
In this moment, Ling Yichuan's image in Shi Youcheng's dream has undergone continuous changes.

he first turned into Shi Youcheng's appearance, then into the form of a rotten angel, and before long, her pale cheeks were stained with blood again, and her tentacles fell apart, turning into satin-like blonde hair....

this is what Eve looked like as a teenager, clear and beautiful, like the sparkling lake in the sun.

but it lasted a few seconds.

the facial features on Eve's face squirmed slightly, and after minor adjustments, it changed from a light color to a thick complexion, and her temperament changed from clear purification to enchantment.

long hair condenses into tentacles again, long dark tentacles.

skin below the neck, suddenly attached to countless fine scales... A long copper-green dress slipped down.

this is the image of Cthulhu that Ling Yichuan saw for the first time.

filtered by his cognitive filter... Royal sister Cthulhu.

The image also lasted only a few seconds.

Finally, the humanoid Cthulhu squirms and transforms again, and her humanoid parts collapse like melting ice cream... It turned into a chaotic mess of inexplicable pieces of meat.

pieces of flesh wriggle, the only two organs that allow a person to distinguish their purpose, are the eyes and the tentacles.

countless eyes;

ever-growing tentacles.

those tentacles hit in the void of dreams, opening more dream gaps.

Ling Yichuan's current feeling is extremely magical, but it is difficult to describe in words.

if you must use human language to make an analogy... Probably like....


imagine that you dot the air around you with your fingers, and with each click, a cloud of colorful fireworks explodes.

fireworks disperse, and you find that it is one blurred edge screen after another, which is playing a dream you have had at high speed.

you only have one pair of eyes, and it is difficult to see both screens, and there are countless screens here.

so you have countless eyes looking closely at different screens.

which is a perception experience beyond human understanding.

because no one can accept such a huge amount of information in a short time, even if the eyes can see it, the brain can not process it, and finally it will only shut down, so that the massive information flow flows into the brain without a trace of fireworks, and then flows out of the brain.

but now Ling Yichuan is different.

He can handle it.

because he knows that he is Cthulhu now... Part of.

this experience of blood connection and soul integration can never be wrong, and there is no need to verify it.

so... Is Eve's edited part of the gene really from Cthulhu?

Ling Yichuan tried to separate his personality and think independently, so he felt very weird.

but quite exciting.

he knew very well that he liked Cthulhu, the kind with desire.

is now part of Cthulhu itself.

So, I like myself?

I want to get on myself?


Ling Yichuan thinks this will be a little too narcissistic? And mixed with a little nonsense....

so magical and complex extrasensory experience....

More than ten seconds passed, Ling Yichuan, who took the shape of a flesh and blood monster, finally finished watching all of Shi Youcheng's dreams, and he gradually began to recover his prototype.

flesh and blood condensed and stood upright, and finally became the image of Ling Yichuan himself.

a mediocre gloomy little handsome ratio.

he quickly converges all his messy thoughts and returns his attention to the present.

with a flick of his hand, all the "dream displays" were folded, like a book, lined up line by row in front of his eyes.

although he doesn't know why, after using the dream invasion, with the special genes of this body, he seems to have the power of Cthulhu for a short time.

he understands all the rules of dreams, and he masters all the rules.

Ling Yichuan was even able to disguise himself as Shi Youcheng and speed read all of Shi Youcheng's dreams, but also able to make a detailed distinction between his dreams.

current dream, historical dream.

real dreams, fictional dreams.

Subconscious dreams, explicit dreams....

where real dreams are memories that have not been tampered with in the brain, they are faithfully burned into the brain's "hard disk".

It is difficult for a man to see this part of the dream clearly, but he can.

From the historical records of these dreams, Ling Yichuan completely understood Shi Youcheng as a person.

a pretentious professional con man.

perhaps because he has neither talent nor looks, but he can still cheat money and deceive in society, Shi Youcheng thinks that he is very special, his life experience, in his own opinion, is wonderful, he even thought about writing his own rotation....

but in Ling Yichuan's eyes, it is really lackluster.

even those criminal experiences that he considered different did not make Ling Yichuan mention the slightest nature...

probably the taste is too light.

out of psychological needs, Shi Youcheng is completely different images in the game and in reality.

he strives to maintain a responsible captain in the game, and his teammates consider him to be of good character.

except for a bit of vanity and narcissism.

so what Ling Yichuan wanted to find in his dream, he also saw it, the four of them were a fixed team, and they all trusted Shi Youcheng, and his memory naturally recorded everyone's common equipment and skills.

got important information, and Ling Yichuan withdrew from his dream.


in the dressing room, the tentacles hanging from the rotten angel floated again, and she slowly raised her head, and her cervical spine made a burst of explosions.

she glanced at the countdown to the main quest to judge how long she had been in the dream.

