
(For the sake of the movie-watching experience, one point must be explained in advance.)

Everything that happened next, seemingly rich in detail, actually happened in a very short time, all in... The magician "spun around in a hurry" during this time.

The flame that burned violently was extinguished.

It does not go out gradually, but instantly.

Like a candle about to burn out, it turned into a huge wreckage of a white fire tree and finally burst back for a second, and the flame instantly amplified, and then the oil ran out.

The thick and coiled roots, the branches with open teeth and claws, and the towering oak trees like ancient ruins were burned clean in the last moment.

The white flame of light faded, revealing a small piece of remains.

There are still unburned remains.

Ling Yichuan, who had already retreated a hundred meters away, looked at the remnants in the sky with a slight stunned.

A suspended ... Gray cross.

No, it is not a cross representing God, but an anti-cross with depravity and evil connotations.

There were a few slowly wriggling pitch-black vines wrapped around it, like some kind of forest python, but more of a disgusting bug.

When Ling Yichuan thought of entering the tree hole in his soul state, he saw many similar vines entangled together, and the Demon Slaying Sword was inserted into the sphere formed by the vines.

It's just that the size is different.

So these miniature little vines in front of you... Is it the big vine that shrinks and changes?

So what is the reverse cross?

The remains of the original Christmas demon Kambs?

The high monk burned the relics, and the devil burned the reverse cross?

Absurd thoughts flashed in Ling Yichuan's mind.

Then he saw the official answer.

[Reverse Cross Execution Rack: By the original Christmas demon 'Campos' and Santa Claus's St. Nicholas' bones are condensed, and they have the property of not fearing fire... No matter what kind of fire.

[The remnants of 'Camps' are about to disappear completely, and I want to bring you a few words:

"O my successor... I've actually been watching you.

"You're a hapless old man, but you're a lovely killer, and I admire your trick of taking revenge on that kid... Yes, it was the one who caused you to fall lame old leg, he was hung by you in the fireplace and roasted very fragrantly.

"It's a very ironic way to die, he bullied you 'Santa Claus', so he was made into a Christmas-fragrant roast chicken, aha, funny!"

"It's a pity that he died not painful enough, you want him to die from high temperature baking, but he actually choked to death from smoke, so he died quickly."

"When my body is burned and the gates of hell are about to open, if you still have a chance... Remember to make good use of the gifts I gave you. "

] [You have witnessed the 'Reverse Cross Execution Frame', the hidden mission has been triggered.] [

Hidden mission: Use the 'Reverse Cross Execution Rack' to bake at least one 'Fugitive Player'.] (The specific method can be expanded...)

Ling Yichuan glanced at it, and his eyes were full of color.

"Yo West... Awesome... I see...... Gee...... I like..." A

hundred meters away, Zou Xuan was standing below the reverse cross.

His mind had just dropped for a moment, and now he found that the remains of the oak tree had burned out, and there was an anti-cross on his head.

Even if there is no systematic introduction, he knows that this is the hidden execution rack of the Christmas devil.

Heard on the forum.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

It must be known that when the old oak tree is burned by the flame, the hidden execution rack will appear, and the hidden execution task of the Christmas devil will be brushed out.

But at the same time, the gates of hell were also burned.

It is said that this private hell created by the Christmas devil is actually very close to the real hell.

Zou Xuan's right eye looked down.

I saw that the position where the old oak tree was originally standing, and there was a "bloody" hole below!

This large hole is about ten meters in diameter, just the diameter of the trunk of an old oak tree.

There were blood-like bright and sticky flames surging below, and Zou Xuan was just standing aside, and the heat wave that evaporated from the cave already made him feel uncomfortable.

System prompt:

[A hellish breath with a sulfur smell is coming from the cave...]

The resentful souls of the town who were anxiously waiting just now suddenly swarmed up!

They are waiting for this moment!

Before they reached the mouth of the cave, it was as if a large invisible hand sticking out from hell had brushed them over...

The resentful souls, who were originally almost invisible and almost invisible, suddenly "blackened" in a large area!

