Father Gray's words confirmed Zou Xuan's guess.

His brain shut down again, and the whole person froze

... Of course, this outage has nothing to do with the damage to the soul, only with the damage of the three views.

He could no longer look directly at the 'Holy Flame' in his hand... Zou Xuan's strongest impulse now is to smash this thing in his hand on the ground! Smash into a pool!

What a thing!!

Which plot screenwriter wrote this blasphemous and outrageous plot!! Is there a plot writer in this ghost game!!

This kind of thing can't be true, can it!! It won't be!!

But what is it about Father Gray's science that sounds weird and reasonable!!

"You don't have to fuss either."

Father Gray tried to reconcile his emotions and tone as much as possible: "This human thing... Nature is dirty, but the Son's is different.

"In fact, to enshrine a holy relic is a supreme honor and honor for any church."

"The hair of the Son, the torso, the hands, even part of the skin... There are actually churches enshrined. "

The status and value of these holy relics, which were physically detached from the Son, are far superior to those of the 'Crown of Thorns' and the 'Shroud of Turin'."


the priest squeezed Zou Xuan's hand solemnly, and seemed to see his intention to throw away the fire, "Don't shake your hands, okay?" "

Zou Xuan can only tell himself 'this is a game, this is a fake', while silently holding the 'fire' tightly, feeling the warm heat brought by the fire.

The faint holy light gradually converged in his palm, and the church completely darkened.

"Is this normal? Its light is gone. Zou Xuan asked.

Sheriff Havins had been listening to the two of them just now, but unfortunately, he had never understood, and then he finally had the opportunity to speak: "God said in my dream, after taking out the 'fire', the holy light will gradually disappear, but the power of the fire is still there..."

Zou Xuan turned on the flashlight in the darkness and waved his hand fiercely: "Let's hurry to the old oak tree to perform the ceremony, so as not to dream more at night."

Havins seemed to have finally made up his mind, with a look of death, "Let's go." The

two walked to the door, Zou Xuan pushed open half of the door, strode forward, due to the problem of misalignment of the left and right two visions, he slammed on the left half of the door that had not yet opened.

"!" He covered his forehead.

Father Gray was worried, "I just noticed... You're okay with your eyes, are you?

Zou Xuan waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay." Then, like a blind man, he touched the left half of the door with his left hand, pushed open the right half of the door with his right hand, and finally walked out.

The wind and snow drowned out the two figures, and Father Gray looked worriedly at the door that slowly closed with a crunch.

In the wind and snow outside, there was the shout of Sheriff Harvins.

"Pastor! Did you go the other way around? Old oak tree over here! "

Ahhh... Exercise! Father

Gray: "..." The

door was closed, the cold wind and ice were kept out, but the last glimmer that came through the crack in the door disappeared.

"I was like... Finally able to rest.

The priest's voice came out of the darkness, tired and faint: "What a long-lost darkness... It looks like you might be able to get a good night's sleep tonight..."

He had been in the "light" for too long.

So long that he was tired of the light.

At this moment, the priest, who should have died decades ago, lay quietly in the dark, lying in the aisle between the two rows of benches, among the many strange corpses around him.

He held the cross in his hand, with a relieved smile on his face, and closed his eyelids.

In the darkness, his breathing became softer and weaker...

Until it stops completely.


Walking out the back door of the supermarket, Yan Yucheng followed the two NPCs and walked between the post office and the coffee shop.

Although Oak Street is a street, it actually looks very empty, not like the crowded shops in the big city.

Here, there are no two buildings that are close together, both separated from each other greatly.

For example, there is a gap of about ten meters between the post office and the coffee shop, and the empty distance in between is filled with fir trees trimmed to the same height.

A strange device that levitated, hidden here, behind several fir trees.

"What is it?"

When Yan Yucheng first saw this thing, he didn't see the key at all.

Because the levitation device in front of you looks like a suspended hollow English letter at first glance.

The letter 'patience'

seems to be twisted from a thick steel wire, connected end to end, like a labyrinth, the whole shows the silver-white primary color of steel, only the end of the P, there is a small black section, as if wrapped a little... Rubber?

When he approached, he found that there was a very small key, which hung there.

Hanging from the lower end of the letter P wrapped in rubber.

He was immediately overjoyed: "Ha, key! I found it! Then he reached out recklessly to grab it.

"Hey, be careful, don't touch!"

The male employee of the supermarket hurriedly reminded, but Yan Yucheng's hand was too fast and had already touched it.

