The scorching breath and the rich smell of sulfur tumbled between the heavens and the earth.

Everywhere there are strange rocks, and everywhere there are burning ruins.

To some extent, the exterior of hell is somewhat similar to the doomsday city in Yan Yucheng's previous dream.

Through the sight of Collapus, Ling Yichuan saw that many evil spirits were surrounding and suppressing them!

The evil spirits in these hells have lost their human appearance, and now they are like black and gray plankton.

Semi-liquid, semi-solid.

Some are like octopuses, some are like jellyfish, but they are not like humans.

Only when floating to an extremely close distance could Ling Yichuan see the empty and hideous facial features on the faces of the evil spirits, and he could vaguely see a little trace of humans.

The scepter was waving in front of him, and one after another lead-white death light wielded the power to distort space.

Once the dense evil spirits like flies were touched by the death light, they suddenly collapsed into the powder of the soul, which was regarded as the soul flying away.

A demonic cry that he shouldn't have understood echoed in hell!

"Catch him——!!"

The sound wave rolled in, disturbing the heavenly fire and earth flame, and the whole picture began to vibrate!

So those brainless evil spirits who had originally been afraid began to rush fiercely again, as if they were greatly encouraged!

It can be seen that the dream of this scene is that Colapus is running away.

Samael, the angel of death, was awakened by the movement of the scepter, and Corapus, the little devil who was full of guts, actually did not drop the scepter, but ran out with it!

Nervous, very nervous!

Ling Yichuan could feel his emotions at that time!

Collapus did not look back, although he wanted to!

He did not dare to look back.

Maybe just a look back will be at Samael's terrifying gaze!

That gaze will tear him to shreds!!

Around Samael's palace, it seems that no demons exist.

There are only evil spirits here.

Evil spirits are both His slaves and His guards.

What are evil spirits?

In his remaining dreams, Ling Yichuan looked at the many plankton-like evil spirits, and the "knowledge" about them was almost poured into his own mind!

Evil spirits... Just the soul of an ordinary person.

No matter what kind of soul, as long as it is contaminated by the breath of hell, it will degenerate into a fierce evil spirit.

No matter how powerful the evil spirits are, in hell, they are only the lowest existences.

It's not awesome.

Just a little disgusting.

Well, the demons all find them a little disgusting.

In hell, these evil spirits are cockroach-like things.

To use an analogy, it's like a domesticated, obedient cockroach.

So, how can these cockroach-like inferior things guard an angel of death that has existed from ancient times to the present day?

After receiving the above information, Ling Yichuan couldn't contain such doubts.

Then he got the answer.

By quantity.

There is an ominous hum on all sides!

Colappus's gaze looked to the sides in a panic!

I saw that under the horizon, the swarm of evil spirits like a swarm of bees was divided into six strands, and quickly rose into the air, like six black tornadoes!

That tornado rose in the air in all directions, and bent in the air at the same time!

One end of many evil spirit tornadoes is still rising, and the other end has turned, while swooping down towards the center self!

They're coming fast! Spread out raw!

The evil spirits roared, and countless wild shouts that made the eardrums tingle resounded!

At this moment, the silent roaring evil spirits were like several black curtains covering the sky, linking with each other in the air, and then pressing towards Corapus impermeably!

In the gap where the black curtain was not fully connected, Ling Yichuan seemed to see the figure of the angel of death 'Samael' soaring into the air!

His four pairs of ink-black fallen angel wings suddenly spread out in the air!

With a "boom" explosion, countless scarlet thunderbolts were drawn!

The electricity connected to his wings, making it look like he was pulling the entire heavenly dome of hell through the chains of these thunderbolts!

There are quaint and sinister incantations chanting in the air, and dangerous red lights are gathering.

Ling Yichuan had no doubt that Koraps would be entangled by locust-like evil spirits in the next second, and then the terrifying attack of the Angel of Death would fall like thunder!

Even if it was just in his dreams, he could feel the huge pressure that was suffocating!

Ling Yichuan saw Corapus trembling and erecting his scepter!

He twisted his hands the rough handle of the scepter!

Armature turning! Make a crisp sound like a broken cervical spine!

The pale face at the top of the handle suddenly opened its snow-white pupilless eyes again!


Colapus roared! He said a word... Enoch?

This concept of angelic language suddenly broke into Ling Yichuan's mind.

