He is not a white fat and cute domestic pig, but a wild boar image with black face and fangs.

Zhu Bajie, who was full of flesh and fat on his face, was dressed openly, and sat on a demon beast that looked like a dragon and a dragon with his chest and stomach exposed.

The demon beast had horns on its head, a hideous human face, and it seemed to be chewing something in its big mouth, and saliva was flowing everywhere.

And ZBJ.com is no better.

He holds fruits and vegetables in his left hand, and his right hand... Actually holding a human leg!

It's eating!

The nine-toothed nail rake, standing right behind him! There seemed to be a ball of something stuck in the sharp spikes....

At a closer look, it looks like intestines!

This extremely strong visual impact made Ling Yichuan a little uncertain.

Is this evil god-like statue Zhu Bajie? Probably not?

A nail rake is not necessarily Zhu Bajie....

Until the cannibal Zen master spoke:

"This is the ancestor of my clan, Pig Gang Mane... He has already achieved great perfection, and now he is the messenger of the altar of purification... You demon monk may not know.

Speaking of this, his eyes became a little strange, as if tempting:

"Demon monk... Do you want to worship him too? "

Although the messenger of the pure altar is not a bodhisattva, he can also bless you with a worry-free meal and drink for a lifetime~"

Ling Yichuan thought about it, then shook his head and refused.

"My master is called the Hundred Eyes Heavenly Dragon Guanyin, and I am also called the reincarnation of Guanyin, if you want to worship, you can only worship the Buddha, how can I worship the messenger of the altar of purification?"

Some pig demons around heard what he said, and their eyes suddenly became unkind.

The cannibal Zen master was unimpressed, and waved his hand at the pig demons:

"Let's all go and fast."

More than two dozen pig demons had finished fasting, sat down in their seats, and then began to eat directly.

They ate and the movement was really earth-shattering

.... The pig demons returned to their demon shape, and the entire pig's head was buried in the enamel basin, and they ate it with a whoosh!

A look of ridicule appeared on Ling Yichuan's face: "

You pig demon monks, you still can't learn well."

"Our true monks, before passing through the hall, are to pray the offering, so as to invite the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions to fast."

The cannibal Zen master clasped his hands together, and he smiled without anger: "Be good, be taught... Come, please.

Ling Yichuan found a vacant seat to sit down, and the cannibal Zen master said "wait" and walked away, and after a while, he came over with a bowl of steaming noodle soup.

"This meal, let's eat noodles."

"Demon monk, I have prepared some good ingredients for you, and I have put a bowl of mushroom tofu noodles, come and come, and please eat it while it is hot."

The noodle bowl was put down, and Ling Yichuan looked down.

Where is this noodles, where are there mushrooms and tofu!

There are two white and tender eyes floating on the noodle soup, which is probably a mushroom.

The eyeballs denatured during high-temperature cooking and turned into pure white spheres, which really looked a bit like an uncut white mushroom.

And what about tofu?

He used chopsticks to pick up a few of the white and greasy pieces of fat ... The fat meat has already been boiled, and the chopsticks will break when touched, and they can't be clamped.

Like tofu indeed.

Ling Yichuan smiled: "Interesting... Very interesting. The

cannibal Zen master also smiled and looked at him obliquely: "This noodle is not delicious when it is cold, and the noodles will crumple together... Eat quickly. He

knew that the demon monk had been a human being, and this temptation was disgusting to him.

Ling Yichuan was indeed a little difficult to speak.

Although the demon monk became half-human and half-demon the day after tomorrow, she has never eaten people, and she has never eaten this mouthful.

I really want him to eat, and it's a little disgusting.

Just when Ling Yichuan was slightly resistant, a familiar and deep voice came from the depths of his mind.

'Let me come! Ling

Yichuan was shocked.

That's the sound of a chainsaw butcher!

His mind moved, controlling the butcher's personality, rising from his consciousness....

A moment later, the cannibal Zen master frowned, and he felt that the demon monk in front of him suddenly became a little different.

But what exactly is different, I can't say for a while.

He was about to urge again, but saw Ling Yichuan suddenly lower his head and deeply smelled the aroma of the noodles.

