
When the magic box was opened again, Zou Xuan had already appeared uphill on Oak Street.

Appeared outside the door of 'Santa's House'.

To the sound of the Christmas song "Jingle bells jingle bells Jingle all the way", the magic box sinks to the ground, leaving only a priest in a daze in the wind and snow.

He looked around, dazed.

"This is..." Zou

Xuan is a smart man, he actually understood what was happening in his heart, but his consciousness did not want to believe it, so he was in a state of self-preservation of his mind.

Very close to the state of PTSD.

But he quickly sobered up.

"! It is the three skills of a magician! It's that bear kid again!!

Zou Xuan rushed a few steps towards the edge of the ramp, and because the snow was too deep, his legs were already deep in the snow and it was difficult to move.

Standing at the highest point of Oak Street, he anxiously overlooked the coming place, but his vision could not penetrate the flying snow, and the visibility was too low, and he couldn't see Ling Yichuan and the stinky fool who switched positions with himself at all.

"Don't let him get the scepter!!"

Zou Xuan was almost crying, he put his hands to his mouth and shouted hoarsely there: "Did you hear it!!" Bear Kid!! Don't let the Christmas devil get that scepter on the ground——!! "

No matter what was going on in the mind of that kid named Backstabbing Man, why did he switch places with himself at this time... Zou Xuan hopes that he can be smart!

Just take away the scepter that fell on the ground, and everything will be settled!

Whoever can do it!

Now that Ling Yichuan has been frozen by Senior Sister in Red, according to Zou Xuan's understanding of the strength of this powerful ghost, a hunter of the same level will probably be frozen for a long time.

During this time, it should be enough for Yan Yucheng to discover the scepter on the ground... Right?

Gan! Zou Xuan is really not sure!

Ordinary children are good to say, but this turtle sun's brain is really not normal! ! !

However, in this snowy night of fury and fury, how could his little voice travel such a long distance?

Zou Xuan was anxious to run back, and he must make sure that the scepter was in his hand!

But the two places were far away, and his legs were so deep in the snow that he couldn't run at all.

Unless there is some teleportation skill or something suitable for snow... Vehicle?

Thinking of this, he suddenly heard the sound of bells in the distance.


Zou Xuan was surprised to find that the three red-eyed reindeer were pulling the sled and running uphill.

A bold idea came to his mind.

Since the reindeer are so obedient, they constantly go back and forth between the two sections of Oak Street....

Maybe you can give yourself a ride?


Downhill, next to the house near the player's spawn point.

In front of the frozen Christmas demon, a gorgeous magic box stands, and a little boy in a tuxedo walks out of it.

When Yan Yucheng saw the hunter for the first time, he was still startled, and then he immediately discovered the abnormality of the other party.

"Can't move? Huh? Why this state? I

saw the tall Christmas devil, maintaining a heroic statue-like posture - he held his head high, raised with one hand, as if holding an invisible weapon.

Yan Yucheng was puzzled, the state of being entangled by evil spirits shouldn't be like this, right?

Also, what about these evil spirits?

He saw hundreds of evil spirits in front of him, floating behind the Christmas Devil, one by one, not attacking, but looking at him.

Although the faces of the evil spirits were blurred, Yan Yucheng still read a trace of consternation from their resentful eyes.

What's the matter?

"What are you doing?"

Yan Yucheng scratched his head, pointed at Ling Yichuan and asked, "Was he done like this by you?" "

The evil spirits did not dare to approach the undead scepter, but they all howled anxiously, wanting to remind him of something!

It's just a pity that the fugitives under normal conditions can't understand what the evil spirits are saying.

From Yan Yucheng's point of view, it was a hideous ghost with a half-virtual body, constantly rushing to scare him in front of him.

And because the evil spirits themselves have some kind of spiritual pollution, they are close in succession, causing Yan Yucheng's SAN value to continue to decline.

"Hey! Feed! What are you doing!

Yan Yucheng was frightened and retreated one after another: "You should go and deal with the hunters, why are you pestering me!" Walk! Walk! All go! Go away!! Seeing

that he did not advance and retreat, the brainless evil spirits were anxious, and they all revolved around the place where the undead scepter fell, forming a black-gray tornado.

But this scepter was already stuck in the snow, and it was very close to the Christmas demons that were frozen into ice sculptures, and they surrounded the scepter, which looked like they were around Ling Yichuan.

Yan Yucheng was stunned: "You guys are in... Protect hunters? Is there a bug in this game?! Obviously he killed you to make you like this!! Why are you protecting him?! The

evil spirits wide-eyed, just howling wildly.

Ling Yichuan was still stiff and unmoving.

I have to say that the strength of the red-clothed senior sister is indeed very excessive.

The Christmas Demon's demon resistance is originally relatively high, and with the additional attribute bonus of level 9 players, the general control skills cannot be controlled for a few seconds.

