They appeared in the ruins of a city covered with a blanket of crimson fungi, standing under a broken elevated overpass.

It was dusk, and the sky seemed to be set on fire, and thick burning clouds pressed overhead.

At the same time, countless biochemical monsters are crawling from all over the place.

What a post-apocalyptic scene!

Yan Yucheng, wearing a crimson ghillie suit, is currently holding a gun and fighting these biochemical monsters with his teammates.

Ammunition is raging, skills are flying.

Obviously, this dream presents the game screen of a copy of a horror world, not a 1v4 mode.

A biochemical monster that looked like an alien jumped from the break of the overpass and landed right in front of Ling Yichuan.

It opens its mouth and growls!

Even though it was in the other party's dream, Ling Yichuan could still smell the rich smell of feces in the monster's mouth!

Gan! This guy grew up eating sapong!

Before Ling Yichuan could react, a tough-looking teammate in Yan Yucheng next to him aimed his muzzle at this side and slammed out!

The facial bone armor of the "alien" was instantly peeled off layer by layer by the bullet, revealing the flesh and blood in it, and then the flesh and blood were also peeled off, revealing the skull....

In the end, the bones were crushed and scattered all over the place.


Ling Yichuan was overjoyed in his heart.

It worked!

When dreaming, people are very receptive to hints.

If that's the case....

He leaned over to Yan Yucheng, who was pouring 'concentrated spinach juice' on himself, and continued to hint:

"If you play 1v4 mode, what character do you plan to use?" How do I configure resources? "

The picture is distorted and changed again in an instant.

Ling Yichuan saw the picture of him allocating resources for preparation.

Yan Yucheng said while choosing among the unlocked fugitive characters:

"The magician is actually the most perverted human character now!"

"Only 1 magic card per displacement, 1% energy value! His magic cards don't have big and small kings, so it's 52 cards, lying groove! 52 pictures! "

If the magician didn't use the 3 skill 'Obstacle Removal', there would be a full 52 displacements in a single match!"

"It's cool, okay! Fugitive I only play magician!

"But the problem is that magicians are too brittle! Not much better than a burglar! There is no fault tolerance at all! "

So in the horror world mode, I mainly brush 'physical talent', oh, and 'reconnaissance talent', crispy is most afraid of being suddenly close!" Still have to be sharp! In

the dream, a strange intruder like Ling Yichuan, a man with a blurred face and wearing a top hat with a constantly fine-tuned face, seemed to not cause Yan Yucheng's alarm at all.

It was as if the two were very familiar.

This is probably also a characteristic of 'dream invasion'.

Like a virus that invades a system, it tends to disguise itself.

At this moment, Yan Yucheng estimated that he did not realize that this product in his dream was abnormal, and he felt very familiar.

"Show me your talent list." The dream intruder has become blatant.

"Okay." Dreamers are defenseless.

Yan Yucheng opened the long list of talents, completely exposing it in front of Ling Yichuan.

The latter muttered

, "Physical Talent Tier 3, Reconnaissance Talent Tier 3, Cold Weapons Tier 2... It's very powerful..." For

a moment, Ling Yichuan doubted himself.

Because he is ridiculously high except for his spiritual talent, he is directly at the full level, and the level of other talents is not high.

The second highest occult talent has just reached level 4, cold weapon talent level 3, reconnaissance talent level 3...

Looking at the talent list, he is not better than Yan Yucheng, a child.

But he immediately realized something.

"How long have you been playing so far?"

Yan Yucheng opened 'My Game Record' and looked at it: "Wow, it's been three months!" Ling

Yichuan looked up at the 'total number of copies that had participated', the numbers on it were constantly changing, and it was obvious that Yan Yucheng did not deliberately remember the number of games he played.

It seems that if it is something that you can't remember at all, you won't show reliable numbers in your dreams.

"It's not that the human brain will remember all the information entered, but it's all recorded in the subconscious

..." Ling Yichuan muttered: "It seems that it is another pseudo-knowledge of self-media nonsense..."

He looked carefully for a while.

Although the number of matches in the 1v4 mode is constantly changing, no matter how it changes, it is more than 20 games.

The Heavenly Horror World mode is more than 80 scenes.

Ling Yichuan was amazed.

Horror World quests are time-consuming, sometimes five or six hours to play at a time.

This kid has been playing for 3 months, almost every night in the game warehouse, and his parents don't care about it?

However, seeing how many times he played, Ling Yichuan was relieved.

The promotion of talent, in the early stage, is to rely on practice to make perfect.

It's normal to play a lot and rise fast.

Judging from the number of copies he played, Ling Yichuan felt that whether it was a level increase or a talent increase... It's already ridiculously slow.

It's still a dish....

He silently made a conclusion.


Ling Yichuan smiled and said, "Now tell me, if you plan to deal with Ling Yichuan, how will you allocate your preparation resources... Shine a picture, little baby.