They become invisible but qualitatively evil spirits!

The transformation was completed almost instantaneously, and when the breath of hell diffused from the hole, the fierce wind of Oak Street immediately smudged this breath!

All the spirit bodies that transformed into evil spirits turned their heads viciously at this moment, and their faces with a bit of human appearance became extremely hideous! Full of disgust!

They screamed and rushed towards the Christmas devil!

There is revenge, there is resentment!

'Ordinary souls, as long as they are contaminated with the breath of hell, they will turn into evil spirits...

' Ling Yichuan's mind suddenly recalled the information he got from 'Kambis's dream.

It should have been here.

Is that what their mission is for?

Let the grudges of the town turn into evil spirits to deal with themselves?

The first fastest evil spirit to fly had already bitten into Ling Yichuan's palm, and a bloody tooth mark appeared on it.

It's a little painful.

He threw his hand twice, but he didn't shake it off, and the evil spirit was like a dog, and he didn't let go if he bit it.

And then the second, the third... Ten... Hundreds....

Countless evil spirits haunted him.

Ling Yichuan noticed that a lot of [Deceleration] Debuffs appeared in his status bar

Just like when the old computer crashed, many windows would suddenly open and superimposed on each other, and his [deceleration] Debuff also kept appearing, and then overlapped and added together like a window.

He could barely move, only one step at a time.

What's worse... The noise emitted by the evil spirits also caused him a lot of auditory pollution.


"Anderson! Anderson! Why are you killing me!! "

Woooo Uncle Anderson... Why are you killing me..."

"Hahahaha! Santa Monster Old Man! You have that day too! Hahahahahaha!!

"One, two, three, four, five, six... Anderson fell into a lame old man!

"Die with us... Go to hell with us!! [

SAN value +10%] [SAN value +15%] [SAN value +20%]

Ling Yichuan's body seemed to be gradually frozen, but thanks to the increase in SAN

value, his mind began to run extremely fast.

He stared blankly at this group of filthy souls that made the demons sick, and the hellish scene he saw in the dream of 'Camps' flashed in his mind.

It was a similar scene at that time, except that in the real hell, there were almost so many cockroach-like evil spirits that there were dozens of orders of magnitude more than the dead people in the Arctic town.

Even the original Christmas demon was powerless to resist so many evil spirits.

At that time, 'Kemps' used the 'undead scepter' of the angel of death to kill all the hundreds of thousands of evil spirits.

The Sceptre of the Dead... Alas ....

Unfortunately, if he had found the task of repairing the scepter in advance, he might not have fallen into the situation in front of him.

Wait a minute!

In Ling Yichuan's memory palace, in a secret, unnoticed corner, there was a layer of dusty shelves, and a blank piece of paper automatically popped out!

He glanced around.

That's the weapon introduction of the 'Sceptre of the Dead'. (This time it's foreshadowing, not hydrology!) [

Name: The Ghost Face Scepter Head of the Undead Scepter] [Type: Story weapon (cannot be brought out

of the copy)] [Attribute: Annihilation

] [Quality: Epic (incomplete)] [Introduction:

The head part of the Scepter of the Undead can only play one-ten-thousandth of the effect of the Scepter of the Undead

. 】

【Features: 'Oblivion Flash' makes the ghost face of the staff head open its eyes, releasing an energy field that can annihilate the spirit body, and decompose the spirit body to a certain extent. [

How to use: Recite the activation spell - "dva.eva.lestruction" (click to expand the phonetic transcription)

] [Cooldown: None] [Consumption: None] [

Note: Before the fall of Samael, the undead scepter was still a heavenly thing, so the spell that activated it was Enoch for angels; After Samael became a fallen angel, the undead scepter also perfectly adapted to the environment of hell, and even woke up as a living creature...]

[Note 2: As long as you return to hell, the undead scepter can repair itself. When

Ling Yichuan saw the end, he saw Note 2, and a thunder suddenly sounded in his heart!

When he watched it before, he didn't pay attention to Note 2 at all!

So this memory sinks directly into the subconscious memory bank....

