancient One, enough to blow any creature into pieces. However, for Lu En, this was just the most basic micro-management.

The Scarlet Lord's fragment of authority and this fragment of death authority are both foreign objects to him. Even if they annihilate each other, they will not have any big impact on him. At most, they will only weaken their power. Therefore, under his meticulous control Below, the two forces kept colliding, causing rippling spatial fluctuations.

Life and death are one of the ultimate forces in the universe. No existence can escape these two categories. Although there is the possibility of mutual transformation in theory, there are very few existences that can actually achieve it.

Controlling life and death, and understanding the transformation between the two, is equivalent to holding the key to eternal life. This is a power even greater than that of gods. If such an existence really exists, I am afraid that it has reached the ultimate state of immortality. , only with the great destruction of the entire universe can it be possible for such an existence to perish.

With Lu En's current strength, it is naturally impossible to achieve this level, but he can work hard in this direction, and his ultimate goal is not to switch between life and death, but to integrate the two forces to a limited extent. .

In this regard, he has a natural advantage.

On the one hand, he controls the authority derived from the Scarlet Lord, and the part about life has been stripped away. On the other hand, the authority of destruction he previously seized also contains the concept of death to a certain extent, but it is not so pure. .

Although the fragment of death power he has acquired now may not be even one thousandth in terms of magnitude, the essence of its power will not be weakened, and Lu En also found another shortcut a long time ago. .


Before breaking through the demigods, Lu En formed a church and absorbed the power of faith. At that time, he had the ambition to control life and death. However, with his power at the time, he could not even touch the essence of a power, let alone master such a power. The ultimate power.

So at that time, he came up with a low-end version of life and death conversion, which is the so-called reincarnation.

Before Lu En, there was no concept of reincarnation in this world. Life is life, death is death. After death, either the body rots, the spirit dissipates, or becomes undead due to various coincidences and obsessions. There is no so-called reincarnation or reincarnation. more than.

Therefore, if the reincarnation connection between life and death can be established, Lu En can use this connection to further explore the transition between life and death, and finally reach the ultimate realm of life and death, chaos, immortality, and immortality.

If we want to be more vivid and specific, it is similar to the [saint] status in the prehistoric world, placing his own path and fruit in the way of heaven. I will not die until the heaven and earth die, and I will perish if the universe is destroyed!

Even if the universe is destroyed, it may just fall into heavy damage or sleep, and then wait for the next cosmic era to wake up. After all, life and death are the two eternal rules that constitute the universe.

Lu En didn't know if anyone in this universe had the same idea as him, let alone how many people or gods were walking on this road, but the induction in the dark let him know that the end of this road had not been blocked. Occupied by a certain majestic being.

On this road, the pioneers have no advantage over the latecomers. In layman's terms, the future is extremely bright, but the process is also extremely tortuous.

"The road is long and difficult!"

Although Lu En's will was strong, controlling two opposing forces still required a lot of energy, so he stopped this move after a while and couldn't help but sigh.

From obtaining the fragments of death authority to secretly obtaining information on the way to transform life and death, Lu En has tried no less than ten times along the way, but each time he has gained very little. It is like trying to force a flame to burn under the water. It is difficult. Ascend to heaven.

The truth is simple, but if you really want to put it into practice, there is no way to start.

"But at least, I already have some clues!"

Lu En's thoughts suddenly spread. Although he was still in danger and there was a great possibility of his complete demise, he already knew his next path.

"Life, death, reincarnation, it turns out that this has always been my advantage!"

"Thinking about it now, I just sketched out the concept of reincarnation between life and death, and I was forced to leave the original world, and even essentially became an ancient one. Perhaps this was influenced by some unknown force?"

"After all, if I follow the established path, it is very likely that I will become a god who embodies the priesthood of 'reincarnation'. Although my power is not as good as that of the ancients, my potential is limitless. However, I was soon affected by various factors and left. The original world!”

"Are the forerunners on this road secretly setting up obstacles for those who come after?"

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