It can be seen that Huang Shujun is also very puzzled.

He wrinkled his brows and thought for a while: "It could be... Reward me?

Ling Yichuan couldn't help but laugh out loud, and asked rhetorically:

"For what reward you?" Rewarding you for eating spicy strips in class, or dancing hip-hop? Rewarding you for dozing off on exams, or for making your left eye like this for a green tea and an off-campus gangster? "

Huang Shujun's left eye is a traumatic cataract, a sequelae left by a fight injury.

It is said that surgery will be held soon.

Huang Shujun rolled his eyes at the same time:

"Am I so worthless in your eyes?"

Ling Yichuan narrowed his smile and returned to his normal state of indifference and vipers:

"No, you don't have nothing in my eyes, only 'yes'."

"Lean! You pierce my heart!! Huang Shujun shouted loudly.

As an adolescent boy who wants to find girls to practice the "rite of passage" all day, Huang Shujun's biggest pain point is that he has never succeeded.

Finally, I relied on smashing money to soak a girl in the next class, and wanted to fool her out for a night, but it was either windy or rainy all day, and finally Huang Shujun was hung by his appetite until he ran out of appetite, so he completely broke up and returned to Ling Yichuan's arms.

"So why did your dad suddenly let you buy a game warehouse."

Ling Yichuan still couldn't figure it out: "It's strange, isn't it?" Huang

Shujun is different from him, and the problems he can't figure out won't waste brain cells at all, and he looks rotten:

"Leave him alone!" The old man had so many twists and turns in his head all day, who knew what he was thinking?

"Maybe he discovered his son's talent in esports!" I think I'm definitely not reading material, so I might as well play games!

Ling Yichuan smiled.

The appearance of Huang Shujun's father appeared in his mind.

The uncle wore a pair of wood-framed glasses, wore an old cadre jacket, had a straight face all day, and said little, and he was not old in the next year, but he was completely an old pedant.

Such a person will take the initiative to encourage his son to engage in e-sports?

Huang Shujun is dreaming.

In the mall, the electrical area of almost all brand owners has been specially separated from an area for selling game warehouses.

The game barn of Midnight Nightmare is as weird as this game, and the origin is unknown.

Ling Yichuan accompanied Huang Shujun to walk around, and listened to the explanations of various shopping guides and brothers.

Each shopping guide does not talk about performance, only the shape, size and comfort of the game compartment.

And, of course, so-called exclusive discounts.

Nothing else was said.

This in itself is weird.

It stands to reason that game warehouses are also electronic products.

When buying electronic products, isn't the most important thing performance?

However, the performance of these game warehouses seems to be exactly the same, and there is no difference.

And the price is really low.

This year, a well-configured mobile phone costs tens of thousands, but a game warehouse so large and so high-tech, but only three or four thousand?

Isn't this outrageous to open the door to outrageous, outrageous to home?

If you ask, it means discounts, subsidies!

It is said that the game company of Midnight Nightmare, in order to increase the number of game users as soon as possible, sold the manufacturing technology of the game warehouse at a loss, so that the manufacturers of the major game warehouses can sell the game warehouse as much as possible.

They have to put long lines and catch big fish.

The real high profit is intended to be obtained by players topping up in the game.

At first glance, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

But this business model... Or how to look, how to be sick!

The upfront cost is too high and too expensive.

If Midnight Nightmare were really a normal game company, the capital chain would have been broken into eighteen long ago!

Moreover, Ling Yichuan, who has a little understanding of the cutting-edge knowledge of science and technology, is very clear in his heart.

The many cross-era technologies included in the game Kura are too advanced and shocking!

This terrifying technological leap can completely make the country that first mastered it become an invincible super-hegemon!

Such a terrifying scientific and technological achievement should never have been mastered by a private company at the beginning, and it should be used alone in the game!

This cannot be said to be a cow knife to kill chickens, it is simply a star destroyer cannon for killing chickens!

"Hey, Chuan Chuan, after seeing so much, which one do you say I buy?" Huang Shujun asked undecidedly.

Ling Yichuan retracted his thoughts and replied casually: "It's all the same, anyway, you can't pick the configuration, just buy the lowest discount and the cheapest."

Huang Shujun hesitated, "But it's the cheapest... The interior is not luxurious, the Warwick's just now is good, the interior is leather, and it is very comfortable to lie down.

Ling Yichuan looked at him sideways with a brain-dead gaze: "Have you ever thought that this thing... You fall asleep when you go in, do you really need to be so comfortable and luxurious?