Then he slammed the scepter hard to the ground!

In an instant, with the scepter as the center, the dense energy exploded!

It's like setting off a nuclear explosion in hell!

The evil spirits that came from the earth were torn apart by the destruction and decay, and turned into the tiniest soul dust...

They went as if they had never come.

The picture is shaky.

The powerful impact also seemed to interrupt Samael's spell casting, and I saw the red light magic ball stored in mid-air tremble, and then turned into a red light that ran through the heavens and the earth...

Then He fell.

It's like....

It seems to be....

The skill exploded??

With a shaky vision, Kolapus soon came to a tall white tower that resembled a teleportation platform.

On the ground, there is a triangular magic array nested in layers, and in the middle of the magic array, there is a strange skull stone statue with a shell face and a human chin.

The stone statue opened its mouth widely, straight up, and slowly spit out a hollow triangular tube in its mouth.

That's the cylinder that opens the gates of hell!

And the scepter in his own hand is the key!

In the dream picture, I saw him raise the scepter high with both hands, decisively and accurately poke into the triangular tube, and then turn it hard!

Boom -

the light of chaos flooded the entire field of vision!

The dream ends.

Ling Yichuan was ejected again, and he looked at the dream that was quickly extinguished in front of him, and his mind was buzzing....

'This dream just now is talking about the process of Colapus' escape from the Temple of Hell?

''The meaning is...?''

''Tell me, what does this scepter do?'' Ling

Yichuan thought for a moment, and suddenly realized!

This is 100% a hidden mission!

And it's the kind that hides deeply!

The dream prompt of the Christmas devil, although not as clear as the system prompts with words, but as long as you think about it, the meaning is still very clear!

As for the Christmas Devil copy, many people know that there is a plot mission that is very beneficial to the fugitive, which is to transform the resentful souls wandering on the road into evil spirits.

As long as they become evil spirits, they will always haunt the Christmas devil.

You can't kill, you can't shake off.

Step by step, disgusting to the extreme!

Most players who play Christmas Devil have protested on the official website about this mechanism.

Because once the story task of the fugitive is completed, the Christmas demon does not have to play, just give up and admit defeat.

The one-way special mechanism that cannot be countered is too harmful to balance.

This also caused the Christmas devil, which was originally quite high, to play less and less, and gradually became an unpopular among the unpopular.

It is the result of Christmas Devil players voting with their feet.

Originally, the hunter of the field control type of 'Christmas Devil' is very good at operation, and the difficulty of playing well is very high, and the plan is still in the copy to engage in this kind of plot task disgusting, so I simply don't play.

Can't afford to mess with or hide?

Now it seems that the game planner actually has an important equipment for Christmas demons reserved in the quest!

The scepter of the angel of death!

This equipment is specially used to counter the evil spirits of the town!

It's just that the clues may be hidden too deeply, and players can't find the scepter in the quest.

Ling Yichuan was also a ghost messenger through a dream invasion skill, and found some clues from it.

Of course, clues about the scepter are impossible for players with dream-type skills to discover.

There must be something out there too.

I just don't know where it's hiding.

After figuring this out, Ling Yichuan became excited!

'So it is

...''The fugitive can entangle the Christmas demon by completing the story mission and transforming the grievance into an evil spirit...

''But hunter players can also use the scepter to counteract! '

'In the dream, the Christmas demon uses his crutches to instantly repel hundreds of thousands, if not millions! And

on Oak Street, no matter how many dead people there are in the town, it is impossible to reach such an outrageous number! '

'That is... Even if the fugitive completes that plot mission, he can rely on the scepter to kill all evil spirits in an instant!

''The dream just now is a hint about the function of the scepter! Thinking

of the picture of Colapus using the scepter to open the big in the dream, Ling Yichuan was even a little enthusiastic!

He actually found the feeling of blood in the killer role of the horror game!

'Alchemy Old Man, how much time is left?

Ling Yichuan asked, 'Are you still counting?' '

'Ahem... Ahem! The alchemy wizard cleared his throat and explained seriously:

"I need to remind you again that I am actually not old... I'm just getting old... Just like some programmers in your twenties...

' Ling Yichuan ignored his defense, only repeated: 'Time? The

alchemy wizard had to say helplessly: "7 minutes and 11 seconds, if your skill can last for 10 minutes... Then you still have a little time.

