His terrified gaze swept over the unknown liquid around Liu Zhaodi's head, and soon he understood what these liquids were.

The visual impact was too strong, coupled with the rich smell of blood in his nose, Wang Minghui only felt that his stomach was like being grabbed by an invisible hand!

He lay on his side and started vomiting!


"Huh——! Ling Yichuan made a disgusted sound again, and he shook his head, "It's so dirty... Let's wash you first. As

he spoke, he picked up the aluminum basin, put it in the sink, and turned on the faucet.

For the two people who were shrunk in the basin, the water that suddenly rushed down was like a waterfall, suddenly submerging them!

"Hey! Groove! Without

giving a moment to react, the sweeping "flood" washed them both up at the same time!

In the basin, Liu Zhaodi never reacted, she was always in a state of trance.

The lady has higher body fat and is more buoyant, and her body is now like a leather raft, easily floating on the water.

Her head rested on the "raft" and she looked up in horror at the giant demon "in the air".

In the eyes of Liu Zhaodi, who had a low SAN value, the demonic eyes at this moment were like a pair of burning moons.

Her eyes were round, full of horror and dazedness, and she muttered, "Am I going to hell?" The

Christmas devil laughed maniacally: "You are down, you have come to my private hell, this is the hell's kitchen, welcome, my honorable little princess~"

At the same time, Wang Minghui was not so comfortable, he kept floating in the water, choking on several mouthfuls of water, wanting to curse, but did not say a complete sentence.

The personalities of some other hunters are a bit unimpressed by Anderson's behavior.

Deep in his consciousness, Dr. Robert, who healed with kindness, said: 'Anderson, you are obviously sick, and the illness is not mild, you have excessive abusive tendencies... That's all it takes. The

alchemical wizard also said, 'Yes, if it were me... I will not torture them senselessly ... Unless they are willing to dedicate their lives to the advancement of alchemy. Two-sided

killer, brother: "Hurry up and execute, haven't you played enough?" Of

course, among these personalities, there are many who have more positive views.

Two-sided killer, my sister said she didn't understand: "Are you okay?" He hadn't even started torturing these two men yet? What are you sympathizing with? Demon

Monk: "Maybe this female benefactor does not understand very well, psychological pain, struggling in despair, is also a kind of torture, and even its pain far exceeds the physical body... Of course, the little monk thinks this is interesting, and if he has the opportunity, the little monk even wants to try it himself..." Double

Face Killer, sister: "I don't understand, I just want to tie them to the electric chair, or a thousand cuts... Let's hurt together! Come with me! Feel how I feel!! Go through what I've been through!

As she spoke, she suddenly burst into a crazy scream: "Hahaha! Hahahahaha!! Not enough, not enough, far from enough!! "

Fine dog, when your sister was ill, she was more interesting than you..."

The chainsaw butcher began: "By the way, I support Anderson to play a little longer, I can see that even if he doesn't wear a demon mask, this old thing is a natural evil... He is very creative, very good at playing, and if he doesn't do it, he is still a sadistic genius! At

this time, Ling Yichuan was very focused.

Or rather, Christmas Demon Anderson is focused.

He entered a state of flow characteristic of a craftsman, working so intently that he had no time for other things.

The noise in the depths of consciousness was completely abandoned by him... Ling Yichuan didn't even bother to seal their mouths.

After cleaning the two poor players, he uses 3 skills again, 'Christmas Fusion'.

The left and right hands, one green and one red, two heavy beams, directly into the basin!

For a while, the basin screamed repeatedly.

The shouts were mainly made by Wang Minghui, who was close to collapse.

It's not that it hurts....

Green light is warm and moist, and red light is only tingling in the itch... He screamed because he saw Liu Zhaodi who was close at hand melting rapidly.

Originally, this beautiful female burglar only had a complete head left... The body has melted to the state it should be.

And at this moment, in front of Wang Minghui, her remaining complete head is also rapidly dissolving like a wax head cooked at high temperatures, and it has long become a rice cereal-like body.

The pain barrier of the game can only protect the body, but not the psyche.

For Wang Minghui, a friend he knew in reality, a familiar and beautiful face of the opposite sex, melting quickly like a terrifying wax figure... It's a thrilling experience beyond your limits!

Especially at the last moment before Liu Zhaodi's face completely dissolved, she seemed to want to say something to herself.

She opened her mouth and instantly dissolved into an elongated "I", followed by her eyes, nose, ears, and entire facial features were stretched into a pitch-black "I"-type black hole, and the sound coming out of her mouth was instantly deformed into some kind of plausible howl.

What people fear most often is not monsters that they have never been strange.

But familiar relatives and friends, little by little become strange monsters.

Seeing this scene, Wang Minghui only felt that his scalp was numb for a while, but soon, this feeling was lost.

His scalp melted.

A moment later.

Ling Yichuan grabbed Wang Minghui from the pool of Rongcheng, and threw it back with a "popping tower", like falling flour with water.

Some are sticky and feel just right.

In the "flour" that was indistinguishable from each other, the four eyes that had blurred and opened stared at him in horror.

"Don't worry."

Ling Yichuan threw the residue on his hand back into the iron basin and said gently: "I won't waste the dessert ingredients, I will definitely make you guys delicious~" The iron basin

was very quiet.

Wang Minghui and Liu Zhaodi's vocal cords have melted, and they cannot scream, but can only express fear from the window of their hearts, melting eyes.

Next, the whole process of making gingerbread men, that is, the entire execution process, is full of black fairy tale colors.

It's not actually bloody, at least far less than the execution rituals of those who chatter in their consciousness.

But it's really weird.

In the world... In the normal world, no one will be able to substitute the perspective of food and see how they are made into desserts little by little.

In this process, surreal feelings, fears fermented in silence, are the uniqueness of this execution ceremony.

The Christmas devil does not need to watch the flow prompts of the system, he quickly and chaotically carries out the operation of a professional dessert chef:

introduce liquid brown sugar and honey into the iron basin and stir;

Pour all-purpose flour, butter, baking soda, salt, ginger powder, cinnamon powder and stir;

Separate the two, knead each into a dough, flatten, roll out, and place in a gingerbread man abrasive in a baking sheet.

Place in the oven.

The game is a game after all, there is no need to bake the gingerbread man for too long, and after ten seconds, the oven makes a soft "ding" sound.

Two fragrant gingerbread men were done.

Ling Yichuan rubbed his hands and couldn't wait to take them out of the oven.

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