"Ling Yichuan... I studied his! Actually, that's exactly what he is!

Mentioning this former imaginary opponent, Yan Yucheng smiled:

"I'll tell you!" As long as you keep your distance and control the SAN value, he is an iron waste... If you add another defensive skill and increase the magician's error tolerance rate, he can't do anything! "

You see, I prepared 'Kirin Mint'... And 'armed color domineering'..."

he gushed.

It didn't take long for Ling Yichuan to already know all the information he wanted to know.

Yan Yucheng's thinking is actually correct.

He believes that Ling Yichuan's frightening flow of play, in the final analysis, is two, either hiding in the shadows to scare people, scaring the san value of the fugitive player, their operation will become more and more flustered, full of flaws, and finally caught and executed;

Or it will suddenly erupt and catch others off guard!

Just like after the demon monk took the drug, he used the opportunity to increase his explosive power several times, and killed the thief who did not react in an instant.

At this time, he knows that his time window is limited, and he will switch his battle ideas.

From consumption, to burst.

So to deal with him, it is nothing more than to open the distance, and increase the defense, improve the error tolerance rate.

It's just a pity.

Yan Yucheng, this kid can't control himself.

It's all right when you think about it, and it's all wrong when you do it.

Even if he didn't carry out the dream invasion, his hole cards were basically leaked.

Ling Yichuan hinted again, and he completely explained it in his dream.

In terms of props, in addition to the 'unicorn mint' and 'concentrated spinach juice' that he has already handed over, there is still a 'Hi Hi Jumping Candy' left. The

only thing this thing does is speed up the cooldown of a skill.

Because the magician's 23 skills all require half an hour of cooldown, which is ridiculously long.

Therefore, Yan Yucheng intends to use this 'cooling acceleration prop' if necessary to let these two skills cool down quickly.

This can have a surprising effect.

In addition, Ling Yichuan also learned how his title 'Backstabbing Man' came from.

It was in a copy of the Heavenly Horror World that Yan Yucheng inadvertently triggered a hidden mission.

If he backstabs his teammates for the quest boss, he will be rewarded with titles.

Without hesitation, Xiao Wang Baeggan attacked and killed a big guy who led them to the boss with difficulty.

At that time, the big guy was struggling to fight injuries in front of him, and he didn't expect that his teammates would backstab.

Death is called a grievance!

Then Yan Yucheng and the boss fought back and forth, killing the remaining teammates one by one.

In this way, he received this red nightmare title and also lost his "mother".

He wants the title, he doesn't want the mother!

And the title of 'Backstabbing Man', which sounds very low, the title skill 'Backstabbing Aura' given is not strong.

Just when sneaking up on someone from behind, you can increase your movement speed and trigger critical damage.

It makes no sense for hunters.

But the 'backstabbing aura' means a lot to his teammates!

Because this skill has a trait 2, called 'Murder and Arson Gold Belt'.

What does that mean?

As the name suggests, bad guys have the meaning of good rewards!

Generally speaking, if some players maliciously attack their teammates in the game, they will be sanctioned by the system.

Points will be deducted for light cases, and points will be dropped in heavy cases.

If you turn around the corner and don't attack directly, it will be better, but there is also a certain probability that the system will find it and carry out a certain punishment.

But if you attack your teammates when using the 'Backstabbing Aura', Yan Yucheng can be punished without any punishment!

This is where this skill is most useful and toxic!

The surrounding picture faded, and the clear dream became a blurry light and shadow again.

Ling Yichuan gradually withdrew from Yan Yucheng's dream.

'That's how this skill is used...'

He understood, and was filled with joy.

'Dream invasion can see the players' past memories, it's just a by-product... Yes, but not necessarily.

''What's useful in the game is... Peek at their hole cards in your dreams!

''In the 1v4 mode, character-specific skills are usually known to each other, and all variables are on other combined resources. These

are the key hole cards, and once they are seen, they are equivalent to playing the cards when fighting the landlord. '

'If for players in two, three, or even four rows... The effect of this skill will also be multiplied! '

'Because they are familiar with each other, they are likely to know each other's resource matching

...''Entering a person's dream, you can know what other people's hole cards are most likely...

''Cow, cow...!'' '

'Lulu... The skills you gave me... Sure enough, there is a deep meaning.

''I'm to you... It's different, right? Ling

Yichuan did not forget to dig wells and think about it.

After he withdrew from Yan Yucheng's dream star cluster, he found that the effect of the 'dream invasion' was still continuing.

'How long has it been?' Here

, Ling Yichuan's sense of time is very vague.

The alchemy wizard, who had been quiet, suddenly said: '5 minutes and 32 seconds... I've been counting it. '

'Hah! Thanks! Ling

Yichuan said happily: "There is an old man in the family, like a treasure!" '

'Home has...' The alchemy wizard choked, inexplicably a little depressed.