''Good. Ling

Yichuan looked again at the few remaining decaying dreams "ahead" that were still barely glowing.

These are significantly smaller than the previous ones.

It shouldn't take much time.

'One, two, three... There are three left. Ling

Yichuan cheered up: 'Bang up! Go you! His

consciousness once again rushed in fearlessly!


At the moment, at the south end of Oak Street West Street, in front of the penultimate house.

'Priest' Zou Xuan, 'Thief' Liu Zhaodi, and 'Lawyer' Wang Minghui saw that the wind and snow ahead were distorted by space.

Three blurry and deformed figures slowly walked out of it.

They turned on the flashlight and miner's lamp, and as soon as the light shone, the three creepy monsters appeared quite clearly in front of them!

The three of them gasped at the same time!


The three monsters in front of me don't look like normal monsters in normal horror movies, and they don't look complete.

Full of cobbled together dissonance.

The monster on the left has a huge scorpion body, but at the head of the scorpion, there is a strange baby covered in iron cyan.

The baby's neck is like a loose bolt, it has been rotating at intervals, there are four faces in front and back, left and right, and each time the rotation stops, there will be a face with a different expression facing them.

One moment is crying.

A moment is laughter.

For a moment it was anger.

For a moment it was sad.

The sound he makes also corresponds to his own expression.

When crying, a sharp howl: "Wow a Wow! Whaaa When

laughing, sharp maniacal laughter: "Hee hee! Whahaha Heehaha "

When sad and angry, it is relatively quiet.

But the expression looks even weirder... It's chilling.

The monster on the right is a woman in white floating in the air.

To be precise, it is a beautiful female ghost wearing linen and filial piety.

She had no hands and feet, only flocculent plain white mourning clothes floating in the air, as if those were her hands and feet.

The female ghost floats, constantly wailing.

When she got a little closer, all three of them could clearly see a dark purple strangulation mark on the female ghost's neck!

There seemed to be an invisible rope that began to tighten quietly!

The strangulation marks immediately deepened! Her neck twisted instantly, and the middle of her slender neck was deeply sunken, looking like a ham sausage that was about to be screwed off!

The female ghost opened her mouth and made a look like she couldn't breathe, and then a pair of beautiful eyes began to roll sickly.

"Uh Uh-uh-uh I can't...... Breathe...... I...... It's so miserable..."

Immediately afterward, the female ghost's red tongue stuck out of her mouth.

And then longer and longer... Longer and longer....

It wasn't until her long tongue dragged to the ground that she stopped elongating.

The middle one, at first glance, is the most normal.

It was a tattooed street gangster with his back to everyone.

The gangster was a lean bald man carrying a complete, blood-dripping fresh human leg in his hand, probably using this leg as a weapon.

"In ... The middle one... It looks like it's okay..."

Wang Minghui forced his spirits and said with a dry smile: "Whose heart ghost is this?" Appearance...... It's not terrible..." As

soon as the words fell, the gangster carrying a human leg turned to look over.

His face had many brand new cuts, and his flesh and skin bloomed like flowers, revealing the white bones and white teeth inside.

The eyeballs were also cut into several parts because of the knife wound, and it looked like there were six small eyes with left and right asymmetry, staring at them at the same time.

The eyes are fierce and full of the smell of street blood!

"You... See...... What? "

The gangster spoke slowly, and his tone was like a severe dementia.

But his movements are not slow at all.

As soon as he finished speaking, this monster suddenly rushed over!

People don't talk much, pick up a thigh is dry!

He was obviously rushing towards Wang Minghui at first, but finally he was attacking Zou Xuan, who had never spoken!


It looks like the broken leg of a macho man, and in the hands of this confused boy, he smashed out a loud sound of breaking the sky!


Seeing that he was not moving, Wang Minghui quickly raised the 'Blood Shadow Mad Knife' to help him block it!

However, I saw Zou Xuan calmly raise his head, his gaze firmly meeting the monster's six broken eyes.

He took up the cross.

The Holy Light Blooms!

[Name: Cross Light

] [Type: Skill (Character Exclusive)

] [Level: Grade D] [

Introduction: A devout priest who can summon God's holy light with any uncontaminated cross to expel evil and darkness!

(This ability only works on targets judged to be 'evil'.)