But the red-clothed senior sister can control him for more than ten seconds.

That summoning skill isn't even the type specifically designed to hit control... This shows the strength of the pastor's hole card.

But the great advantage is now to no avail.

Yan Yucheng didn't see the plot weapon embedded in the snow that was enough to determine the outcome of the battle.

Instead, he was frightened by the evil spirits and kept retreating, trying to retreat beyond the danger of no longer dropping the san.

Not far away, in front of the silver gate, an NPC who had been silently watching the battle just now couldn't see it.

Thin Melina. Konstantin went back to his room and put on his father's deerskin coat, put on his feet deerskin boots, and strode over with the dragon breath injector that was not working at that time.

"You idiot! Pick up the scepter on the ground!!

Melina roared angrily, roaring as she ran: "These dead ghosts are afraid of the scepter on the ground!" Pick it up!! "

Her drug-addicted and alcoholic father told him many secrets of hell from a young age... God knows where the rotten drunkard got the news.

But no matter what, Melina knows the existence of the 'scepter of the undead', and she also knows that it is the scepter of Samael, the angel of hell, and its power is enough to rule over all the evil spirits in hell.

It was later stolen by the Christmas Devil.

Logic told her that the scepter that had just been respliced in the sky could make all evil spirits retreat, it was probably the 'undead scepter'!

The two were not far apart, only a few tens of meters apart.

Yan Yucheng finally heard, "Scepter? Where is it? He

was shocked and knew what the problem was!

The evil spirits didn't pester the hunter, probably because he found some kind of story item!

Then his current frozen state... Could it be that the seemingly useless pastor player did it?

The evil spirit dispersed a little, and Yan Yucheng finally saw a shallow trace on the ground.

He pulled out the [Magic Card] and directly a [Instantaneous Magic. Flying Card God]

Melina is not as fast as him.

Yan Yucheng, who finally came to his senses, instantly came to Ling Yichuan and leaned over and grabbed the [Undead Scepter]

However, he dragged on for too long after all.

The other hand, which was pale and slender and had sharp nails, also grabbed the scepter at the same time.

Yan Yucheng felt cold in his heart, raised his head, and saw a pair of orange horizontal eyes.

I don't know why, the Christmas demon was obviously expressionless, but he saw his eyes full of smiles.

The [frozen state] left by Senior Sister in Red was finally lifted.

A full fifteen seconds.

This is still the case that Ling Yichuan has already offset 50% of the control time when he stuffed a [Talisman of the Bound God] in his body!

With the blessing of the high SAN value level of 139%, Ling Yichuan's mind thawed and understood everything.

"Good boy." He whispered a sincere compliment, "This time thanks to you."

Yan Yucheng: "Huh? "

With a little force on Ling Yichuan's right arm, he pulled the 'Undead Scepter' out of the snow, along with the child who didn't let go... Then put the scepter straight and stand on your chest!

Poor little magician, he hasn't let go yet, but in front of the tall and mighty Christmas devil, it looks like a pendant.

A small pendant with a face full of horror.

At the same time, the undead around them are going crazy, bringing up the wind, roaring and swarming to make a last-ditch effort!

Ling Yichuan's body suddenly had countless more small bites, but he didn't move.

He has now determined that he guessed correctly.

Note 2 of the Undead Scepter is actually a small hint.

It doesn't really need to be thrown into hell, it just needs to be contaminated with the breath of hell to repair itself.

So, when the grievances turn into evil spirits, it's time for the full version of the 'Undead Scepter' to return.

He learns the manipulations that Colapus remembers.

Hands on the lower edge of the ghost cane head, twist hard!

"Click!" Make a slight crunching sound!

The pale face at the head of the scepter indifferently opened a pair of snow-white pupilless eyes!

"No——!" Before Selena could run behind him, she pulled the trigger in collapse!

A crimson flame gushed out from the muzzle of the ejector, spanning a distance of more than ten meters, dispersing some evil spirits and igniting the Christmas devil's red cotton coat instantly!

Ling Yichuan didn't realize it, he held the staff in both hands, let the dragon breath behind him burn, and also let a child hang on it... Chanting the mantra in a low voice:


Then he slammed the scepter to the ground!

Reality coincides with dreams.

Two generations of Christmas demons, same situation, same operation.

An indescribable invisible energy, with him as the center of the circle, instantly exploded in all directions! In just three seconds, dozens of shockwaves were relentlessly released!

There are obvious spatial ripples and ripples throughout Oak Street!

Under the attack of the undead scepter 'Oblivion Flash', the flesh and blood were fine, Yan Yucheng and Selena were just flown out by the air wave bomb...

And the evil spirits clustered nearby are miserable.

They have been washed to pieces in the first round of diffused energy waves.

In the subsequent successive energy shocks, it was directly and completely annihilated and no longer existed.

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