Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 740 Luck and variables!

Lu En had never thought deeply about this aspect before.

Because everything was his own decision, including swallowing the power of the Scarlet Lord, seizing His authority, completely upgrading himself to the Ancient One, and gaining extremely powerful power in one leap.

Before the Scarlet Lord appeared, he was just a demigod and was suppressed by the rules of the world. However, after seizing part of the Scarlet Lord's authority, it only took him a very short time to complete the transformation from a demigod to a god. Even a triple jump that surpasses the power of ordinary gods!

Now that I think about it, according to some conspiracy theories, pie will not fall out of the sky for no reason, and from a literary point of view, all gifts from fate have already been secretly marked with a price.

Becoming a member of the Ancient One and transforming into the real Dragon of Destruction, Luen gained unparalleled power and controlled the power of killing and destruction. But on the other hand, he also abandoned his previous path. Abandoned the construction of reincarnation.

At that time, Lu En felt that he had gained something. From a god who relied on the power of faith to an ancient being with no growth limit, from the lord of blood and death to the dragon of destruction, it was definitely not a loss no matter how you look at it.

But now that he thinks about it, he has lost the opportunity to explore the supreme path. Although the ancient one is powerful, from the moment he seizes the power of the Scarlet Lord, it is equivalent to forming a relationship with a more powerful ancient one. The endless cause and effect is also the fundamental reason why he is on the verge of falling now.

And from another perspective, the ancients represent the [old gods] of chaos, while the gods of faith represent the [new gods]. With the alternation of the old and the new, the destiny of the world will naturally shift. The new gods may Weak, but the weak new gods can seal the powerful old gods and absorb their power for their own use.

Although the world of gods has been destroyed, the number of ancient ones in the entire universe is constant, while the number of new gods is increasing every moment. From the general trend, it will happen sooner or later that new gods replace the old gods. .

Even the destruction of the world of gods is more like a catastrophic training.

Judging from the information Lu En received from the Goddess of Life, the powerful world of gods has become more and more solidified as it develops, losing its belief in pioneering and enterprising. Moreover, due to various reasons, the divided camps have begun to suffer from internal strife, and the nightmare world The advent of the world just breaks this solidification!

A large number of gods were eliminated, but those who survived must be the elite among them, such as the three gods in the impression, and there are also existences such as the goddess of life, who left the world of gods and spread the seeds of the gods in all directions.

According to Lu En's impression of the prehistoric world, this is the battle for luck between the new gods and the old gods. If Lu En becomes a member of the new gods, then he will somehow obtain this luck, and then In addition, by condensing the priesthood of reincarnation, connecting yin and yang, communicating life and death, it is just around the corner to become a powerful god.

And as the general trend changes and new gods rise to replace the old gods, Lu En is likely to go one step further and understand the true meaning between life and death through reincarnation!

It's just that this road has been completely cut off now. If he hadn't been in the realm of this nightmare lord, Lu En might not have been able to wake up!

And even with Lu En's determination, he had completely traced the trajectories he had traveled through one by one. After noticing this strangeness, he couldn't help but feel his scalp numb and his heart filled with chills.

It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. The real terror is not the visible enemy, but the invisible darkness!

Of course, Lu En did not underestimate himself. This kind of subtle influence and deception must have been exerted on him a long time ago and was the result of many years. If there was really terrifying strength behind the scenes, then he would not be aware of the abnormality at all now.

On the contrary, the power shield of the Nightmare Lord plays a vital role in this. Therefore, in terms of power level, the opponent's strength should be similar to the Nightmare Lord.

For demigods and even gods, this is naturally a terrifying enemy, but for Lu En now, it is not out of reach.

"Now that I think about it, when I just started to build reincarnation, the goddess of life from the world of gods appeared, and then an ancient god of death was involved, which happened to represent the power of life and death. I didn't even doubt it at the time! "

"There are no coincidences in the extraordinary world. I have understood this truth for a long time, but I have ignored the connection. This secret influence is really terrifying and terrible. And if I insist on taking the path of reincarnation and concentrating on the priesthood, I will It’s very possible that the goddess of life or the ancient god of death will come directly to seize my priesthood!”

"The gods, the ancient ones."

"Unless I give up the priesthood of reincarnation, these two options are a complete dead end for me!"

The only thing the other party didn't expect was that Lu En was a powerful variable, and the source of this variable came from the food spirit hidden in his body!

Compared to before, after recovering the Bone Dragon, Lu En's journey suddenly became easier.

Although it didn't seem to be that difficult before.

As one of the pinnacle beings in the world, the Bone Dragon's powerful body of twenty meters long contains huge death magic power in every inch, but what is displayed on the outside is only a simple flying ability and extremely strong bones.

To go further, the bone dragon needs to fully mobilize the magic power in his body. This requires long years of accumulation, and of course there are shortcuts.

That is the fragment of the power of death.

Taking control of the fragment of power is equivalent to jumping from a beggar to an emperor. The levels between the two are completely different.

Although the fragment of authority is still in Lu En's hands at the moment, with its indestructible body and flying ability, the Bone Dragon still shows an invincible appearance.

Based on the attraction of the power of death to the undead, Lu En didn't even need to seduce him. A steady stream of necromancers came from all directions.

This is much faster than Luen searching one by one.

What's even better is that the attracted necromancers don't need Lu En's personal action at all. The Bone Dragon, which has already regarded the fragments of authority as a treasure, ruthlessly tore into pieces all the undead that came to fight for it.

However, after a few days like this, fewer and fewer undead dared to attack the bone dragon.

This is not because the necromancers were almost killed or gave up, but because the bone dragons kept killing and the news spread, more and more undead gathered in this area, forming some kind of restraint on each other.

Even Lu En's sensing range couldn't count how many necromancers had rushed over, because he suspected that all the undead who got the news had either already arrived or were on their way.

This was even greater than the impact of the blood poison disaster. Even the bone dragon, which acted fearlessly, felt afraid and became cautious.

When three smaller bone dragons appeared in front of them, the final battle finally began.

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