
The cracked statue of Santa Claus has long been thrown on the side of the road, and half of his head is buried in the snow.

The sheep's eye, which belonged to the Christmas devil, has long since disappeared - the 30-minute maintenance time of the all-seeing eye has passed.

Therefore, Ling Yichuan did not see the pastor's move just now... Only now to see.

The reindeer were still running dutifully, seemingly unaware of who was pulling behind them.

I saw the thin priest standing on the sled, his hands desperately holding the reins, and the solemn black robe was blown by the wind, and for a while, it made people feel quite heroic and sassy - if you don't look at his eyes.

At this time, the wind and snow had stopped, the vision was excellent, and before he arrived, Zou Xuan had clearly seen the demon standing on the side of the abyss, and also saw his teammate who was holding his unproductive teammate in his hand.

There is also the 'inner world' that is rapidly disconnecting!

System prompt:

[Due to the influence of hellish atmosphere, the space of this 'table world' is transforming into the 'inner world'...] (71 bytes omitted here)

The prompt that Ling Yichuan saw, he also saw.

Zou Xuan was shocked in his heart, and immediately tightened the reins, shouting in his mouth: "Whew——! "

Little priest, he wants to strangle the deer from the precipice!

The three red-eyed reindeer were only dragged by him to raise their heads slightly, then ignored them and continued to run forward by their necks.


Who are you, big brother?

You tell us to stop, we stop? Gave you face, huh?

Zou Xuan obviously saw that the idea of "braking" was not feasible, and seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the terrible hunter, he decisively chose to jump out of the car!

After rolling twice on the snow to unload the force, he climbed to the 'fire station', disappeared, and ran quite decisively.

Don't say hesitation about whether or not to save his teammates, the idea didn't even come to his mind.

Who would save a 'backstabber'?

Zou Xuan hurriedly rushed down the uphill to save Yan Yucheng.

The situation he originally imagined was that the bear child took the scepter, and Ling Yichuan was chasing and killing him, then he could help.

After some pulling, the two had a great chance of escaping.

In short, the scepter cannot be allowed to fall into Ling Yichuan's hands.

But just now, he was almost knocked down by that extremely wide shockwave, and Zou Xuan's heart was already 60% cold.

Running here, I didn't find any trace of the evil spirits at all, and my heart was 80% cold.

When he saw Yan Yucheng being dragged to the ground by Ling Yichuan's head pinched, his limbs were abnormally bent... The remaining 20% are also cold.

Obviously, the magician teammate is a waste, Ling Yichuan got the complete scepter, and put all the effort they put in before... All crushed.

Now Zou Xuan only had one idea left.

Save yourself and save your life!

After he jumped out of the car, the rust color representing the 'inner world' finally shrouded, and everything around him changed color, as if weathered by the years for hundreds of years.

The walls peel off, the bricks mold, the snow melts, the ground burrows with cockroaches....

And those three reindeer, the moment they entered the inner world, the fur on their bodies cracked like rocks, and scarlet flames came out of their flesh and flesh, burning wildly.

The ropes bound to them were also burned.

Even if they are not attacked, they eventually put on the skin of hellfire and turn into bloodthirsty 'hell reindeer'.



watching the whole process of the priest jumping out of the car, Ling Yichuan laughed teasingly at the prey in his opponent: "Your teammates don't want you anymore."

Yan Yucheng scolded while crying: "Woo-woo... What a fucking shit! Zou Xuan, I remember you! Woo hoo..." The

hell reindeer finally stopped and surrounded Ling Yichuan.

He reached out and touched these obedient mounts, and said softly: "Good boy, aren't you tired of running yet?" "

The flames on the reindeer don't seem to hurt the Christmas devil.

They shook their heads obediently, indicating that they were not tired.

After all, he is long dead.

Ling Yichuan nodded, caressing their deer heads, and leaned over and said, "Don't continue running first, you guys help me go... Find the little priest who just escaped..." After

thinking about it, he said directly: "Let's kill him." The

three amazingly powerful hell reindeer received the order and turned around in unison, igniting a fire in their pupils.

With a soft chirp, the reindeer ran towards each other, leaving burning footprints.

"Okay, no one will bother us next."

Ling Yichuan touched Yan Yucheng's head.

Before the child could react, he was grabbed by the door of the head... The demon turned around and threw him out without hesitation!

He was thrown into the air with an inverse cross.

At this time, Ling Yichuan had already linked the spirit and the execution rack in accordance with the prompts of the execution.

He opened his right hand to the reverse cross in the air and felt an indescribable link of consciousness.

The cross's entwined slender vines spread out like tentacles with several teeth and claws...

The moment Yan Yucheng was thrown over, Ling Yichuan's right hand suddenly grasped it!

The vine also gripped it tightly and tied it upside down to the reverse cross.


He only felt that there was a strong hot air flow under his brain, constantly steaming up, making him breathless!

This kind of head and foot, the body is tightly bound, completely losing the feeling of freedom, and it also makes him very scared!

Yan Yucheng is very good at escaping... It is common for him to be killed directly by hunters and lose the game, but he has not been executed so far, and he is completely unprepared.

And the more afraid he was, the happier Anderson was.

The Christmas devil's eyes lit up at this time, and it was the light of childlike excitement.

He raised his right hand high, allowing the palm to constantly adjust, and the reverse cross followed his movements, constantly being controlled by the remote control to change posture.

"There is not much time left, I can only play with you for a while."

Ling Yichuan asked, "Do you like roast chicken?" "

I don't like to eat!!" Yan Yucheng roared, "I don't eat chicken!" Get me down!!

"So do you like to play with jumping machines?"

This question was too nonsensical to ask, and Yan Yucheng didn't know what to answer for a while.

How did you get on the jumping machine? Does this thing have anything to do with roast chicken? In addition to the fact that they are all ji?

Ling Yichuan laughed, and his right hand jerked down!

The reverse cross fell suddenly!

Take the sinners with you, fall into the hole, fall into hell!

This sudden, straight down thrill is like the damn jumping machine in an amusement park!

The screams exploded immediately!


A few seconds later, he raised his hand and let the reverse cross resurface from the mouth of the cave... Yan Yucheng was still shouting, his face full of uncontrollable horror.

In just a few seconds, his little tuxedo had been roasted by the hellfire with many holes of various sizes, embarrassed like a chicken cub that had just escaped from the stove, and his hair had been burned a lot.

The skin has also been burned red.

"Below! There are so many evil spirits below!!

Yan Yucheng cried, "Don't put me down!" It's scary down there! They are like... Want to eat me! "


Ling Yichuan was curious, walked to the edge of the big hole, and looked down.

Under the mouth of the cave, there were bright blood-red hellfire everywhere, but these flames were actually suspended in the air, just like he had seen in Kolapus's memory.

Except for the flames in the air, the ground was relatively clean, except for the rugged rocks and red steam rising from the ground, there was no burning hellfire.


He saw at least a hundred scrawny crawling monsters gathering below.

These hellish monsters look very strange, they are a bit like deformed humans, degrading from standing and walking to crawling, and half of their heads have been cut off, there are no brains, eyes and noses, only a large mouth full of sharp teeth.

It's daunting.

System prompt:

[These are the hell demon soldiers named 'Xena', who were sinful sinners before they were tortured in hell. [

They are hungry at this time...].

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