Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 781 The power of death comes suddenly!

The end of Dark Reaper is presented in a dramatic way.

The power of time is inherently mysterious, and coupled with the terrifying backlash force transmitted from nowhere, the Dark Reaper's consciousness collapsed together with his spiritual world before Lu En actually took action. Clean and thorough.

Even if Lu En were to do it, he would never be stronger than this, and he might not even be able to reach this level, which made him even more horrified.

Just looking back in time, just seeing my own past, seeing the existence of that mysterious outline, a master-level existence, placed in the endless void, it is the terrifying creature of the ancient one, and it was completely annihilated by the backlash!

Would it be the same if it were you who changed yourself and used some method to look back on your past?

Lu En didn't think about it anymore, because the result was uncertain, just like he didn't know what role the mysterious silhouette played in his growth or even in the process of time travel. It was possible that nothing would happen, or it might happen in the next second. Just like the Dark Reaper, he died brutally!

But no matter what, Lu En felt that he should be grateful to some Dark Reapers. After all, he not only used his life to help him answer his long-standing questions, but also personally verified the seriousness of the matter.

At least for Lu En, the power of the ancients alone is far from enough.

Before he clearly understands the attitude of this mysterious silhouette, he doesn't mind imagining everyone as malicious, so what he will face in the future may be a far more difficult situation than now.

Only power, powerful power, can break through the situation and deal with the future that may be kind or malicious.

Lu En rubbed the bone mask in his palm, his will went deep into it, and he began to understand the power of the authority of death. Soon his eyes lit up and he found what he wanted.

As a former ordinary person, the Dark Reaper's power did not come up step by step like Lu En, but relied on the gift of Skynet. Therefore, he can enter the spiritual world of others, and even the spiritual sea. It is His own power.

This is not that Lu En underestimated the heroes in the world, but an objective fact. Although the spiritual world is free, its upper limit is determined by the real world. An ordinary person, no matter how talented or strong-willed , and it is impossible to imagine something that you don’t understand at all.

Therefore, the ability to enter the spiritual world and the spiritual sea can only come from the authority of death.

Lu En's understanding and control of the power of authority is much higher than that of the Dark Reaper. However, after a brief exposure to the powerful will, most of the secrets contained in the authority of death were opened to him.

Of course, because of the mutual exclusion between authorities, especially the scarlet authority and the death authority, collisions with each other would have serious consequences. Lu En did not dare to use his will to fuse the authorities, but used them as an object. Although It seems like a waste of resources, and the power is not complete, but it is better than safety.

When it comes to authority, no matter how big-hearted people are, they will become cautious. Lu En does not want his final result to be broken into pieces due to a conflict between authorities. That would be too ridiculous.

Therefore, the power of death that fell into Lu En's hands only had three main powers.

First, after controlling the power of death, the owner can integrate the power of death and transform himself into a state between life and death, in the gap between the living and the undead, and gain another sense of power. "eternal life"!

This is the pursuit of many mortals, but it has no effect on Lu En, because the ancients are also immortal in a sense. Their bodies still have strength and are always in a state of vigorous growth.

Secondly, the power of death can give the controller the ability to "witness death" and can mark a living life. Once the target is marked, it will be pulled into the mysterious land of the dead, which is the legendary dimension of death. No living being has entered or exited it.

Even the person in charge of the power of death only has the ability to pull in the mark, not to enter the land of the dead. Of course, for Lu En, this is another version of "The King of Hell wants you to die in the middle of the night, who dares to leave anyone here?" "Fifth watch" is also of little use.

Because this is a typical ability to deal with the weak or the strong. For example, if Luen marks an ancient man, he will most likely fail. Even if he succeeds, it will only cause some trouble to him, but it will not be fatal. Otherwise, the darkness When the reapers see Luen, they will mark him as soon as possible.

Ignoring the first two useless abilities, the third point is what Lu En is interested in. The power of death gives the controller the ability to walk in the sea of ​​​​mind. This is also another mysterious dimension, and using the power of death, you can also Being able to locate and lock the target's spiritual world in the sea of ​​​​minds creates another level of draining fuel from the cauldron.

The Dark Reaper uses this ability to even locate Lu En's spiritual world and forcefully break into it, which shows its power.

No matter how powerful the real world is, if the spiritual world is destroyed, it will immediately fall into decline without any room for struggle. This is the legendary "pull the enemy to the same level as yourself, and then use your rich strength to Experience the terrifying ability to defeat him!

After taking control of the power of death, Lu En quickly emerged from the chaotic spiritual world and returned to the spiritual sea. According to the information he understood, he should be able to return directly to his spiritual world. After all, in the spiritual sea, time does not exist. and distance are meaningless.

But the problem is, Lu En appeared in another strange area.

It is still a colorful sea of ​​souls, but in a certain area, there is a golden pocket watch floating quietly. The hands are ticking and turning, and golden threads are derived from them, all over the entire area. .

Then at a certain moment, Lu En, still maintaining the posture of the fallen creator, suddenly appeared in this area!


The next moment, Lu En didn't even have time to react. Countless golden threads around him began to riot, and with a sudden and rapid ticking sound, they were like a big net covering Lu En!


Before these golden threads came close, a strong warning sign appeared in Lu En's heart. Without thinking, the densely packed pale tentacles behind him shot out. However, the moment he approached the golden threads, the latter suddenly melted and turned into wisps of golden liquid. , landed on the surface of the tentacle.


Lu En only felt a long-lost excruciating pain emerge. The tentacles that came into contact with the liquid turned into colorful lights and began to escape. There was no room for resistance!

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