Seeing that Ling Yichuan's state was not right, the murderous aura on his body instantly became rich, and the smile on the cannibal Zen master's face disappeared for the first time, and he took a step back vigilantly.

"Demon monk, I said... You're okay, are you?

Ling Yichuan didn't say anything, just turned his head slightly and glanced at him.

This glance scared him back several steps!

I saw that Ling Yichuan's eyes were already inky black at this moment!

Countless surging black lines clustered together, completely drowning out the whites of the eyes.

And in this pitch black, another round of golden light outlined the edge of the pupil...

Solemn and evil, like a solar eclipse.

Not only that!

The blood lotus on Ling Yichuan's bald head was dividing into countless slender blood worms, squirming and crawling down from the top of Du's head, covering the face, neck, and the upper body of the gradually expanding muscles!

At this moment, his whole person is both masculine and yin, and his whole temperament is contradictory to the extreme!

It's also extremely dangerous!

"Demon monk, what the hell is going on with you?"

The cannibal Zen master was so nervous that he also appeared in a demon shape, and the fat-headed and big-eared monk's head turned into a wild boar's head with black-faced fangs, and a circle of manes as sharp as needles grew from the neck and chest!

"Don't mess around!!"

At this moment, Ling Yichuan's feeling was very wonderful.

A strong desire to kill surged in his heart.

He wants to kill everything in front of him, kill these pig demons, kill the women in the cage, kill the temple, kill the bustling beings in the world, kill a Qiankun Langlang, kill a Vientiane update!

It stands to reason.

At this time, his thinking should become confused.

But Ling Yichuan was incomparably sober.

He noticed that the [Bloodthirsty Fury] BUFF was hanging in the status bar, and thought that a garbled code had popped up just now.

This is clearly a bug.

I obviously didn't use the skill, but there was an abnormal buff effect, isn't this a bug?


[Bloodthirsty Fury] is a very rare buff effect in the current game, and Ling Yichuan has only heard other players mention it in the forum.

It is said that once this increase is triggered, the SAN value will drop significantly, but all other battle-related attributes will increase significantly!

Whether it's strength, speed, reflexes, skill damage, or resistance!

However, Ling Yichuan's SAN value did not decrease, but increased.

【SAN value: 122%】Relying

on reason to control the urge to kill, Ling Yichuan used this pair of evil golden eyes to sweep over the man-eating Zen master and several other pig kitchens in Daliao.

Who to kill first?

It's really uncomfortable.

His body is full of a sense of power, this power comes too fiercely, almost a swelling pain, he wants to vent out!

Well...... It's like the feeling of puffing up your breasts.

And on the skin, in the meridians, it seems that there are countless ants biting!

The cannibal Zen master was looked at by him and took a few steps back:

"Demon monk! You won't be fighting against us to save this lowly two-legged sheep?! Ling

Yichuan's gaze swept over them and finally landed on the cage.

He walked over.

At this time, several pig cooks in the back kitchen seemed to want to move, but the cannibal Zen master stretched out a thick arm that was about a long length and stopped them.

"Let him save!"

Despite this, his eyes were still staring at the demon monk with fear and fierceness.

When the woman in the cage saw this situation, her eyes lit up, and she only felt that she was about to be saved!

"Hmm! Hmm!! There

was an iron lock on the cage, but Ling Yichuan ignored this lock, directly inserted his hands into the gap of the iron fence, his arms were strong, and the muscles behind him bulged!

Squeak -

the fence above the iron cage, just like that, he pulled a big opening with brute force!

Ling Yichuan reached in, grabbed the woman's hair, and sneaked it out.

The moment she came out of the cage, the closed-mouth demon law that the woman was imposed became invalid.

Under the nose, on the smooth skin, the mouth appeared again.

She quickly said, "Thank you Saint Monk for saving me!!" Holy monk, kill those monsters! They...... Belch!

Halfway through, Ling Yichuan pinched her neck.

With the strength of the demon monk at this moment, just casually pinched it, the woman couldn't say a word, and she couldn't even breathe for half a breath.

