Ling Yichuan's memory is very good, especially when the SAN value is overclocked, and his brain is especially good.

Previously, he only spent 2 seconds glancing at the monster introduction of the Sanskrit Ghost Monk, and he remembered each of his skills very well.

He has psychic powers, flesh and blood powers, and the Great Black Buddha Mother Heart Mantra.

There are three in total.

The first two, Sanskrit Ghost Monk has been using.

The last one, which never appeared.

This made Ling Yichuan a little uneasy.

The quest monster with skills is obviously not in the same grade as the one encountered before.

This guy also brings multiple skills.

In such a situation, if the boss always presses a skill unused, it can indeed play a considerable deterrent effect.

Comparable to nuclear deterrence and swallow double eagle deterrence.

In the monster introduction, this skill is said to be very good.

What [creating a lot of illusions] and what [falling into multiple abnormal states]

is very scary!


The strange sound heard in the skull now should be the 'Great Black Buddha Mother Heart Curse', right?

It's hard to describe this sound.

It's a bit like chanting a scripture, with a sense of rhythm, but it's not like humans chanting, because the sound sounds too harsh and too high-frequency!

Let's put it this way.

Listening to this movement, Ling Yichuan immediately thought of an alien civilization that was completely different from human civilization to speak.

People communicate through vocal cord vibration, speech.

And this kind of existence is similar to scraping the blackboard with a fingernail to communicate.

And that's not all.

They use a special blackboard, using a high-frequency multi-layer alloy, so that the frequency of vibration reaches the limit of human brain perception, and the level of tone reaches hundreds of weights!

A 1-second friction byte may contain several G's of information.

Similar to the legendary dragon language, but far more exaggerated than that.

Of course, Ling Yichuan couldn't understand such a huge amount of information for the time being, he just faintly felt this way...

It is a sound that is beyond the limits of human understanding.

Suddenly, the chanting of the 'Great Black Buddha Mother Mantra' stopped.

The world went quiet again.

What's going on?

Ling Yichuan was a little stunned.

Not only did the chanting stop, he found that everything around him stopped.

The headless ghost monk with his hands folded and his legs slightly squatting in front of him was motionless.

The flesh and blood on his body were also motionless.

Ling Yichuan was also completely frozen.

"What... Circumstance? "

Time Stop Series?"

"Or did the server crash? Crashed? Will the game Midnight Nightmare also collapse?

"Could it be a problem with my game barn?" Disconnected from the Internet?? "

No, it's not right!

Ling Yichuan saw his status bar and was changing drastically!

Both stamina and energy are declining!

Fortunately, the energy value is good to say, after triggering the special mechanism of the demon monk 'Elysium', it has recovered to 100%,

but the physical strength value has not been restored!

System prompt:

[Warning! Your energy and stamina drop too fast! 【

You have entered the 'severe fatigue' state! Ling

Yichuan noticed that his DeBuff began to increase massively!

In addition to [Severe Fatigue], there are -


] [Smoking

] [Five Senses Disorder

] [Intuitive Shielding

] [Decreased Stamina

] [Decreased Spell Defense] [Decreased Spell

Attack Power]


Everything else is easy to say!

But if the stamina value drops again, something will go wrong!

When the hunter's stamina is 0, he can only stay still and wait for it to slowly recover.

Under normal circumstances, this is not a problem.

After resting in place for a minute or two, you can move again.

But now it's not normal!

The Sanskrit Ghost Monk's 'flesh and blood power' seemed to be able to absorb his physical strength and energy endlessly.

If he really sucked there all the time, Ling Yichuan wouldn't play.

This time, the hunter went straight to jail until dawn!

Thinking of this, Ling Yichuan took action.

He couldn't feel the flesh and blood covering his body now, so he tried to raise his hand...

As soon as he moved, he heard a crisp shattering sound!

Ling Yichuan was startled and looked up at the sky - the direction where the shattering sound came from.

In the air, more than a dozen vultures that were originally circling were frozen there.

They cracked.

To be precise... It was as if the whole space had cracked.


A lightning-like crack split these vultures in the entire night sky.

