The swirling eyes of the Great Black Buddha Mother gradually froze.

The "cyclone" in the eyes is getting slower and slower and no longer flows ... At the same time, the "world" around Ling Yichuan finally collapsed completely!

Silent crash!

The pitch-black outer heavens surged in, completely drowning everything!

The distorted Sanskrit sound sounded, as if a Western Heavenly Band was playing hard, laying the BGM for the appearance of the Buddha Mother...

Circle after lap of golden halo rose in the endless darkness.

Such a scene said that the Buddha was about to come to the scene, and Ling Yichuan also believed it.

He narrowed his eyes, feeling that he was about to be blinded by the increasingly brilliant Buddha light...

In the brightest light, a huge dark shadow of the darkest slowly rose.

He twisted enchantingly, his slender arms raised high, as if slowly and quickly unfolding, like a peacock opening the screen, pulling out countless arm shadows...

These arms are thick and thin, male and female, and beyond the arms, new arms are born, gradually spreading outward....

In the end, there were countless tens of thousands of arms, grasping together and twisting together to form a behemoth disc.

The Great Black Buddha Mother revealed his "whole picture".

Ling Yichuan stood in a void, looking up at the enchanting and solemn Buddha Mother.

I saw that his whole body was dark, he could not see his face, he could not see the details of his body, as if he was just a three-dimensional shadow.

Those brilliant Buddha lights flowed along the edge of his body, as if he himself had the incredible gravitational pull of a black hole, and even the light could not escape.

It's really beautiful to watch.

As for His face....

The swirling eye of black and purple is his entire face.


Ling Yichuan looked at him, his brain felt a slight tingle, and in his consciousness, there was suddenly something more.

It should be some kind of information, or rather... Knowledge.

He now discovered that some powerful evil gods, even if they don't want to give you anything, but if you see them, you will naturally get something.

The same is true of the Great Black Buddha Mother.

Just like an open book, if you know the text on it, just take a casual glance and you will see some knowledge.

The nature of life of evil gods is different from all life as understood by humans.

The Great Black Buddha Mother now gave Ling Yichuan the feeling... It's like a woman with "words" written all over her face and body.

This kind of information is extremely complex and aggressive, and at a glance, a part of it is forced into the mind!

Neither a picture nor a text, it is a pure concept.

Xuanzhi and Xuanzhi, indescribable.

At this time, the swirling face of the Great Black Buddha Mother lowered slightly, and came closer.

"You take a closer look... Am I not good-looking? His

communication is not through words that does not capture His emotions.

Ling Yichuan could only say honestly:

"Once the sea was difficult to water, but Wushan is not a cloud."

"If it had been before, I would have thought you were beautiful. Now... So so. "

Everything in the world is afraid of comparison.

There is a contrast, there is a gap.

Ling Yichuan glanced at his SAN value, which had reached 190% at the moment, which was already exceeding the SAN value level when he first saw Cthulhu.

If you only judge the strength of the evil god from the "glycemic index" of the SAN value.

There is no doubt that the Great Black Buddha Mother is obviously stronger than Cthulhu.

But in fact... When Ling Yichuan reached this level of SAN value, he felt that he had opened a higher dimension and clearer perspective.

He could feel that the Great Black Buddha Mother showed more.

And Cthulhu ... I saw only the tip of His iceberg.

"No one can be disrespectful to the Buddha Mother."

The Great Black Buddha Mother told him

, "Little insect, I will inflict a small punishment on you... Punish you... Fell into a nose for twelve years. "

Ling Yichuan didn't take it seriously.

Until the other party told him:

"I hope that when you leave hell, you can continue to play..."

Ling Yichuan frowned.


Did he just say..."Keep playing"?

Whether it is an NPC or a quest boss, it should not know the existence of the player, right?

What does this mean?

Can evil gods break the "fourth wall"?

He knows he's in the game Midnight Nightmare?!?!

As soon as the Buddha mother's words fell, the swirling eye on his face became bigger and bigger, and soon occupied Ling Yichuan's entire field of vision!

Ling Yichuan felt that he was floating up, and he was falling upwards quickly!