This move made all the demons stunned.

Including cannibal Zen masters.

Ling Yichuan didn't say a word, and with a little force on his hand, the woman's neck was pinched narrower and narrower.

Her face turned the color of pig's liver, she kept rolling her eyes, and her head was forced to lean back.

"Amitabha, good, good."

Ling Yichuan raised a single palm, smiled viciously, and his face full of blood worm patterns did not have the slightest color of compassion:

"The poor monk will surpass the benefactor, I wish the donor to get out of the sea of suffering!"

Saying that, he pushed out with a palm on the woman's jaw!


The woman's head was shot out! It fell straight into the bubbling bone soup pot.

For a while, the back kitchen was silent.

After venting, Ling Yichuan felt a lot better.

The blood worms on his body gradually receded and returned to the blood lotus above his head.

The state of [Bloodthirsty Fury] also disappeared.

He breathed a sigh of relief, chanted two more Buddhist trumpets, and threw down the headless female corpse in his hand... The female donor has a half-truncated cervical vertebrae on her neck, and the arteries are still feeding and spurting blood.

"Huh? What are you doing stunned?

Ling Yichuan wiped the blood stains on his face with a human skin robe, and asked with a strange look:

"Go, didn't you say to invite me to fast?"

The cannibal Zen master reacted: "Oh oh oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, go around!" Look at my brain! He

was blindsided for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

Demon monk, is this showing his attitude and position?

He took Ling Yichuan's hand again affectionately, "Let's finish reading the back kitchen, let's go to the front hall to fast, hahaha!" Our monk chefs are no worse than those masters here in the past!

Ling Yichuan squinted and smiled: "Oh, is it?" Then I must taste it. "

Just now, he did consider killing these pig demons.

But Ling Yichuan's reason told himself that killing them now would not do any good, but would increase consumption in vain.

It is better to show kindness and surpass this woman, so that she is not tormented by fear before death.

Since the "monks" have already passed the hall, it means that today's fasting meal has been prepared, and there is a female corpse on the board, which is used tomorrow morning.

So, the woman in the cage in front of him, the pig demon must be saved until at least tomorrow noon to eat, what is the pain of these few more hours of life and death?

While following the cannibal Zen master to the front hall, Ling Yichuan pondered in his heart.

The situation just now was the first real BUG he found in the midnight nightmare!

How did this bug come about?

Relying on the memory of the demon monk, he silently recited a 'Killing Buddhist Sutra' in his heart, and then there was an abnormality.

This shows... The memory of the hunter character can interfere with the operation of the game system?

Oh, it's quite reasonable.

If the characters and backgrounds in the game are real, Midnight Nightmare is equivalent to another powerful force of unknown existence, forcibly interfering with countless worlds.

As long as it is interference, then there must be limitations!

'Killing the Buddhist Sutra' is originally a mental method mastered by the demon monk, but for the sake of balance, the hunter is only allowed to have 3 active skills, and his other exercises are eliminated.

I don't know if this bug is temporary, or can it be used all the time?

Ling Yichuan thought, wait and try again.

If the 'Killing Buddhist Sutra' is chanted in the heart every time, the buff effect of [Bloodthirsty Fury] can appear....

Isn't this game a random killing?

At this time, the cannibal Zen master lifted a thick oilcloth and came to the front hall of fasting.

There are two monk cooks who are cooking for the bucket and other pig demon monks.

The pig demon is not holding an ordinary large bowl, but directly holding the enamel basin used by the monk for washing.

After fasting, they all carried the basin and walked to the Buddha shrine on the side of the Wuguan Hall, knelt on the futon, and carefully bowed to the Buddha statue on it.

Ling Yichuan walked over and looked at it with some curiosity.

In the Five Views Hall of Fanyin Temple, a Maitreya Buddha statue was originally enshrined.

Now it's a different one.

Now the shrine here seems to be enshrined... Pig?

It's just that this Zhu Bajie doesn't look as cute as Ling Yichuan's memory.

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