
Back home, the shopping bag full of snacks was casually thrown on the ground, Ling Yichuan urgently turned on the computer first, and began to search for news related to prehistoric civilization.

Why do "visual hallucinations" occur? Is the system breaking the brain? He couldn't be sure.

But still tend to think that this is not the pot of the system.

The character template fusion system is not the kind of glamorous cheap that always seeks a sense of existence and casually affects the host's sensory function.

Except for a sound or two when it prompts when the character is blended, it is usually low-key as if it does not exist at all.

The factors that directly cause the hallucinations should be the previous discussion with Huang Shujun, as well as the relevant information of prehistoric civilization!

Ling Yichuan followed his intuition and first checked the Internet to see what the situation was.

He found out....

A bunch of debunking rumors.

There are also many pages that have posted content that is now blocked.

In Du Niang's gallery, many pictures associated with his search content are cracked... You can't even see the small picture.

The feeling of bad premonition is getting stronger.

"Prehistoric civilization, this sci-fi element that has been played badly... Usually self-media is sent every day, and no one cares.

"What do you mean now?" Such a big move to clean the net..."

"If something goes wrong, there will be a demon."

The more he couldn't find out, the more it aroused Ling Yichuan's great curiosity!

Based on his years of experience surfing in the gray area of the Internet, he found several mixed post bars and forums.

Sure enough, there were many people discussing this matter.

When I clicked in, I was disappointed again.

The post with material seems to have been deleted a long time ago.

In the current post, there are just two groups of people constantly arguing.

Conspiracy theorists and rational parties are quarreling and each has its own opinions.

Conspiracy theorists, of course, do not believe in debunking rumors, they have identified the existence of prehistoric civilizations and made many exaggerated conjectures;

The rational party, on the other hand, does not agree with these speculations at all, believing that the so-called photos and videos that have recently been revealed are only relatively realistic special effects, and cannot explain anything.

The more Ling Yichuan looked at it, the more itchy his heart became.

Really curious, he could only use a little technical means to look at several websites outside the wall.

YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and more.

These websites do not deal with the overwhelming "rumors", allowing them to ferment naturally and spread beyond recognition.

Ling Yichuan struggled to find the original appearance of these prehistoric civilization news.

After reading it, he finally understood what was going on.

The cause of everything was that an unknown hacker stole the Twitter account of the former richest man in the world who had just passed away and posted a news message that "looks fake".

The content said that half a month ago, Yingguo had a documentary filming team that suffered an earthquake on the bottom of the sea under the Antarctic ice sheet.

After the earthquake, a crack was torn open hundreds of kilometers on the seabed.

The people of the shooting team drove the submarine in to explore.

As a result, they found that at a depth of 1,200 meters, there was actually an unnatural underwater cave!

Deep inside the cave, they even found dozens of huge metal discs suspected of being UFOs!

Since they were originally a documentary filming team that planned to work in the deep sea, they carried a very complete set of deep-sea shooting tools, and the videos and photos were taken extremely clearly!

The hacker admitted that the account was stolen by himself, and he said that the pictures and videos were also stolen from the top-secret archive of Yingguo's national defense, fidelity!

The news fermented quickly.

Various professionals come to the assessment to find traces of special effects in photos and videos.

However, it was impossible to find it.

There are not even traces of clipping.

It didn't take long for the tweet to be deleted.

But this seems to be just an appetizer.

In a few days, similar curious news broke out in many countries, and they were all illustrated and textual, with strong credibility.

The United States and the former Soviet Union once had a plan called "digging through the earth".

In the U.S. island of Okehema, a deep drilling well was dug at a depth of 9,583 meters, and later it was said to the outside world that it could not be dug and gave up.

The same goes for the former Soviet.

They dug 12,265 meters before giving up.

The whistleblower claims that neither of them has actually given up.

The United States actually knew for a long time that they had dug a huge man-made project, so they kept digging to both sides, trying to find the boundary of this underground project.

Later, they discovered that it was a metal cube underground.

The diameter alone is thirty kilometers.