"It actually took only a minute..."

Ling Yichuan knew that the efficiency of this dream should be a blessing that dragged down Lulu genes.

Shi Youcheng was still sleeping, and he lay down again and snored again.

Ling Yichuan stood in front of him and watched quietly for a few seconds.

now he has no ability to resist, and his teammates are obviously not nearby, and it is easy to execute him.

but is it necessary?

Only young hunters would pursue a bird in hand over a hundred birds in the forest.

veteran hunter wants to catch it all.

Ling Yichuan possessed, broke Shi Youcheng's hand, and took the 'Eight-Faced Han Sword' into his own hands.

she gently stroked the hilt, then the sword grid, and finally the sword body.

just stroking, there will be no marks on the sword.

but it's dirty.

Subsequently, considering that not only did they have blood returning potions in their team, but some people wore universal healing skills, and they might even pick up antidote potions in the base....

Ling Yichuan made another preparation.

her finger lightly wiped on the blade, she squeezed the dark green blood into Shi Youcheng's wide open mouth, and then carefully wiped the marks on the blade.


she uses two characteristics of her passive skill [Pathogen].

the former is 'touch of the plague'.

objects touched by her for more than 5 seconds will leave an aggressive gastrointestinal flora, and other organisms will immediately infect if they are touched, resulting in intermittent vomiting.

(the best effect can be maintained for 20 minutes, and then the number of germs gradually decreases and disappears completely after 40 minutes)


latter is 'corruption leakage'.

Once attacked by a sharp object, resulting in damage to the skin barrier, the rotten angel will release a large amount of putrefactive gas before the wound heals itself, and the inhaler can cause "dizziness", "vomiting", "diarrhea" and "internal organ rot" and many adverse symptoms.

if it was just gas, Ling Yichuan didn't know how much he could inhale, what the germ content was, and simply dripped blood into the mouth to ensure that he was infected.

how dirty her own blood is, she herself knows best.

After these two foreshadowings, Ling Yichuan was going straight out, intending to leave Shi Youcheng here, and when he woke up naturally, he would return to the team on his own.

at this time, she caught a glimpse of a wardrobe in the corner of the wall in front of her left side, coated with a layer of black paint, and the color was different from the next to it.

there's something!

Ling Yichuan's heart moved, and he quickly walked over to open the door to check.

the moment the wardrobe door opened, the small mouth of the rotting angel opened slightly, and the look of surprise overflowed.

inside hangs a long black dress.

[Congratulations! Found a precious 'Rotten Fallen Angel Exclusive Fashion'! 】

is fashion! And it's such good luck! It's something you can wear right now!

As we all know, Ling Yichuan currently only plays once per hunter, so whenever you pick up the fashion of other killer characters, in addition to selling it for money.

only if you pick up what you can wear at the moment, you can have a sense of experience.

women love beauty in the end, seeing this black dress, Ling Yichuan's eyes lit up!

This is a long black dress, the style is simple, the skirt is not cumbersome, the waist line is tucked but not deliberate, and the overall is very smooth.

the satin of the skirt has intricate dark lines, which is extremely textured.

there are also black patent leather gloves and black high heels underneath, which appears to be a complete set of fashion.

Ling Yichuan saw that this thing copied the clothes of the moth girl in Resident Evil 8.

="" media-idx="1"/>

Well, it's the daughter of Mrs. Eight's Foot Charm.

she reached out and touched.

[Name: The Goddess of the Night Does Not Forgive

] [Type: Fashion (Rotten Fallen Angel Exclusive)

] [Grade: High Luxury]

[Note: As the

saying goes, blackening is ten times stronger, whitewashing is three points weaker, and this set of fashion can be blackened immediately when you wear it! Hurry up and try it! 】

system prompt:

[Do you wear this fashion?] <

p idx="113"> [Received your 'fashion warehouse'?] 】<

p idx="114"> Ling Yichuan was itchy, of course he chose to wear this women's clothing immediately!

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