When he grabbed the key, there was nothing out of the ordinary, but when he gently pulled the key, he touched the iron pipe other than the rubber segment.

Suddenly, an arc visible to the naked eye burst out from the wire and hit Yan Yucheng's hand!

Make a "pop" sound!

[Health -3%]

"Ah!" Yan Yucheng was in pain, instinctively let go of his hand, and jumped back, "Why is there an electric current!" "

System prompt:

[This is an 'electromagnetic maze', consisting of an energized iron pipe, you need to let the 'platinum key' move the key from the starting point of the maze to the exit without touching the energized iron pipe, in order to successfully obtain the 'platinum key'.] 【

'Electromagnetic Labyrinth' will only stay in one location for a short period of 10 minutes, after which it will randomly transfer to any point on the map.]

【If there is a mistake and the key touches the energized iron pipe, you will be hit by the current, and the more mistakes you make, the more powerful the current will be.

(Punishment is inevitable, please don't waste time trying to wrap yourself with an insulator or trying to break the iron pipe directly)]

"Shhhhhh Why is this copy so troublesome to get a key! If you find it, you can't take it directly! Still want to play your mini-game!! "

As a post-10s boy with good family conditions, Yan Yucheng has seen how the game 'Electromagnetic Labyrinth' is played, even if he has never played it.

It is to use a large ring, put on a conductive thin iron pipe, and move from one end to the other.

Even if it happens, it is a little humming sound reminder.

But this electromagnetic maze in front of you is different! Not only is the key ring smaller, but it also dares to shock when touched!

Yan Yucheng has never been shocked in his life, but just now this feeling is like being whipped, and now he is still slightly numb... It should be the same as the real thing, right?

The female NPC reminded: "This thing is constantly moving, it will disappear out of thin air in a moment, and we saw it appear here about five minutes ago." "

That is, in five minutes, the thing will be transferred with the keys and I don't know where to go."

Yan Yucheng was annoyed, he looked at the two: "Can you help me take this key down?" The

two immediately shook their heads like rattles, and the male NPC decisively refused: "No!" We will be electrocuted by the current! "


Yan Yucheng said irritably, "Then what are you doing here!" Get out of here!

Hearing this, the two supermarket employees looked at each other again, shook their heads, and turned to leave.

Yan Yucheng was left here alone.

He took two deep breaths and rubbed his hands: "Whew... Yan Yucheng, you can! This game is actually very simple, sprinkle water! Although

he was dissatisfied, he came and the key was in front of him, and he could not give up easily.

Isn't it electricity! And without real harm, what's terrible!

After a little mental preparation, Yan Yucheng started again.

He took the key and moved it up cautiously.

The starting point is in the letter P, and the exit is in the letter e, and what he has to do is to use the round hole in the key to set the conductive iron pipe and slowly move.

You can walk above or below the 'patience', just be careful not to touch it.

It's just that the rules are simple, but in practice, it is a bit difficult.

The round hole in the key is small, and the slightest movement of the hand will touch the iron pipe.

Yan Yucheng pinched the key, patiently, let it slowly move up, and then went around to the right... Soon, he moved the key from the letter P to the letter a

He was so nervous that sweat broke out on his forehead, and his fingers trembled slightly.

A cold wind blew over, and Yan Yucheng trembled slightly!

Manually, the key touched the conductive iron pipe.

Syllable! Another arc of electricity hit his fingertips!

"Ouch, I'll go!"

【Health -5%】

As soon as Yan Yucheng threw off his hand, he quickly looked at the key again.

Fortunately, the progress was not reset, and the key hung under the letter A of the phrase 'patience'.

After cursing a few words in a low and indistinct voice, he reached out again to grab the key, but unexpectedly, at this time, the key was already in a state of electricity, and Yan Yucheng was shocked again, wailing and instinctively retracting his hand.

【Health -7%】In

order to get this escape key, in less than 1 minute, Yan Yucheng's health was reduced by 15%, which made it difficult for him to accept.


Yan Yucheng jumped to his feet in anger and jumped in place: "Aaaa Annoyed to death!! Silly Beep Scheme, why me!!

"As long as I am electrified, as soon as I let go, the key will hang on the iron pipe, then if I touch it again, I will definitely be electrified!" How does this play?!

"Silly plan! Silly beep game! It's all silly beep!!

"The hunter is disgusting enough not to shed blood, and the mechanism of the map actually keeps strengthening him, disgusting me!"

"I will endure the low temperature and physical strength, and I will endure the hunters with reindeer and teleportation arrays!" But why is it so hard to get a key?!