Even with modern human technology, it is difficult to create such an exaggerated building.

The materials used in this metal cube exceed the limits of today's materials science.

It was only recently that the United States found a side door to the metal cube and used the correct method to open the door.

Photos posted by whistleblowers show what appears to be a collective dwelling.

The first batch of researchers who entered the exploration also compared the metal bed frame and washbasin inside with the palm of their hands.

He attached some e-mails discussing within the U.S. scientific community.

Exaggerated conclusions appeared.

They measured the radioisotope content of certain detectable items in this metal cube....

It turned out that this "artificial" cube seemed to be the product of 280 million years ago!

Such an exaggerated conclusion directly made foreign netizens explode in place!

The believers of prehistoric civilization immediately moved out the old news that there was a human footprint on the trilobite fossil, and the time of the two was similar, and the comparison was extremely convincing at this time!

Some people speculate that this is Noah's ark in prehistory, others say it is a prehistoric prison or refuge, etc.

And so on.

And the former Soviet Union State dug up what seems to be a prehistoric machinery production base.

The base has been destroyed, and the photos are full of mechanical wreckage.

In addition, the remains of the nuclear reactor photographed by the Xia Guo probe on the far side of the moon and the huge circuit board under the three-star pile have made a big wave!

After reading this, Ling Yichuan turned off the monitor and let out a long breath.

“...... Wasn't what I saw earlier an illusion?

He suddenly realized that if these revelations were true, then the future he had casually talked about before could really happen!

What you see is not an illusion!

It's a real future!

Too absurd speculation made Ling Yichuan digest it for a while...

"You guys think... What exactly do I see?

"Could this matter have something to do with the game Midnight Nightmare?"

In the empty room, he suddenly came to ask two questions.

It was as if a group of invisible people lived here.

What was even more frightening was that after a while, his own demeanor and voice changed, and he began to answer his own question

: chainsaw butcher: "What do you see?" What's relevant? What are you talking about??

Ling Yichuan was surprised: "I saw the illusion, you didn't see it?" Chainsaw

Butcher: "I didn't see anything, I saw you looking back like a convulsion in the car... I thought you couldn't bear to part with that little white face with a problem with your eyes, I thought... YOU'RE JUST AS GANY AS THAT SISSY MONK..."


Double Face Killer. Sister: "Little monk, don't pay attention to him, the only thing that people with bad brains can flaunt is their so-called manhood." "

Double Face Killer. Brother: "Sister, you have a good point!"

Chainsaw Butcher: "Yo hey! Everyone, take a look! The back of the head spoke! "

Double Face Killer. Brother: "I'm going to rip you!"

Chainsaw Butcher: "Come on, little dog!" "


Ripper: "What do you see?"

Alchemy Wizard: "I'm curious too... What exactly do you see?

Ling Yichuan was so loud that his brain hurt.

He had to silence a few of them that seemed useless and had a bad brain.

Well, this is the "permission" he only discovered last night.

When Ling Yichuan wanted to punish a disobedient personality, he could completely make them speechless.

The method is also very simple, just rely on imagination.

He only needs to imagine sealing the mouth of one of the personalities, and he will be sealed.

You can make the mouth disappear, or you can make the mouth be sewn up little by little by needle and thread....

In the face of these "vice-personalities", Ling Yichuan's "master" almost has supreme power.

Of course, he didn't intend to torture other personalities other than yesterday when he tried it on the chainsaw butcher.

After all....

They are also themselves.

The chainsaw butcher, the demon monk, and the double-faced killer were silenced.

Then he patiently informed the remaining two smarter murderers of the pictures he saw and the information he found.

The ripper pondered and said: "Eye diseases can't produce such nuanced hallucinations, mental illnesses can do it..." Ling

Yichuan was speechless for a while: "Doctor Robert, or I'll seal your mouth."

The Ripper said without a fluctuating tone: "Just kidding, in fact, what I want to say is... Have you found that there is another one in your consciousness..." Ling

Yichuan: "Another what?" "

Ripper: "I'm thinking about the wording, personality?" Or the soul? Or or... Exist?

