The landing point of [Magic Card] is the back door of the dessert shop.

After Yan Yucheng flashed over, he went directly into the dessert shop, intending to come out through the main entrance, and then flow across Oak Street.

Players who play Fugitive for a long time, especially agile Fugitives, will have this sense of escape.

Dangerous and safe locations are always alternating in dynamic changes, and the main thing is a time difference.

Now that there has been a movement and the location has been exposed, the hunter will definitely chase after him very quickly... The main street, which was dangerous just now, is now safe.

Yan Yucheng stood at the door of the store, cautiously poked his head out, and glanced to the right hand side first.

Sure enough, there was no figure.

Somehow, the temperature outside seems to have risen a lot, and the wind and snow are showing signs of stopping.

So the view also becomes very good.

If there is no one on the right-hand side, then there will definitely be no one on the left-hand side ... He glanced to the left very casually.

He saw a pale ghostly figure of a sheep's horn.

Like the ghost of the Christmas devil incarnate, the eyes of the black hole are looking fixedly at themselves.

The appearance of this ghost is very similar to the ghost taken in old foreign photos, and the pale figure floats, like a white smoke, faintly showing the clothes and appearance before death.

He is the ghost doppelganger of the Christmas Devil.

Ling Yichuan finally had a chance to try out the newly purchased universal skills.

[Name: Ghost Doppelganger

] [Type: Chase Skill (General)

] [Level: C Level] [

Introduction: In a short period of time, up to 5 ghost avatars can be divided into multiple paths to search and chase, and the ghost cannot directly attack the enemy. 【Feature

1 'Undead Fear': Seeing a ghost will cause a slight decrease in SAN value, and hearing the roar of a ghost will also cause a slight decrease in SAN value, or even just being chased by a ghost, which will also cause a slight decrease in SAN value. 【Feature

2 'Transfiguration': The body can swap positions with any avatar at any time. [

Feature 3 'Chase Instinct': Doppelgangers are not controlled by the consciousness of the body, and during their existence, they will look for prey on their own and continue to chase.

(The ghost movement speed is 150% of the body, and the movement speed can reach 300% of the body after being attacked)】【

Feature 4 'Field of view communication' All the pictures seen by the ghost avatar will be transmitted to the body in real time. 【

Consumption: 1% energy value/sec

】【Duration: Up to 60 seconds

】【Cooldown: 5 minutes】

【Note: Ghost doppelgangers are very much like hunting dogs, their sense of smell is better than vision... They can smell fear. Suddenly

seeing the ghost of the Christmas Devil, Yan Yucheng seemed to be fixed.

A moment later.



He and the ghost screamed at the same time! The difference is only in the poignant screams of people, and the terrifying shouts of ghosts... It's like the cold winter wind burrowing into the cracks of the windows, and it's like the "whine" sound developed by boiling a kettle.

【SAN value-5】【SAN value-5】【SAN value-5

Yan Yucheng was frightened not lightly, turned around sharply, and immediately flew a [Magic Card] to the right!

Shout! Flash!

He turned back in horror and saw the ghost in front of the dessert shop, roaring and flying towards him, very fast!

Generic skills for accelerated classes! Yan Yucheng immediately understood.

At this time, an identical pale ghost shadow rushed out next to him and slammed into him!


Yan Yucheng, who looked horrified, was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

It's not just acceleration skills... Illusion or doppelganger?

Yan Yucheng is now full of thoughts only to escape... He immediately felt out the magic card and flew across the street!

But he was dizzy and didn't realize [Instantaneous Magic. Flying Card God also has a 3-second cooldown.

This time, he didn't go out instantly, wasting a card, and immediately, he saw multiple ghost figures floating around him, in a surrounded trend.

The one that suddenly appeared just now has already pounced in front of him!

Yan Yucheng didn't know that these ghost shadows were not lethal, he sat on the ground, looked at the fierce ghost shadows, and subconsciously made a counterattack!

He used his hand as a knife and slashed it with an [ordinary knife].

"Get out of the dirt!"

The invisible air blade cut through the sparse snowflakes and split a gap in the head of the ghost.

The ghost figure was stunned for a moment, and then furious, and a scarlet fierce light instantly appeared in the dark empty eye sockets!

The ghost figure grew in a circle, accelerating towards him: "Woo——! "


Yan Yucheng continued to flee!

I have to say that the magician's 1 skill is a real BUG, and he can really run.

5 high-speed doppelgangers chased him, running in a straight line and couldn't catch up, and he flew out a [magic card] and

landed at the police station.

He had been chased and lost his mind, and he didn't notice that the pillar of light above the chimney of the police station changed from green to red at some point.

This shows that the Christmas Demon has already used the teleportation array here.

The price of blindness is... The moment Yan Yucheng appeared in front of the police station in an instant, a tall but not bulky figure suddenly burst out, and then slapped it with a powerful slap!

Syllable! Bang!

Yan Yucheng, who was not prepared at all, was slapped on the outer wall of the police station by this slap!

The walls are all cracked!

[Health -12%]

Yan Yucheng only felt that his eyes were bursting with Venus, and his left shoulder was temporarily unconscious, he looked up at the front, and in his shaky vision, he could only see two glowing orange eyes, which stretched into two glow sticks in the shaking.

It's like a delayed photo shot.

Ling Yichuan, who was standing in front of him, secretly exclaimed in his heart, he was worthy of being a half-flesh magician, and the third order of physical talent was not practiced in vain, and this slap could actually hold up!

But there is no point anymore.

A magician who was close to the Christmas demon could not escape.