Fall upwards!

Do you know what it's like?

Gravity reverses!

Or maybe...

A giant planet the size of Jupiter does not talk about martial virtue to be attached to the earth, and greater gravity appears in the sky, so the sky is the earth! Then pull everything up on the surface!

"Hey! Oops! Ling

Yichuan tumbled and fell towards that bigger and bigger eye!

After having some more concepts about the Big Black Buddha Mother in my mind, now it seems that this big eye really looks more and more like the "Eye of Jupiter"!

An eye of the storm for tens of thousands of kilometers!!

Ling Yichuan trembled all over, and the SAN value was getting higher and higher...

Broke through 200% for the first time!

His facial features also disappeared.

A bare faceless face cracked a vertical gap.

The mist of chaos of morbid colors formed a wriggling pupil in it.

Ling Yichuan was unaware of the abnormality on his face, he opened his "eyes" wide, and finally saw the truth in the eyes of the whirlpool!

In the swirling eyes of the Great Black Buddha Mother, it is really a nasal hell!

Countless human souls, wailing and struggling in it, there are knife mountain hook forests, fire sea oil pots!

Ling Yichuan saw someone being put on an iron thorn, screamed and was burned at the stake, and soon burned into char.

But the char peels off, and the weeping soul is restored again, and the cycle continues.

He also saw people wearing iron beast-faced masks, being hanged again and again, and then being gutted by some Rakshasa demons, and eating the corpses.

Someone was scalped and filled with mercury;

Someone is locked in a cage, and ten thousand arrows pierce the heart;

Someone got on a special wooden horse and jolted until a wooden stake with barbs poked out of the mouth and blood dripped out.

There are all kinds of punishments and tortures.

And the direction that Ling Yichuan fell to... But it's dead silent... There is only a pure darkness.

He suddenly realized that the Great Black Buddha Mother probably saw his (the demon monk's) desire.

Therefore, His torment of himself is not torture, but

- off! Prohibit! Close!


Ling Yichuan was instantly frightened!

It can't be true, right!?

In the game, lock yourself up for 12 years of confinement?!

Is it possible to do this?!


At this moment, it was pitch black in the game warehouse.

Ling Yichuan's body convulsed madly as if he had been hit by an evil.

On his face, a constantly changing mosaic appeared.

Chainsaw butcher, double face killer, alchemical wizard, ripper killer... Including the faces of the demon monks, they are all appearing in turn.

Their expressions were distorted, as if they were cursing something angrily.


In the game, in the fantasy world.

Ling Yichuan's body shook more and more, and he knew that he was about to fall!

Once you fall into the Vortex Eye of the Great Black Buddha Mother, it is equivalent to entering the A-nose Hell... Is it really going to be locked up for 12 years, he doesn't dare to bet!

This unscientific perverted game, nothing can be done!

He tried to raise his right hand holding the 'vodka'!

Sure enough, there are no more bondage!

The C4 explosive that was thrown on the ground before has long exploded, and the flesh and blood attached to his body have also been blown up, and the [Binding] effect has long been lifted!

It's just that due to the negative effects of [Five Senses Disorder], I didn't hear the explosion or feel anything.

The fall on his head and feet trembled, and his changed face gradually returned to its original demon monk appearance.

After adjusting his posture during the fall and trying to get his head up and down, Ling Yichuan finally unscrewed the bottle of '82 years of vodka'.

Take a sip!

"Tun Dun Dun!"

The long-lost system prompt jumped out:

[Good strong wine! ] 】

【You have entered the 'berserk' state!

【All negative states have been cleared, all attributes increased by 300% (30 seconds)】Just

when Ling Yichuan was about to fall, the Vortex Eye of the Buddha Mother disappeared instantly.

The cold moonlight sprinkled in the Fanyin Temple.

More and more vultures are hovering in the sky.

Carrying the wine bottle and entering the 'furious state', Ling Yichuan's skin was red, and there were countless flames around him like fireflies.

He stood dumbfounded in the empty square, stunned.

"It's out..."

"Eh, where's the Sanskrit Ghost Monk?"

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