Alchemy Wizard: "Doctor Robert, so you noticed it too?" "

Ripper Killer: "Yes, in the last game, he faced the illusion of that god... It seems that something exists, exerting some influence.

Alchemy Wizard: "Did you also see hallucinations?"

Ling Yichuan immediately replied, "No."

He paused: "Wasn't what I saw at that time all hallucinations?" My whole person is in the illusion of the Great Black Buddha Mother, and I can still see..." Halfway

through speaking, Ling Yichuan's brows furrowed.

Wait a minute.

There seems to be such a thing.

"I was..."

he said hesitantly, "about to be sucked into his Vortex Eye... And then suddenly... I saw the details of the world through his eyes ... I saw a nasal hell... All kinds of torture ... Don't you see that? The

Ripper and the Alchemy Wizard said in unison: "No."

Ling Yichuan unsealed the other personalities: "What about you? The

demon monk, chainsaw butcher, and double-faced killer replied at the same time: "No." Chainsaw

Butcher: "Hey, I said..." Ling

Yichuan sealed his mouth again.

Seeing this, the demon monk and the double-faced killer did not dare to speak casually.

Ling Yichuan pondered silently.

Is there really a being hidden in my consciousness?

Was he who let me see the A-nose hell in the eyes of the Great Black Buddha Mother, and he also let me see Jianghai City and Huang Shujun in the future?

If this exists, it can really do such an exaggerated thing....

So what exactly is he??

Ling Yichuan was just about to think deeply, but he only felt that his brain was getting more and more painful!


He exhaled in pain and fell to the ground holding his head!

At the same time, except for the chainsaw butcher who was forced to shut up, the other hunter personalities also screamed!

Even the demon monks seemed to feel the real pain! He suffers from pain that he can't enjoy!

Ling Yichuan soon was so painful that he could no longer continue to think, his brain went blank, and then the pain gradually subsided.

"Don't think about him yet... Don't think about him..."

Ling Yichuan admonished himself again and again.

This doubt is buried in the bottom of my heart for the time being.

He believed that when the time came, he would naturally know.

"You guys rest for a while, don't make a noise." Ling Yichuan said to the deputy personalities.

They instantly sank into the depths of their consciousness and stopped bubbling.

In any case, he decided deep down that all the abnormalities in reality were inseparable from the game Midnight Nightmare.

Otherwise, Huang Shujun's father would not have abnormally let him buy a game warehouse and play with him.

The old guys in the national think tank must have known some news that ordinary people did not know!

If it really matters, then it will definitely be useful to increase your strength and level in Midnight Nightmare as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Ling Yichuan couldn't wait to get up again.

He took a break and wanted to go straight to the game barn, but after recalling some of the bitter experiences of the previous two matches, he turned on his computer monitor again and entered the official forum of Midnight Nightmare.

The previous two matchups were not smooth.

Ling Yichuan knew that the main reason was his lack of preparation.

Next, he's going to play the infamous hunter 'Christmas Devil'.

He plans to see what old players say about him, whether there are any game videos that can be referenced, and configure 'preparation resources'.

After all, there are few people playing, and most domestic players are not very familiar with the hunter role behind the ripper killer.

Ling Yichuan is the same.

However, as the upper limit of the hunter's role increases, the difficulty of use also increases, and if you do not understand the skill mechanism, comparative advantages and disadvantages and other information, even if the hunter himself fights, he may be defeated by skilled escapees in the rules of the game in 1v4 mode.

How shameful that is.

Enter the forum homepage, and you will be greeted by several hot posts with high clicks and high replies.

The two hottest posts on the top were both made by moderators.

One is to ask the experience of the redesigned hunter player, and the other seems to be to throw stones at the new mode to ask for directions, this one is a top post.

The title of the post is: [If the 2V8 joint hunting mode is opened in the future, do you think it is playable?] What suggestions can be discussed here. "

Joint hunting?"

Ling Yichuan's first reaction to this was:

"I wonder if I can also execute the hunters who formed the team?" It's interesting to think about... Haha, but probably not..."

he opened the post.

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