He "turned" to look at another vast dead star cluster, which was probably the dream cluster of the Christmas demon 'Kolapus'.

'It's still time, right?' Or...... Go over and take a look? The

duration of dream invasion is 5 to 10 minutes of 'dream time', and he doesn't know where the 5-minute time difference came from.

It may be that a system randomly gives a time that is different every time.

It may also depend on the player's mental energy consumption.

No matter what, Ling Yichuan felt that it was necessary to take a look.

If he can last 10 minutes, the rest of the time is likely to be enough for him to find some useful clues to the task.

And if there is not enough time ... Just drop the line and wake up.

There is nothing to lose.

Thinking of this, Ling Yichuan did not hesitate, and his consciousness suddenly pounced!

The vast rust-colored dream cluster swallowed Ling Yichuan's consciousness, like the sea swallowing a speck of dust.

Not a single ripple was made.


'Black... It's so fucking dark...'

Ling Yichuan shuttled through the gradually extinguished dream star cluster, only feeling that it was getting darker and darker, and he couldn't see anything.

This is a dying, slowly dying dream space.

Unlike Yan Yucheng, there are vivid dreams everywhere, and you can directly "watch movies" by entering one casually.

It's different here.

The blurred picture that gradually extinguished could not be entered by Ling Yichuan.

After floating for a while, Ling Yichuan finally saw a few slightly bright pictures.

Although it is also very dim, under the background of the large expanse of dream space around it that is about to disappear, these bright fragments are like the eyes of wild wolves on the dark mountain road in the wilderness...

Oh no! It's as conspicuous as the reflective vests of search and rescue personnel!

Ling Yichuan sped up!

He casually entered the darkest one first, and he was afraid that if he didn't look at this now, he would completely disappear in a while!


The sky is spinning, the galaxy is changing!

Ling Yichuan's consciousness trembled slightly, and then it was as if he had been inhaled into it by some existence!


The loud purr with a trill, like the horn of a ship, exploded in front of him.

It seems to have exploded in his heart!

Ling Yichuan felt his body, an extremely powerful body!

At the moment, he is trembling nervously!


He was slightly surprised, looking at the picture that came into view:

'This time in the first person? Through

a pair of wide eyes, Ling Yichuan saw an extremely wide field of vision and saw a terrifying environment that he had never seen before.

He walked in a long passageway, and the sky above was endlessly high, full of upside-down flames, and from time to time there were flowing flames falling, like shooting stars.

On both sides of the road, there are all kinds of portraits of human faces.

These faces were very frightened when they saw themselves.

Some seem to have screamed in the painting!

But they can't make a sound.

At the end of the passage, stood a huge black-winged angel.

There He stood, four pairs of wings folded, enveloping the body of the angel so that he could not see his face.

Ling Yichuan, who entered this dream, felt that he was reading the memory of the original Christmas demon 'Kolapus'.

The moment he saw the angel, he knew his identity.

Fallen Angel of Death - Samael!

This is hell!

Ling Yichuan's SAN value began to gradually rise.

110%...... 115%...... 120%......

He could touch the terrifying aura of this person through the feelings of Corapus at that time!

This former angel of death, now the god of death!

Terrible...... It's scary!

It's a kind of... It's terrifying unlike those extraterrestrial evil gods!

OK...... He is sleeping....

The vision gradually approached, and 'Kolapus' tiptoed in, without making a sound.

On the side of the sleeping Samael, there was a purple-gold human scepter full of runes, inserted into a scepter frame made of a pile of deformed skulls.

His goal....

Oh no! It should be said that the goal of 'Kolapus' is this scepter!

He came to steal the scepter!

The moment he pulled out the scepter, the pale face at the top of the scepter suddenly opened his eyes!

A pair of pupilless eyes instantly released a piercing lead-colored death light!


The dream ended, and Ling Yichuan was ejected.

He watched this dream gradually dim, and finally only a little ember Mars remained, and the return light seemed to be slightly bright.

And then completely eliminated.

"Alas! Not bad!

Ling Yichuan was still shocked: "Colapus, this dog demon is a little daring, dare to go to such a high-level demon god to steal crutches... It's also very brave! "

Colapus's dream is different from Yan Yucheng.

Strong sense of presence, stronger impact!

And he can directly feel some "knowledge" and "emotions".

After watching this dream clip, Ling Yichuan knew that Corapus was just a little demon waiting in front of the Angel of Death.

He should have stolen the scepter of the big guy and sneaked out of hell.

But what does this have to do with the game? With

a flash of thought, Ling Yichuan instantly came to his senses:

"Scepter! Right! Sceptre! Where is this scepter he stole !?

''Definitely somewhere on the map!'' I'm going to find it! Thinking

of this, he hurried into the second piece of the dream fragment that was about to be extinguished, to find the follow-up clues.

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