And then more cracks ... It spreads in a spider web shape to the surroundings.

The space was shattered one by one, like a broken porcelain.

Ling Yichuan looked at all this dumbfounded.

"This hallucination... It's a bit spectacular..." The

debris of space was thrown into an unknown space.

Whether it is the sky or the ground, the fragments of space are getting bigger and bigger....

He can see that the world beyond space... It is a colorful chaos, as if all the colors in the world have been knocked over, and then they are not evenly stirred at will.

Ling Yichuan was stunned to see it.

It has to be said.

Falling into a hallucination is sometimes a pleasure.

When Ling Yichuan was a child, when his parents were still alive, he once took him to see the ring screen theater and had a similar experience.

Of course, even if it is a special effects movie with a 360-degree surround, it is not as realistic as the current effect!

The collapse of space, suddenly stopped.

At this moment, heaven and earth are full of holes... The place where the Sanskrit Ghost Monk was standing had been stripped away and he could no longer be seen.

"The hallucinations end here? No follow-up? Ling

Yichuan felt a little embarrassed:


..." He took out [a bottle of 82-year-old vodka] from the prop slot,

which was his back hand.

The characteristics of vodka are 'temporarily clear of all negative states' and 'total properties increase by 300%'....

Great for backhanding.

No matter how powerful the illusion of the 'Great Black Buddha Mother Heart Curse' is, as long as it is a negative state, it belongs to this bottle of vodka!

The arm is forced, but it can't be lifted.

Ling Yichuan froze.

"It seems that... Although in the fantasy world, the body does not feel the bondage... In fact, the flesh and blood of the ghost monk is still on me.

"And more than just now, he gave me another weight."

The system was constantly prompting the decline in physical strength, and Ling Yichuan sighed.

There is no other good way.

He put away the '''82 vodka' and took out another piece of 'C4 plastic explosive'

, after all, it has been used many times, even if it can only be operated with one hand, he quickly got it done and chose the lowest detonation time.

The detonating light of the C4 explosive begins to beat in an orderly manner.


Ling Yichuan sighed.


I actually had to wait for a minute in a frozen illusion...

It's boring, it's boring.

As soon as the thought flashed, there was an aura that made him somewhat familiar in the outer heavens above his head.

Huge, lofty, and breathtaking!

He recalled the thunderstorm day when the Lurumei came out to bath...



It doesn't taste right!

It's other evil gods!

Could it be....

Ling Yichuan raised his head and looked at the sky dome directly above.

In the chaotic outer sky, a behemoth black shadow approached.

Those colorful colors were engulfed in darkness one after another....

An equally chaotic, sticky darkness.

"What do you want?"

An ethereal inquiry directly entered Ling Yichuan's brain.

"What are your desires?"

"What do you want?"

It wasn't a sound, it was a thought.

A more thorough spiritual communication than 'his heart'.

Ling Yichuan raised his head, his pupils trembling as he looked beyond that world... Sticky darkness.

"Are you... Big Black Buddha Mother? That

thought affirmed.

Then asked again.

At this time, the system prompts:

[Your stamina has been exhausted.

The moment his physical strength reached 0, Ling Yichuan became extremely weak, and he could no longer hold the C4 explosive bag in his hand.

As soon as his right hand loosened, the explosive bag that was still counting down fell to the ground.

But at this moment, Ling Yichuan no longer cared about these things.

He tilted his head and said enthusiastically,

"I want to see what you look like!"

The viscous darkness of the outer heavens was silent.

A moment later, a large black and purple hand that was enough to cover the mountain reached in from the gap in space, and like peeling an eggshell, it opened the space debris that had not yet broken on its own.

A huge black-purple swirling eye like a planet that seemed to absorb everything in the world occupied the center of the sky.

He peeked at Ling Yichuan, who was as small as dust, and asked, "

Am I good-looking?"

System prompt:

[You looked directly at the 'Big Black Buddha Mother'!] ]

Ling Yichuan glared at the demon monk's pair of Danfeng eyes into large and round hyperthyroid eyes, and the san value rose wildly, straight to the heavenly spirit!

It seems like a long time has passed.

He said:

"... So so. "

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