"Whew... Ahhhhhhhhh

Then he smiled viciously and picked up the big bowl, first drank a large mouthful of noodle soup, drank most of the white and greasy oily meat, and then directly grabbed the two "white mushrooms" with his hands and threw them into his mouth, chewing them in large mouths, and splashed the juice of the mushrooms!

"The taste is a little lighter, but it can also relieve the gluttony! Hahaha! The

cannibal Zen master was stunned.

Ling Yichuan finished eating the meat part of the vegetarian noodles, and began to swept the clouds, clumsily pulling the noodles into his mouth with chopsticks and swallowing his throat.

Bang! The big bowl was heavily placed on the table, and Ling Yichuan touched the oil flowers on his mouth, eating it was satisfied!

System prompt

: [Hunter Plot Mission: You have finished this hard-to-swallow meal, mission completed! ] 【

You have gained the trust of the pig demons! 】 】

【You ate the noodles made by the pig demon, and your courage is commendable! 】 Reward Permanent Stamina Value +10]

Ling Yichuan was stunned.

Can eating this thing also add permanent stamina?

What is stamina?

Good stuff!

Stamina and stamina are highly correlated hidden attributes, which is the conclusion that many players have come to after accidentally getting a bonus to stamina!

Basically, the higher the stamina value, the slower the stamina value is depleted!

Although Ling Yichuan didn't know how much his basic stamina value was, he didn't know if +10 stamina value was too much or less...

But none of this prevents him from wanting more!

That's an increase in permanent attributes! If only it could be stacked! Then he can't brush the attribute points well?!

He picked up the empty bowl and handed it to the cannibal Zen master: "Then what, can I have another bowl?" Said

, and licked the oil stains on his lips.

The cannibal Zen master frowned, tilted his head, and looked at Ling Yichuan with a puzzled face.

"Really want to... Another bowl?

Ling Yichuan nodded like a bird pecking.

"Okay! OK! The

cannibal Zen master smiled again, turned around and served him noodles: "But mushrooms are just these two, I'll give you more tofu." "Good


At this time, some of the pig monks had finished eating, and they returned to their human form, but they did not leave in a hurry, but looked at Ling Yichuan curiously.

After a while, the cannibal Zen master brought another bowl of noodles, "Eat." Ling

Yichuan picked up the bowl, and another gust of wind swept the clouds.

Bang! Empty bowls on the table!

【You ate the noodles made by the pig demon, your courage is commendable! 】 Bonus Permanent Stamina +10]

Yo Roar!

Ling Yichuan's eyes lit up!

The story tasks here can actually brush permanent attributes!

"One more bowl!" He shouted boldly.

The cannibal Zen master picked up the bowl in a daze and muttered, "

It seems that this demon monk is really hungry..." The

other pig monks who had finished eating the noodles also came over.

They were originally extremely defensive and malicious towards Ling Yichuan, but now they all became close and curious.

In this way, Ling Yichuan ate bowl after bowl.

Empty bowls on the table are stacked high.

The cannibal Zen master began to wipe his sweat:

"I already know this, I also used a pot for you..." "

Hey, I said, this is the last bowl, the noodles in the pot are gone, and the tofu is gone... Are you a monk fed? "

Ling Yichuan was also sweating profusely, his stomach was bulging badly, and his physical strength dropped when he ate....

But he still persevered!

For permanent properties! What is this difficulty!

Anyway, the pain in the game is limited, even if the stomach pouch explodes! The hunter's blood-locking mechanism will make his injuries recover quickly!

Make it whatever you want!

While pouring noodles into his mouth, Ling Yichuan said indistinctly:

"Can the noodles be lowered, tofu... Isn't there a lot of back kitchen? The bone broth that has been boiled for a long time is also used! Don't be stingy! The

cannibal Zen master muttered in his mouth

: "Or I will give you this number..." Fortunately

, Ling Yichuan finished eating this bowl of noodles, and finally saw that he had reached the upper limit of brush endurance value, and the system popped up a prompt:

[You ate the noodles made by the pig demon, your courage is commendable! ] Reward Permanent Stamina +10]

[Stamina bonus has reached the upper limit!

"Whew... Sure enough, there is still an upper limit.

Ling Yichuan touched his belly, which seemed to be pregnant in October, and kept taking deep breaths:

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of the fugitive today... You have to eat up the inventory of this group of pig demons! "

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