[Feature 1: 'Sanct to inviolate' All targets judged to be evil (all hunters) cannot enter within 3 meters of the Cross Light and cannot launch any effective attacks on it. 】



The "gangster" threw away the legs, covered his eyes with his hands, and kept retreating in front of the holy light, shouting in pain: "

So bright! So bright, so bright! So dazzling! Aaaaah!! Don't look at me, and I won't look at you! Aaaa Close...... Turn it off! This light!! At

this time, the other two 'heart ghosts' who had been transformed also tried to rush over and attack.

But again, they can only rush up to 3 meters away, and then they can't get an inch.

The mourning female ghost in mid-air kept whipping over with her long tongue.

The multi-faceted scorpion ghost baby, also hung with a sad crying face, tried to use big pincers to catch people.

Unfortunately, the characteristic of the 'Cross Light'1 'sacrificial' has judged them to be evil.

Thus, feature 1 takes effect.

No matter how high their damage is or how bizarre the way they hurt.

At this moment, they could not break through the Holy Light Barrier.

Say 3 meters, just 3 meters.

Under the systematic power of Midnight Nightmare.

Even if Satan comes in person, as long as there is no bug in the system, he will not be able to walk this 3-meter red line!

Liu Zhaodi was surprised: "The priest's skills are actually effective against the 'heart ghost'? Aren't they illusory? Isn't it invincible?

Zou Xuan held the cross high: "Of course it works, no matter what kind of thing the 'heart ghost' is, it is always born by the power of evil!" Then the Light is properly effective!

Wang Minghui: "Lie in the groove!" So why didn't you use it before?

Zou Xuan held the cross and slowly pushed forward while replying,

"Why waste a skill that requires 15% of the energy value of a ghost that can be solved by running two steps?"

"But the ghosts here are different, they are guard-type and won't disappear! And the damage will be stronger!

"I thought about it, instead of each of us doing it, I should come alone!"

"This way the team has the lowest overall consumption and the highest efficiency!"

Wang Minghui praised: "Big brother is good!" The idea of playing the game is clear!

Zou Xuan shouted, "Quick, follow me!" Hurry up! Once the 10 seconds of the Holy Light have passed, it can only be hardened!

So, the three of them huddled together and walked forward quickly.

The monsters transformed by fear can only catch blind outside the holy light, and there is no way to do it... I could only follow anxiously, and let out all kinds of terrifying grotesque roars.

Under the protection of the Holy Light, the three successfully broke through the blockade of the replica monster and came to Melina easily and happily. On the doorstep of Constantine.

The door was silver and closed tightly.

As soon as they stood under the eaves, the three 'heart ghosts' with different shapes all stopped stunned.

When the holy light was extinguished, they did not come closer.

The space distorted again, and the three monsters slowly disappeared.

"So simple? And it's over?

Wang Minghui was a little stunned and amused, and he spread out his hand:

"The replica monsters used by the Christmas Demon to block the witch's house... It all looks so scary... As a result, it didn't hurt at all?? "

It's scum!"

"They remind me of the Lightning Man from 'Batman's Arkham Origins... I thought he was a BOSS

, with a big appearance and handsome special effects..." "As a result, I turned over with one kick..." "

This feeling made me get upset, drove more than ten kilometers away, finally got home, and sat on the toilet... It turned out to be just a fart!

Liu Zhaodi said with a smile: "Maybe this contrast is the bad taste of game planning."

"It's actually just skill restraint."

Zou Xuan said lightly: "The 2 skills of the 'priest', I think are the most restraining character skills at present, not only against hunters, but also against replica monsters."

"If I hadn't played 'Priest' this time, I would have just broken in."

"I remember the last time I encountered guard-type 'heart ghosts', it was after crippled them that I could take advantage of their recovery time to run to the key plot point."

"That consumption was actually very large, and our group of skills were cooling, and finally the Christmas demon hiding on the side took advantage of the void and killed two teammates."

Speaking of this, he first looked at the locked silver gate, and then looked around cautiously.

"I don't know where that old Yinbi of Ling Yichuan is hiding now, it's not good, he is ready to come and attack us at any time..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was movement from the north side of Oak Street.

"Jingle bells..." The

crisp bell sounded, and the figures of three reindeer pulling sleds faintly appeared in the snow illuminated by shimmering light.

The nerves of the three suddenly tightened.

"Quick! Hurry in!

Wang Minghui shouted,

"He's coming!"

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