Of course, these shocking news, he can't tell the two teammates who meet in the game.

They won't believe it.

Zou Xuan thought for a while, and didn't explain much:

"Oh, I'm sorry, I may have played too many RPG games with various plot directions, and now I don't have much patience for the plot..."

He probably also saw it, and it was useless to urge.

There is no 'Ctrl' and 'Enter' key in Midnight Nightmare, nor is there a 'Skip' button in the upper right corner.

You can only come at the rhythm of NPCs.

Several people once again focused their eyes on the anguished Sheriff Harvins, waiting for him to continue.

"In my dream, God told me

..." Sheriff Harvins finally adjusted his mood and said in a low mood:

"This is a place very close to hell, and his power is difficult to enter here, so there is no way to directly save us..."

"What is it?" Father Gray's mood fluctuated significantly.

"He said... Since this is close to hell.

Sheriff Harvins muttered,

"Then simply open a door to hell... Let this place be tainted with the breath of hell... In this way, Anderson will not be able to fully control here..."

"When the time comes... We'll have a glimmer of life..."

"He told me that to do this, you need to set fire to the old oak tree at the end of Oak Street and burn it down."

"To do this, you need to prepare several things."

"Sacrifice the soul of a sinner—that is, me."

"The flame of the holy fire is also needed, and God says, it is in the church."

"A 'key' that pried open the gates of hell."

"Finally, find a 'Sword of the Demon' that was once used to kill 'Corapus'..."

Father...... You can give me tinder... I also know where the Demon-Killing Sword is..." Sheriff

Havins raised his head and looked squarely at him.

The three players also turned their heads to look at the priest in unison.

Father Gray whispered to himself in disbelief: "Open the gates of hell... Transform the world of the table into the world of the inside... This...... This..."

his expression became more and more frightened, and when he went to the back, it turned into anger:

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!

"Once the watch world becomes the inner world, we have no chance of surviving!" We will only go to hell forever with Anderson!!

"This cannot be God's will! There is no reason for Jesus to give you a sinner with a will!

"You're lying!"

Sheriff Havins didn't say a word, just silently began to undress.

He took off his winter police jacket, took off the bulletproof vest inside, and took off his close-fitting shirt.

Finally, Sheriff Havins, who was shirtless, turned around quietly and said,

"See? God left the 'key' in me. "

When Father Gray saw the mark on his back, he was completely frozen!

"This... This...... This is..." On

Sheriff Harvins' back, there was a complex and wonderful magic array!

The magic array seemed to be deeply carved into his flesh by some kind of sharp weapon, but he did not bleed, and the part of his skin that bloomed was just a piece of pink tender flesh.

Moreover, his flesh and skin are constantly twisting and changing, forming new symbols and ciphertext in the formation framework.

It looks like a mysterious side of the "secret guard", a constantly changing verification code!

"Seven-Pointed Star Magic Array!"

Father Gray was incredulous: "Only God can use the magic array of the seven-pointed star... Don't...... You really..."

Sheriff Harvins put his clothes back on:

"Now you believe it, right?"

"This is the 'key' God gave me."

"Or rather... I'm the key. "

The complete ritual requires nailing me to the old oak tree with the 'Sword of the Demon', and at the same time making me swallow the 'Tinder'... The 'Key' will take effect."

When he said this, Sheriff Havins looked like death:

"I am a sinner... If I can exchange my death for my family's life, then everything is worth it!

Wang Minghui sighed: "Wow... The copy of the devil is indeed full of religious sacrifice.

Liu Zhaodi frowned slightly: "Although the copy of Oak Street is not very scary, this plot task always makes people feel

depressed..." Wang Minghui: "The same feeling... The game planner of this copy must be a veteran fan of 'Silent Hill'..." Zou

Xuan did not look at them, but at the 'doppelganger vision' above his field of vision.

The puppet doppelganger he threw out is exploring the 'fire station' next to it.

So far, nothing has been gained.

"I see..." After

seeing the seven-pointed star secret behind Sheriff Havins, Father Gray seemed to have stayed here for another ten years, and instantly felt ten years old.

He said weakly

, "Since it is God's will, we will do it."

He looked at several players:

"If you want to help, go get the 'Sword of the Demon' now."

"The sword of the demon killer 'Blame Vaios' used to be the sword of a demon hunter, and after the original Christmas demon died, this demon sword remained in the body of 'Kolapus'..."

Wang Minghui and Liu Zhaodi, who have not played this copy, are still very excited to hear this, and they also have many ideas.

"The old oak tree is actually the corpse of the old devil?!" Liu Zhaodi suddenly became clear: "No wonder God wants to burn it..." Wang

Minghui asked enthusiastically: "The sword is in the tree?" So can we just open the tree and get it?

Father Gray nodded and shook his head: "Indeed, if you can open this tree, you can get the sword... But you can't open it. "

According to the Sanctuary record, after 'Kolapus' was killed by the demon hunter, the body could not be incinerated for some reason, and a huge oak tree without life grew in the place of death."