Huang Shujun nodded with a deep groan: "You also have a certain truth. In

the end, he chose the game warehouse of the Xiaomi brand.

Because Xiaomi's game warehouse shape design is the coolest, most sci-fi, the most pompous... And the tagline is "Born for esports".

According to Huang Shujun's words: The bunker is good!

In addition, the shopping guide there is also the most beautiful and the most streamlined dress.



The two picked a Dian restaurant in the mall that they rarely eat.

There are also fewer people queuing up to get the number here.

Ling Yichuan cautiously drank the wild mushroom soup and asked, "You actually bought two game warehouses..." Huang

Shujun's eyes followed a long-legged girl outside the floor-to-ceiling glass:

"Ang, because my daddy also wants to play... He will leave home and wait today, and when the game warehouse is sent home, he probably plays before me.

Ling Yichuan frowned: "It's so strange."

"Yes, I also think this girl's dress is too strange." Huang Shujun's gaze was like nailing to the girl outside.

Ling Yichuan was speechless, and also glanced outside.

The girl he was looking at was wearing tight long sleeves on the upper body and a short pair of denim hot pants on the lower body.

"That's sun-protective clothing, nothing strange." Ling Yichuan continued to drink the soup with his head down.

Huang Shujun closed his right eye, opened his cataract left eye, stared at the girl, closed his hands and formed a four-like seal, and shouted in a low voice:

"White eyes!" Open! The

girl who happened to pass by noticed this strange-looking pervert, gave him a blank look, and walked away.

He sighed: "My white eyes are useless, I can't see through, and the difference between the Hyuga family is far away."

Ling Yichuan took a clean chopstick from the chopstick cage and threw it over: "If you are more obscene, I will call the police!"

"I'm not in heat as a teenager, it's normal!"

Huang Shujun dodged with a smile: "Eat!" Dine!

During the meal, Huang Shujun also casually asked Ling Yichuan if he bought a game warehouse and played midnight nightmares.

Ling Yichuan did not admit it, and casually fooled for a while.

He didn't want Huang Shujun to know for the time being, so as not to get into trouble.

After all, Ling Yichuan's short-term goal is to play all 12 hunter characters first, and collect and integrate the personalities of these perverted murderers.

He only plays the 1V4 mode, he is a proper lone wolf, and he definitely has no time to accompany Huang Shujun to play double row.

It's better not to say.


Soon after eating, Ling Yichuan put down his chopsticks very crisply and said:

"The game warehouse is also bought, and the meal is also eaten, then I will go back to the codeword."

Huang Shujun was stunned: "Lying groove, when did you become so diligent?" Are you short of money? Tell me about the lack of money!

Ling Yichuan shook his head: "No, it's just that the hands are itchy, full of uncontrollable desire for expression... You don't understand. In

fact, Ling Yichuan was anxious to go back and play games.

I have been playing games these days, my nerves are a little too tight, plus last night's mental consumption is very large, when I first came out to hang out, Ling Yichuan was quite comfortable.

Just like after high-intensity mental work, you need to relax properly and perform mental recovery.

However, after relaxing a little longer, he felt uncomfortable again.

This is probably an addiction, right?

I'm already an internet addict?

Ling Yichuan laughed at himself in his heart.

Huang Shujun directly scanned the code to pay, and firmly refused Ling Yichuan's request for AA, got up and said:

"Let's go!" You go codeword, I play the game! Anyway, the game warehouse will be delivered to my house in the afternoon, and I will hurry up to try it out! It's rare that my dad agrees with me to play such a bloody and violent game!

"I've long wanted to try the cruelest 1v4 mode in Midnight Nightmare!"

"I'm going to play sexy fallen angels!"

Ling Yichuan smiled and did not speak.

He knew which hunter Huang Shujun was talking about.

'Rotten fallen angel – Eve. Ironix', that's a female hunter character with a very wow-booh figure.

She is a notch higher than the Demon Monk and the Christmas Demon, and the skill value she unlocks is more expensive.

If Huang Shujun wants to unlock this character, it is estimated that he will have to work for a while.

I don't know why.

Boys play games and always seem to like to choose female characters, while girls do not have this quirk.


Before leaving, the two bought a lot of food in a special snack shop in the mall, and then left satisfied, walked to the bus station, and waited for their respective buses.

Although Huang Shujun's family is very rich, his parents do not allow him to spend money casually, and his monthly pocket money is only 1,000 and 500, according to his lavish spending habits, he eats and drinks casually and then (when) puts (big) (wrong) sister (seed), there is nothing left, so he is not willing to take a taxi casually.

