Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 780 The shadow shrouding Lu En!

The time regression continues.

After looking for a breakthrough, the Forgotten Power became obviously excited and began to move forward along the timeline of the black amulet. The past time flowed past Lu En like water.

He saw that the ancient and dilapidated mausoleum slowly became alive. Gradually, humans began to walk in it, wearing various costumes. They came from the outside world and tried to enter the mausoleum. Among them were ordinary people and some. Extraordinary one.

However, as time goes back, various protective measures in the mausoleum are revealed one by one. The owner of the mausoleum seems to have prepared all these long ago, including mechanisms, poisonous gas, strange beasts, and evil spirits, and has arranged various means to eliminate all intruders. Kill.

Until a certain moment, Lu En saw a faint humanoid outline appearing in the passage of the tomb.

The facial features cannot be seen clearly, and there are no specific details. It is just a projection-like outline, the edge is outlined by the twisted air, like an invisible person, walking calmly and calmly, passing through the dangerous passage of the agency, from the guardian The strange beast passed by the mausoleum and finally stood on a high platform.

But in front of him, there happened to be a thick black book with a grimace printed on the cover, which left a deep impression on Lu En to this day, because in a sense, this was exactly what he had read since he came to this world. , the first pot of gold obtained.

But Lu En noticed one detail, that is, there is only this black book on the high platform!

What about the amulet?

As soon as this thought came into his mind, he saw this mysterious silhouette waving his left hand, and a ball of black light suddenly appeared in the air, spreading out in circles of ripples.

"Who dares to break in?"

The next moment, the originally quiet black book was disturbed. An evil spirit with scarlet eyes emerged from it, shaking his head around, his eyes wandering around. It seemed that he could not see the mysterious outline, but only saw the mass. Black radiance.

But Lu En could see it clearly. With just a glance at the mysterious outline, the red-eyed evil spirit's entire figure collapsed inexplicably, and its body suddenly shrank inward, as if a black hole had appeared in the body, shrinking rapidly, And it merged with the black light next to it to form a black amulet!


The amulet fell lightly and was placed next to the black book, as if it had always stayed there.

At the same time, the memory of the amulet suddenly came alive in Lu En's mind, just like waking up from a big dream. Fu Zhi looked at the amulet placed on the high platform in his heart, and a vague figure appeared on its surface. Simple imprint.

With just a few strokes, the shape of a pot is outlined, which is extremely expressive.

Is this a food spirit? !

Lu En was horrified, and suddenly found that the mysterious silhouette had turned its head around at some point. Although he couldn't see the face clearly, Lu En had a clear understanding in his heart.

He found me!

He's looking at me! !

boom! ! !

Without waiting for Lu En to react, in fact he couldn't do anything. The power of forgetfulness surging around him collapsed, and the cracks in the entire gray world expanded rapidly, revealing various scenes from the outside world.

Swish, swish, swish!

The time that had been retraced immediately suddenly rebounded violently like a spring that had been compressed to the extreme. The scene in front of Lu En's eyes instantly changed from backward to fast forward, changing his time in another way. The past is revealed.

But what was different from before was that Lu En seemed to see that on the road of his growth, behind every danger and opportunity, there was a pair of watching eyes, quietly looking at this. Everything happens.


The gray world around him finally completely collapsed, fragments shattered into streaks of gray breath, and Lu En's eyes finally regained their colorful colors, completely breaking away from the trace of time.

He saw the gray giant standing in front of him with a stunned look on his face. Among them, the main consciousness of the Dark Reaper was emitting incredible fluctuations. He stared at Lu En with wide eyes, as if he had seen something incomprehensible. .

Bang bang bang!

From the surface of his body, countless fine cracks suddenly bloomed like a cracked plaster statue, and rapidly spread to every corner of his body at an alarming speed, even the pupils were no exception.

Wisps of gray-white breath quickly escaped from these cracks. The Dark Reaper slowly lowered his head, looked at his broken porcelain-like palm, and made a series of denser sounds. There was still confusion and disbelief in his eyes.

"This is impossible!"


The next second, the huge body of the gray giant exploded. At the same time, there were also the dominator-level beings from all around, and even the entire spiritual world. Originally, even if the backtracking failed, the Dark Reaper would have suffered heavy losses at most, but this time At this moment, a terrifying counterattack force beyond common sense instantly turned him into powder!

The mountains, rivers, earth and sky all melted rapidly in Lu En's eyes, eventually forming a chaotic mist, and in the mist, a pale bone mask loomed, floating in it.

The power of death!

Lu En stretched out his hand and easily held the bone mask in his palm. The fragments of authority deep in his consciousness immediately came out, and he couldn't wait to integrate into it. A powerful force that was no less than the authority of destruction suddenly poured into his body. deep in consciousness.

The power of death was obtained, and the process was far easier than Lu En imagined. However, there was no joy in his heart.

An indescribable depression, even panic, constantly emerged in his mind.

"Who are you?"

Lu En raised his head, as if he wanted to see the existence that had been watching him secretly through the sea of ​​soul, through the skynet space, through the starry sky hatchery, and suddenly burst out with strong mental fluctuations.

"what do you want to do?"

The raging power of will set off a huge wave in the sea of ​​​​mind, and it was unknown how many fragile streams of light were submerged. As it should be, Lu En did not get any possible response, as if he was acting out a lame show all by himself. Drama.


But after all the strong winds and waves, Lu En quickly calmed down his emotions. After taking a deep breath, he tightly held the bone mask transformed from the power of death.

"No matter who you are, I will find you one day, and I believe this time is almost here!"

Everything has two sides. Although the reason why Lu En traveled through time and the process of his growth were vaguely shrouded in a shadow, for him, this was just confirmation of some of his past doubts and speculations. On the other hand, this On the contrary, it is a good thing.

Being kept in the dark is certainly scary, but the most terrifying thing is being kept in the dark without knowing it. Compared to before, this is already a huge improvement!

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