Is this a reminder given to him by spiritual intuition?

Could it be....

Is it really that simple?

Is there no task of repairing the scepter at all! As soon as the time comes, it can be fixed automatically!

He looked at these hideous ugly things in front of him that were contaminated with the breath of hell and turned into evil spirits, and hesitated to take out the 'Christmas Devil's Gift Bag' from the equipment slot.

This thing can be used as a temporary space bag, so he previously put the broken five parts of the undead scepter in it.

The tall body of the Christmas Devil slowly crouched down in the group of hundreds of evil spirits, looking pitiful and helpless.

But Zou Xuan, who was slowly coming over, didn't think so.

When he saw Ling Yichuan open the gift bag, his brows furrowed slightly.

When he saw five floating objects flying out of the bag, he was a little stressed and took half a step back in fear.

Because of these things, he recognized that it was the "plate brick" that Ling Yichuan used to pat his head when the soul body was fighting.

And when he saw that all the broken parts were automatically spliced together after floating into the air, they soon turned into a complete scepter... He was frightened!

He saw the evil spirits who had just been fierce and vicious, but at this moment they suddenly scattered in a circle!


This thing turned out to be a plot prop that hunters can turn over!

When the scepter fell, and was about to be caught by Ling Yichuan again, Zou Xuan finally took out the last hole card!

There is still a chance! Fortunately, I still had a hand!

Zou Xuan, who has never been solo with Ling Yichuan, has always pinched his strongest hole card to death! Finally, it's time to be really useful!

A powerful ghost summoning skill with quite terrifying side effects is the hole card that Zou Xuan has been holding in his hand!

[Name: Guide Summoning. Senior Sister in Red

] [Type: Summoning Skill (General)

] [Level: Grade A] [

Introduction: Legend has it that when the blood of the victim stains the clothes, the ghost can wear the red clothes. This skill can use your fingertips to force a little bit of blood to summon a powerful red-clothed senior sister, and the enemy you guide with blood is also the enemy of red-clothed senior sister. [

Feature 1: 'Absolute Zero' is touched by the spirit body of the red-clothed senior sister, if it is not dead, then its soul and body will be frozen. (Freeze time depends on resistance, at least 5 seconds can be frozen)

] [Feature 2: 'Free Killing' If you sacrifice all SAN values, the red-clothed senior can open indiscriminate free killing during the summoner's consumption time, she may use a variety of extraordinary powers, and her strength will be further improved] [

Consumption: 8% SAN value/second; 5% energy value/sec

] [Duration: Normal up to 10 seconds, can be lifted in advance

] [Cooldown: 30 minutes] [

Note: She hid in the dark shadow, raised her pale face, leaving crimson tears..."Kill one more, the last one" she muttered and pleaded. This

is a rare A-level skill.

Exclusive skills can be upgraded by skill points, but general skills are not, so A-level is quite rare, and its power can also be seen.

Zou Xuan closed his left eye, locked his right eye on Ling Yichuan, and suddenly pointed at him, and a large amount of black blood suddenly came out of his fingertips!

Senior Sister in Red, it's now!

A figure in red instantly rushed out of his shadow, as fast as a bullet out of the chamber!

Ling Yichuan originally saw the undead scepter merge into one in the air, it was both surprised and delighted, and he was about to reach out and catch it... As a result, I only felt a red shadow rushing towards my face and slamming into my body!

His body couldn't move immediately, and his mind was sluggish quickly!

Finished! It's really over!

This wave lost!

As long as the scepter of the dead is snatched away... There was no more chance.

It was the last thought on his mind.

Immediately afterwards, his thoughts were frozen along with his body.

The Christmas Demon's body was covered with a layer of frost glowing with blue light, and the reassembled scepter did not fall into his hands, but directly into the snow on the ground.

"That's it." Zou Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, immediately ended this terrifying summoning skill, and quickly walked to Ling Yichuan.

He was about to look down to pick it up.

Then the magic box appeared.

Zou Xuan was stunned.

What's the situation?

Bang! The double doors of the magic box suddenly closed!

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