"That's it for the Christmas Devil's copy map, then if you match a higher-grade hunter in the future, don't you want to play, just lie flat and let them be executed!"

The little boy who is rarely frustrated, this time he plays a little mentality.

But he was not stupid after all, according to the existing rules, Yan Yucheng quickly thought of a little, "Actually... If you can endure the pain of being shocked, just hold on to the key... You should be able to get the key out quickly, right? "

The amount of blood lost due to electric injuries seems to be 2% each time... It shouldn't be a big problem. "

In fact, the pain of electric shock is not very strong, and letting go when it is electrocuted is just a human instinctive reaction.

Thinking of this, Yan Yucheng gritted his teeth and planned to try again.

If you can't bear this difficulty, how can you win? How to install beeps in forums?

He reached out again and grabbed the key.

A flash of electricity.

[Health -9%]

Yan Yucheng let go of his hand again - with his weak willpower, he simply could not control the moment he was shocked and did not let go.

He looked at his numbbed hands, and then at the electromagnetic maze suspended in front of him, his eyes slightly cold.


"Labor and management don't play anymore! Silly beep game, who loves to play who plays! "

Ambition comes and goes quickly, and Yan Yucheng, who has been frustrated too much, looks very tough when he gives up.

Saying that if you don't play, you won't play, he turned around and walked away.


Quentin bakery, back kitchen baking room.

The old tape recorder was playing a tape called 'Christmas Song Collection', which Ling Yichuan had selected from more than a dozen tapes in the cabinet.

The store manager Quentin is a music lover and has a wide range of interests, but Ling Yichuan loves Christmas songs alone.

The tape turned, the old tape recorder began to play music, the first is the Christmas classic song sung by many children's voices - "Jingle Bells"

When the music sounded, Ling Yichuan gently twisted his thick waist with the rhythm, walked to the gift bag, and while lighting his head with the rhythm, he opened the bag, lifted it, and poured the two people inside into the large aluminum basin.

In the baking room of Quentin's bakery, the system initially prompts that the large aluminum basin is the execution rack, which has the ability to shrink the fugitive and lock health.

So the moment the two people were poured out, they were just able to fit into the basin, and then further shrink, Wang Minghui looked like a delicate figure with a large palm, and Liu Zhaodi was like a pool of red and black slime the size of a palm.

"OH, Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way..." In the tape recorder, a light child's voice began to sing this cheerful Christmas song.

In the large aluminum basin, Wang Minghui, who had fainted, had woken up, and he looked around blankly.

There were beautiful Christmas songs in my ears, but there was a pool of mucus that I couldn't understand what it was, but smelled bloody.

He instinctively felt a little sick and wanted to vomit.

The gaze swept towards the towering walls all around... These walls look a lot like the Babel Walls of Oak Street, but here they appear more silver and smooth.

"Where is this..." Wang Minghui was not yet aware of his situation.

When he looked at his status bar, he realized that only 11% of his health had turned gray.

Health locked up?

Under what circumstances will the health of the fugitive be locked?

Recalling the situation just now, Wang Minghui's body shivered slightly.

He suddenly realized that the sound of music in his ears was coming from the sky!

Wang Minghui slowly raised his head.

The sight climbs on the smooth wall, and then climbs again until it reaches the highest part of the wall.

He saw... Above the wall, a huge white bone sheep face looked down on him, and his eyes seemed to burn with excited orange flames.

The Christmas Devil's tone was excited: "Ah... My little cookie are you awake?

Wang Minghui looked up at this huge face, his heart was shaken, and he finally realized the current situation, and muttered: "This is... Execution point?

The Christmas devil snapped his fingers, "Little cookie, you guessed it!" By the way, your cookie mate is still awake, eh, I'll help her breathe.

Saying that, Ling Yichuan put an index finger in.

Wang Minghui's brain can't react at all now, basically what he said he listened to, the key is that he didn't understand, because he didn't realize that the thing next to him was a person....

Then he watched in amazement as the demon put his finger in and fiddled with the viscous liquid beside him.

He saw that a large handful of black hair was pulled out of it.

"Found it! Ha! The Christmas devil laughed.

This handful of black hair made Wang Minghui completely sober up!

Of the 4 escapees, only one has such long hair!

"Groove! Liu Zhaodi! Is that you?! He rushed over and ripped the viscous liquid apart.

A lonely woman with her head, lying on her back, her eyes round, as if she was dead.

Ling Yichuan withdrew his finger and looked at the two of them with interest.

Wang Minghui was stunned when he saw his head!

"This... This...... This..."

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