He looked down and swiped the short video and saw a piece of news that debunked the rumors.

"Recently, foreign media have claimed that archaeological work in many countries has found the remains of prehistoric science and technology, including China... Actually, this is an outright rumor.

"At present, there is still no evidence to prove the existence of the so-called prehistoric civilization, not to mention that the prehistoric civilization actually has scientific and technological power far beyond modern civilization, which is a very irresponsible conjecture and fabrication..."

"It can only be said that some serious media abroad have become less and less serious, and they can only rely on the method of writing science fiction novels to make up news to attract attention."

While watching, Huang Shujun said casually: "Have you seen the rumors of discovering prehistoric technology?

Ling Yichuan didn't play with his mobile phone, he was looking at the leaves on the station in a daze: "No, what prehistoric technology?"

Huang Shujun said: "It is said that several countries, the United States, the Ying Kingdom, the Rus Country, including our Xia Country... During the archaeology, some technologies left by prehistoric civilizations were discovered. "

There were pictures before."

"It's like a nuclear reactor, a spaceship, a robot or something

..." "Fooled me for a while, it turned out to be all made up..." "

Hey, you say, how good it would be if this was true, if we really discovered the black technology left by prehistoric civilization, what would the world become like in the future?"

Ling Yichuan thought about it and said casually:

"If these countries really discover prehistoric technology, they can completely use reverse engineering to make the science and technology that has now stagnated get a great leap forward."

"And then well... I don't think that's a good thing.

"Human civilization, the evolution of social structure is very slow."

"If science and technology advance too fast and other aspects cannot keep up, there is a high probability that there will be a war... Hit a mess. "

Three wars are coming."

"After the fight, our world is expected to become like cyberpunk... High-tech, low life, sentient beings like ants, only a small number of people at the top of the food chain, enjoying the explosive development of science and technology, gradually becoming a high mechanical god.

"Wow..." Huang Shujun's eyes lit up when he heard this: "That's not bad!"

He said: "If one day, our world will become cyberpunk!" I won't do cataract surgery for this eye, anyway, the doctor also said that it may be repeated after the operation..."

"I simply replaced it with a mechanical prosthetic eye, how handsome is that!"

Huang Shujun began to imagine unrealistically:

"It is best to have thermal imaging, night vision, perspective, and a trinity mechanical prosthetic eye!" Oh! And add a red-eye effect! Like the Terminator! At

this time, the 937 bus stopped in front of them.

Ling Yichuan got up and walked to the car with a bag full of snacks:

"My car has arrived, I'll go first."

Huang Shujun raised his hand: "Bai~"

After getting on the car, Ling Yichuan finished swiping the ride code on his mobile phone, casually found a position by the window and sat down, and turned his head to look out of the car again....

The light in front of his eyes dimmed.

The outside world has suddenly changed completely!

The bus station, which no longer exists! It's like being bombarded by a cannon! Only a hideous pit remains!

The filter of the world turned dark red, like under the burning sky dome, Huang Shujun stood not far away, laughing and waving at him.

He has also completely changed!

Just as he had just imagined, his left eye had been replaced with a mechanical prosthetic eye, emitting a blinding red light!

And it's not just the eyes!

The entire half of his face is cold metal!

And his brandishing left hand, also a manipulator!

When the bus started, Ling Yichuan almost looked back in some panic.

The outside world, in his eyes at this moment, has completely turned into a post-war ruin!

As far as the eye can see, these skyscrapers that he is familiar with... Some have broken their waists and some are burning.

The bald storks hovering in the sky have turned into a cold swarm of drones, patrolling in circles.

In the distance, at the mutilated intersection, the traffic artery, there were several soldiers wearing mechanical exoskeletons standing there, seemingly talking about something.

The Gatling cannon on their exoskeleton shoulder was pointed at the sky, still smoking, apparently just used.

A scene of war in the apocalyptic world of cyber!

Ling Yichuan couldn't help but rub his eyes.

At some point, a faint gray-green sickly mist appeared in his eyes, covering his pupils.

When he opened his eyes again, everything outside was back to normal.

The wind is light and the sun is shining.

On the road, countless vehicles are moving, and the high-rise buildings are intact.

Huang Shujun is still mortal in the flesh, still standing at the bus stop, looking down and playing his mobile game.

Everything is peaceful and beautiful and trivial, as if such days will last forever.

Ling Yichuan lay on the seat and looked back blankly for a long time.

"It's over."

He knocked his braincase.

"Character Template Fusion System, this is breaking my brain??"

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