He didn't think the pursuit would go so smoothly.

Ling Yichuan didn't know where Yan Yucheng was hiding at first, but he estimated the distance that the cards could fly according to the direction in which the child finally disappeared, thinking that he was hiding on the side of the West Street building.

Because it's closer.

The human instinct to avoid is no different from that of cockroaches, which is to find obstacles that can cover themselves as soon as possible.

And Ling Yichuan knew very well in his heart that it would be difficult for him to catch up with the magician in a straight line whether he used the 2 skills of the Christmas Devil or the [Ghost Avatar Technique].

The only way is to use the teleportation array.

His original plan was to teleport to the front of the magician's escape route first, and then send the ghost doppelganger to search, so that he could be caught off guard.

Once a ghost doppelganger approaches the bear child, his own body will replace it, grab the three-second cooldown, and take him down completely.

As a result, he didn't expect that the magician panicked and flew directly to the teleportation point he chose and sent it directly to the body.

This game of cat and rat... It's over early.

Yan Yucheng is now in a basket of negative states: [Concussion] [Frightened] [Palpitations] [Fatigue] [Continuous Blood Loss] [Deceleration

] The last two are caused by [Semi-mechanical White Bone Chain Claw] Feature 2.

Even if he could continue to escape, he would not be able to run for long.

Yan Yucheng leaned his back against the wall, trembling and feeling out another [magic card]

and trying to escape.

A big foot stepped on it, squeezing his wrist against the wall.

With a slight effort, it makes a crisp fracture sound.

【Magic Card】Get rid of your hand.

“!" Yan Yucheng didn't have time to react, and his limbs were kicked off one after another.

"Ugh!" He let out a cry of pain after realizing it.

In the blink of an eye alone, the magician known for his dexterity becomes a half-broken waste.

After doing all this, the tall Christmas demon grabbed Yan Yucheng's head with one hand and lifted him flat.

The demon looked at the child condescendingly, rather oppressively.

"You know what? In fact, I have many opportunities to kill you, and even, execute you first.

Ling Yichuan was talking to him with his own identity and personality at this time, with a gentle and slightly playful tone:

"Do you know why I didn't do this?"

Cold and frightened at the same time made Yan Yucheng's teeth tremble, his hands and feet were broken, and his body twisted and struggled like a maggot,

"Ling Yichuan!" You give me another chance! Release me again! Just once! Give it a chance! Let me go!

"Because I believe in you."

The conversation between the two seems to be not on the same channel, they are both talking about their own words.

The demon's orange eyes bent into waist beans, and he said with a smile: "I believe that your stupidity, conceit, and cowardice are enough to bring down your entire team... You really didn't disappoint me.

Yan Yucheng's limbs were bent at a twisted angle, and he looked miserable, grinning and began to cry: "I don't want to be executed... Don't punish... You let me go offline... I'm not playing..." The

five ghost doppelgangers behind him disappeared one after another, Ling Yichuan pinched the wasteman's head, brought his ear to his mouth, and gently asked:

"Who said... Want to sneak Ling Yichuan into a dog?

Yan Yucheng was stunned for a moment, and his low sobs suddenly turned into wow and cry!

The Christmas demon tone was disgusted: "It's noisy... Little beasts... I'll take you offline. The

big hand pinched Yan Yucheng's head, dragged his almost paralyzed body to the ground, and quickly walked towards the hidden execution frame.

Yan Yucheng kept twisting his body, dragging a crooked groove on the snow.

In front is the suspended gray inverted cross, and below is the hole leading to the abyss of hell.

Ling Yichuan suddenly sensed that there seemed to be a change at the entrance of the cave.

A dark force from hell is spreading upwards from below.

This is not just a feeling, but also a strange change visible to the naked eye... Around the big hole with red light, rust-colored "tides" gushed out, rapidly infecting the surroundings.

When the rust spread over the snow, the thick snow immediately collapsed and melted, revealing the covered concrete pavement.

It's just that the road surface looks slimy and wet, as if it is soaked in blood.

When rust spread through the buildings on both sides of the street, most of the wall skin instantly fell off, revealing the moldy red bricks inside.

As rust spreads over the shadows of the trees, fir trees quickly wither one after another.

This power from hell seems to make the time here no longer freeze, and even accelerate.

Everything is decaying and crumbling.

Inside and outside the buildings on both sides, in various dark and damp corners, unimaginable hideous monsters appeared out of thin air and began to wander in their own territory.

They are an upgraded version of 'heart ghosts'.

The wind and snow stopped completely, and the smell of decay and sulfur began to spread in Oak Street....

The whole world seems to be covered with a "hell filter", becoming more and more eerie and unrecognizable.

System prompt:

[Due to the influence of hellish atmosphere, the space of this 'table world' is transforming into the 'inner world'...] [

All 'psychological projectors' refreshed in fixed locations will get a qualitative improvement!

[They will be upgraded from 'explicit fear condensation' to 'subconscious fear condensation', and expand the scope of patrols. Ling

Yichuan thought it was bad news at first, but under this look, he almost died of happiness.

So the mission of the fugitive to open the gates of hell is actually a double-edged sword.

If you don't get the undead scepter, you will definitely not run; But if he gets the scepter and kills all the evil spirits, the fugitive will suffer for himself.

"Jingle bells... Jingle bells..."

There was a bell ringing on the road ahead, and Ling Yichuan looked back.

There is only one left.


Are you coming to save him?

The Christmas demon pinched Yan Yucheng's head, stood on the edge of hell and watched, waiting.

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