
It was late at night.

The clouds that had covered the moon before had drifted away, and the cold moonlight was sprinkled everywhere in the temple without hindrance, like frost.

On the path of the bamboo forest, the huge and stunning cannibal Zen master and a group of pig demons were following Ling Yichuan to the Zhai Hall.

The hall of Fanyin Temple is called Wuguan Hall, located in the bamboo forest in the east, and the surrounding area is very quiet.

After walking for half a cup of tea, Ling Yichuan saw this familiar place.

The five temples have a vermilion-lacquered green roof, boxy, and look like a temple.

Unlike the other halls... On the eaves here, there are two chimneys, and thick cooking smoke is rising from them, and it is obvious that someone is firing a fire.


Smelling the aroma of the meal, the pig demons' stomachs began to growl, and their saliva flowed uncontrollably from the corners of their mouths, sticking to a body of fat flesh.

Ling Yichuan looked at them with disgust, and walked straight to the outside of the Wuguan Hall, where the main entrance of the wooden fish was hanging.

"Demon monk, don't worry."

The cannibal Zen master came over and grabbed Ling Yichuan's wrist very affectionately:

"Come on, come and visit our back kitchen."

Ling Yichuan estimated that he wanted to disgust himself.

But it doesn't hurt.

"Okay, the poor monk also wants to see how you pig demons make fasting rice..." The

cannibal Zen master stretched out his hand with a smile: "Come, please go this way." Ling

Yichuan: "I know where the back kitchen is." "

Walking around to the west side of the Wuguan Hall, I saw that there was also a door here, with a plaque written on it, the word 'Daliao', and the left and right sides were engraved with a link that read: '

Before you first taste the three iron rods, make nine bronze hammers for private food.'"

Walking here, along the crack of the door, Ling Yichuan could smell a sweet smell that belonged to human blood alone.

The sense of smell of the demon monk... It's also very good.

He paused, reached for the door, and walked in.

The cannibal Zen master hurried to follow.

Entering the back kitchen, a burst of heat hit inside!

Ling Yichuan narrowed his eyes and saw the scene inside this big liao (kitchen).

On the stovetop, there were several large pots, some of which were oil and some of which were soup, and the white bone broth in the soup pot was bubbling.

Judging from the few bones that came out of the soup base, it was a human bone.

On the table, a large log is placed as a cutting board.

There was a female corpse with its head removed, like a broiler chicken that had been washed and removed, and was randomly placed on a cutting board.

A pig-headed cook, holding a bone machete larger than an axe, had just cut the belly of the female corpse, and when he saw Ling Yichuan suddenly break in, the whole Yiya was stunned.

"Hey! Kitchen powerhouse! Who let you in! Who are you! "

If it weren't for the smell of a choking demon aura on Ling Yichuan's body, it was definitely not a human being, and he would have started directly.

The cannibal Zen master hurriedly came over and explained

, "This demon monk is a distinguished guest, I'll show him around the back kitchen... You're busy with yours! Seeing

the Zen master speak, the pig-headed cook immediately answered, and then began to busy himself with the work at hand.

I saw that he raised and fell, like a cow, and quickly disposed of the female corpse.

First open the chest, take out the water, and throw it into a large wooden barrel on the side.

Then the limbs were cut off, cut into nine segments, and thrown into two iron basins ....

Then the torso was processed... It's really a process with chickens and ducks.

The expressionless Ling Yichuan watched for a while, then continued to walk forward, and then heard movement from the stove on the side.


Ling Yichuan glanced at it, and saw that under the stove, there was a large iron cage.

In the cage was a.

She was enchanted, her hands and feet were glued, and she didn't even have her mouth, so she couldn't talk and shout, and the whole person was unkempt and curled up inside.

At this moment, she was looking at Ling Yichuan with wide eyes, her eyes were full of fear and despair, and there was a hint of help.

The cannibal Zen master came over and said with a smile:

"This lady is not a good person."

"She did anything to get a son, and when we went to take her captive, she was happy with the two catchers... Her sick husband never dreamed of..."

Ling Yichuan said strangely: "I thought that you were pretending to be monks, just to facilitate the attack on the pilgrims in the temple, why did you go down the mountain to kidnap people?" "

Hey, hey."

The cannibal Zen master rubbed his fat belly and smiled wickedly:

"We are not pretending to be monks, we have really converted to Buddhism..." "

If we mess around in the temple, who will dare the pilgrims come?"

"So, we monks... What should I do in ordinary times, I should chant the sutra, I should pray to the Buddha.

"Even..." Speaking

of this, the cannibal Zen master smiled lewdly:

"The business of seeking children in the Fanyin Temple, we will continue to do as usual, but in the future, this Guanyin will send children... It may not work~ "

The pig demon is sexually promiscuous, and Ling Yichuan knows that they will not let go of this good thing."

I just didn't expect that the pig demon who has always been hot-tempered and lacks patience ... He can actually do this with a fake monk!

A bit quirky.

The cannibal Zen master continued

, apparently saying, "Later, we found out that it is not a good way to buy food with the incense money given by the pilgrims!"

"Be a monk for a day and hit the clock for a day!"

"If we want to eat people, we will go down the mountain and take captivity!"

"We also talk about the rules, only catch those women who have come to the temple to stay overnight, and we have left the smell... In this way, the wind that does not work in seeking a son will not leak out in a short time..." Speaking

of this, he was already overjoyed and laughed out loud:

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha!! O Amitabha Buddha!! Thank you Buddha for your protection! Thank you Buddha for showing us this way of living, ahahahahhh Ling

Yichuan's eyes became cold, and he became murderous again.

Perhaps in the eyes of other players, this is just a game.

But in his opinion, everything in the game is true.

Whether it was Ling Yichuan or the demon monk, they still regarded themselves as a person in their bones.

The image of these pig demons overlapped with the monks that the demon monks hated the most, and those sanctimonious junior brothers.

In the memory of the demon monk, there was a murderous killing Buddhist scripture, which sounded in his mind at this moment!

All sufferings are born to the mother of the Great Black Buddha; All living beings have animal appearances, evil spirits...

When you look at the ghosts and bodhisattvas at ease, when you walk in the depths of Prajnaparamita, you see that the five internal organs are empty, and you see the heads of the five ghosts....

If I smell, how can I save all sentient beings... How to cross all evils....

Only kill!

Kill Kill Kill!!

Good and evil are hanging upside down, six paths are connected, and a nose is also a western sky!!

Somehow, just meditating, black bloodshot in his eye sockets began to squirm and grow.

Moreover, the blood lotus on the top of his head became more and more red and bright.

Suddenly, the system pops up!


There is no text.

Only one line of garbled characters.

【+)aZ>&NVZQ<58N5 Yingzheng 4'Q8JZZ4'FN83 Actinide HD(Z6S? Z'/F0=

] obviously did not use any skills, but on Ling Yichuan's status bar, he suddenly hung up a [Bloodthirsty Fury] BUFF!

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