"This oak tree also cannot be burned or destroyed in any other way."

"There have been several archbishops in the church, and they can't help it."

"We can't destroy this tree..." Wang

Minghui: "Then how do we get in?" Father

Gray said, "The body cannot enter it, only the soul can enter it."

Liu Zhaodi hesitated and asked, "So... Are we going to die before we can enter?

Father Gray was silent for a moment:

"Perhaps... You can go find someone. "

She may have a way."

Wang Minghui hurriedly asked, "Who?" "

Her name is Melina."

Father Gray's face was strange: "Melina. Constantine...... She lives in the penultimate house on West Street.

"You can go find her... Try one's luck.

"In the past, you must be careful."

"Her grandfather was a powerful psychic wizard, and she inherited some of her psychic talents."

"This talent makes it difficult for the current Christmas demons to catch her, and because of this, the demons value her very much."

"A long time ago, when I dared to leave the church, I found myself around her house... The dangers are many.

"The demons who have been transformed into fear are lurking around her house..." As

soon as the priest finished speaking, the fugitive players received a system notification:

[The story mission has been updated! 【

Story mission 'The only hope in the town': Find 'Melina. Konstantin', with her help, enters the tree hole of the Old Oak Tree, finds the sword of the demon slayer, Guivaios, and brings it back to the church. "

Let's go."

Father Gray said: "Havins will stay here first, the holy light here can provide some protection for the time being. "

When you return with the Sword of Demon Slayer, I will give you the 'Tinder' as well..."

At this moment, the holy light that had been stable in the church suddenly flickered.

Then the brightness of the room suddenly dimmed a little.

Father Gray's face changed: "This is... the power of 'Tinder' is about to run out?" The

system sent out another prompt:

[The 'holy light' in the church will not last long! Hurry up and go! [

Once the 'Holy Light' is extinguished, the 'Tinder' will lose its effectiveness, and the church will no longer be able to provide any protection! (Countdown: 30 minutes)]


Wang Minghui complained, "I originally wanted to ask the priest, if we don't go to find some demon sword, can we stay in the church together... Unexpectedly, the system directly engaged in this set!

Liu Zhaodi said with a smile: "We triggered the plot, no way, forcibly start the countdown

" Zou Xuan was impatient: "Let's go quickly."

Liu Zhaodi was reluctant to love the plot backstory, and before leaving, she asked more:

"The words said... Why is Sheriff Harvins a sinner? What crime did he commit? "


The church door opened, and the three were once again thrown in the snow.

They ran again.


Liu Zhaodi rubbed her hands and said, "Midnight Nightmare is really delicate... It feels like NPCs have their own stories, and they have nothing to do with Christmas demons... Separate storylines.

"It's like a real person!"

Just now, the priest told them about Sheriff Harvins' crime.

The priest has a brother named Henry, who was once a rival with Sheriff Harvins.

When the two were young, they were very good friends at first, and later they fell in love with a girl together, so they turned against each other, made a lot of trouble, and fought several times.

Later, the girl chose the priest's brother Henry.

The two successfully married and gave birth to a child.

Not long after, Sheriff Havins also married and had children, seemingly forgetting the past.

However, on Christmas Eve one year, a brutal murder occurred in a peaceful town.

Henry's son, who has just turned 10, has his hands tied to the scaffolding used to install escalators in his 'Christmas fireplace'.

Firewood was lit under the fireplace....

He was not burned, nor hanged, but roasted!

Like a roast turkey for Christmas.

When you find it... How to say it....

The heat is just right!

The whole corpse is so fragrant!

Henry and his wife were grief-stricken, but Sheriff Harvins claimed that he suspected Henry had killed his son and took Henry to the police station for questioning.

Subsequently, he tortured Henry and declared a personal vendetta!

Due to the accumulated grudges, the attack was a little ruthless, Henry was beaten to the point that his spleen was split, his abdominal cavity was bleeding, and he died in the interrogation room!

It was a big impact at the time.

Everyone knows that Sheriff Harvins is a personal vendetta!

Jealous, he beat the innocent Henry to death! Let a poor woman lose her son and husband at the same time!

But Arctic Town is a small place.

The more remote and small such a small place, the easier it is for police officers to "unite" together.

After all, their job changes are small, and the colleagues they know when they enter the industry are likely to work together for the rest of their lives.

In this case, they shield each other, collude in testimony, coerce and induce the jury....

Finally, relying on the clever words of his lawyer friend, Sheriff Harvins successfully reversed the nature of the case.

In the end, he did not pay any responsibility and escaped the law.

This crime also made Father Gray remember it to this day....

As for who killed that child?


Who else could it be?

Of course our Christmas lame old man - Anderson. Magris!

Before he became a Christmas demon, he was already a terrible perverted old killer!



Wang Minghui also sighed:

"An NPC story line like this that is not closely connected to the main plot will rarely be so complete in a game."

"Midnight Nightmare's game writers are also too much work... It's hard to earn this money!

Running and talking, they soon reached the south end of West Street and saw the penultimate house that the priest had mentioned.

"This is it, it should..." Zou Xuan stopped, panting.

From the outside, this house is also an ordinary two-story bungalow.

The only thing that differs from the house next to it is that...

The space around this house is faintly distorted.

As soon as they got closer, some hideous phantoms slowly walked out of those distorted spaces.


Unexpectedly, a D-level skill could get a glimpse of a player's memory... Ling

Yichuan was extremely shocked as he browsed the ever-changing pictures and emotions around him!

He was walking around the countless dream worlds of Yan Yucheng.

This feeling is as if I have become a high-dimensional creature.

At a glance, you can see all the past, all the memories of a low-dimensional creature.

Of course, these memories exist in the form of dreams, so they usually appear relatively vague, difficult to identify, and require some interpretation.

For example, this paragraph.

Ling Yichuan remained in a dream picture, watching the surrounding scene gradually become clearer.

It was normal at first.

In the beautifully decorated living room, a family of three is eating.

The father is in a suit and leather shoes, the mother is bright and generous, and the child... It is Yan Yucheng, the bear child.

Parents eat very well, even a little too well.

Their butts occupy only a third of the stool and sit upright.

If you look closely, you will find that in Yan Yucheng's dream, there are many sharp spikes in the area behind two-thirds of the parents' stool.

Grotesque and reasonable.

The robot-like couple ate quietly.

They take a bite of food, deliver a bite of food, and then turn around to look at TV; Then grab a bite of food, deliver a bite of food, and watch TV.

The time interval between each movement of the two is exactly the same, very mechanical.

It's just an infinite loop.

After watching it for a long time, it even makes people feel a little 'uncanny valley effect'.

Yan Yucheng eats without a bite while playing with his iPad.

Who would have thought that this meal would be eaten well, and suddenly it would be bad!

It seemed that Wen Wen's weak mother suddenly let out some kind of extremely sharp and sharp roar!

It's a metallic sound quality, not like the sound that carbon-based organisms can make!

Then the muscles of her right arm swelled rapidly, and suddenly the marble table top flew away!

The dishes on the table flew straight to the ceiling! Turned over, stopped there steadily, did not spill out at all.

In a child's dream, Newton and his coffin board are meaningless.

There are no laws of physics here!

Then, his mother yelled madly at his father, and then her face gradually became abhorrent, distorted and deformed, and slowly, her body became bigger and bigger, and her back soon bulged a large bag and hit the ceiling!

And his father has not spoken, still maintaining a mechanical eating action, even if there is no food in front of him.

After a while, his dad's head turned into a television set.

It's just that nothing is played on this screen, only a blue screen.

Ling Yichuan watched for a while, then withdrew from this dream.


From this dream, it can be interpreted that his parents' relationship is not very good.

Mother may be more grumpy, father... It's not so much endured as cold violence.

There is no signal from the TV, indicating that the father never has any feedback on the mother's emotions.

He's like a TV set that never has a signal.

But what's the use? Ling

Yichuan strolled around for a while, only feeling that this child's dream was really lackluster.

Although being able to peek into other people's dreams is indeed quite powerful... But it really didn't work.

No wonder it's still a D-level skill.

The 'nightmare state' lasts for 5 to 10 minutes, but here the time is not shown, it is all about feeling.

Ling Yichuan didn't know how long he could still walk inside.


Dream invasion, definitely not used like this!

In Midnight Nightmare, there won't be a skill that's definitely not practical!

What's more, it's still the skill given by Lulu!

Not long after, Ling Yichuan discovered another operation.

Instead of browsing Yan Yucheng's past dream memories, he found his new dream now.

As we all know, as long as human beings fall asleep, they must dream.

Waking up and not remembering does not mean that there were no dreams that day.

It's just forgot.

Ling Yichuan entered his new dream at the moment.

The moment he entered, Ling Yichuan had an image here.

A slender figure with a blurred face that looks like he is wearing a gray suit and a tall top hat, but the details are constantly fine-tuning.

An old word that appears widely in grammar literature, it is best suited to describe him now.


"What are you playing?" Ling Yichuan walked to Yan Yucheng's side.

The child was sitting in an empty classroom playing a game console in a dream, and it looked like it should be a switch

"It's your!" Yan Yucheng was still so polite in his dreams.

Ling Yichuan tried to hint: "This game is not fun.

"So what game is fun?" Yan Yucheng did not turn back.

"Midnight nightmare." Ling Yichuan said: "Did your family buy a game warehouse?

Yan Yucheng's hand stopped, his expression was slightly startled, and he seemed to remember something.

Suddenly, the scene of his dream changed drastically!

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