In the dressing room, near the door, there is a wall-mounted full-length mirror.

Ling Yichuan, who put on fashion for the first time, tilted his head slightly, looking at his own changes in the mirror, with a narcissistic light in his eyes.

she did not expect that high-end fashion could also change the appearance of hunters themselves.

After wearing the dress of the second in the name, the rotten angel who originally had a dull appearance was "blackened" in many places.

sharp nails, flowing tentacles, miserable white lips and sclera... All are dyed black by fashion.

these colored parts have greatly changed her temperament.

especially sclera.

rotten angels are snow-white throughout, white to sickly ... Like a person with albinism.

even her eyes are almost completely white, even the cornea that should be azure is only a faint green white.

which makes her look like an inanimate plaster statue.

but at this time, the whites of her eyes turned black, wrapped in white cornea, looking like two eyes shining in the dark!

extremely evil and terrifying!

If it were just Eve herself, this girl who had been imprisoned for decades and had long been insane, at most she would just carry the hem of her skirt, look left and right in the mirror, and smile stiffly.

but she is still Ling Yichuan.

So, she kept doing all the above actions, imitating Gong Li's version of the white bone essence, raising her chin slightly, gently scratching her cheeks with her dark nails, and faintly saying the classic line of Gong Huang

: "What is it called being in hell..."


I am hell."

although it is a middle two interpretation, but with this long dress and flowing black tentacles, the momentum is incomparable.

Deep in his consciousness, the chainsaw butcher whose mouth had been unsealed couldn't help but say:

="19"> "You're so raucous..." IDX="20"> Eve ignored him.

she strode towards the control center, not in a hurry, but to see if the fashion would limit the movement of her legs.

it turns out not.

seemingly narrow skirt does not affect the action at all, it is clear that the 'fashion' in Midnight Nightmare, regardless of the style, will not affect the performance during battle, and can be regarded as "non-existent clothes" and "the emperor's new clothes visible to everyone".

came to the control center, she saw PLO-125 lying on the console charging

this cyborg hacker brain is comfortably charging with a connecting cable on his head, plugged into the interface next to it.

"Are you coming?" Through the ubiquitous monitoring probe, he saw Ling Yichuan's arrival.

Ling Yichuan was very cold and did not take care of the brain in the charge, and the cross-sectional view of the base presented on the big screen attracted her attention more.

"You actually changed your clothes... "PLO-125 seems to want to comment.

Ling Yichuan glanced at him lightly with strange eyes that were inverted in black and white: "Have you heard of decompression toys?" "

PLO-125: "What is it?" "

Ling Yichuan stepped forward and grabbed the entire brain of PLO-125 with one hand.

"Hey! Feed! What are you doing! We're in the same group! PLO-125 hurriedly shouted.

Ling Yichuan kept smiling, and with a little force on her right hand wearing the [Power Bracelet], PLO-125 was completely deformed, and the large intestine-like brain squeezed out from between her fingers.

"Whoop!!" PLO-125 exclaimed.

Ling Yichuan let go of his hand with a smile, and his brain bounced back to the original state: "Na, this is a decompression toy." "

this is intimidation, clear intimidation!

PLO-125 suddenly understood something, and did not dare to speak indiscriminately.

although he has become a containment himself, his level of danger is still not the same as that of the rotting angel.

don't mess with her, don't mess with her... Don't mess with a woman, especially a highly toxic one... PLO-125 in the heart ... Uh, admonish yourself in your head.

Ling Yichuan continued to look up at the profile of the base, and after staring at it for five seconds, the system displayed [Successfully Included] IDX="41">Ah... It turns out that this is also a copy map that can be taken away.

which is convenient.

but for Eve, it doesn't mean much, her memory is good, after breaking through the containment, she circled around the base and killed all the employees in the base, so Ben remembered all the structures here.

look at this profile, just check and fill in the gaps.

"Can you only control the take-off and landing of the containment room?" Ling Yichuan suddenly asked.

PLO-125 quickly replied: "Originally, I should be able to control the entire base when I left the containment room, but after the emergency procedures were activated here, it seemed that I could only connect to the lifting system and closed-circuit television system that controlled the containment room, and I didn't know what was going on." "

Ling Yichuan nodded, very reasonable, since the researchers here have long understood PLO-125, it is normal to be targeted.

of course, it may also have been clipped by the game.

"Do you know where those outsiders are now?" Ling Yichuan asked again.

"know!" I've been helping you keep an eye on them! "After being threatened, the attitude of PLO-125 is significantly better.

he consciously called up the complete surveillance image of the base on the big screen, and then accurately found out the surveillance that could see where the fugitive was.

Ling Yichuan turned and left: "I'm going to L2. Let Containment Room 3-3 ascend." "

"Understood!" PLO-125 immediately did so.

the ground shook faintly again.

takeoff and landing through the containment room, the movement is much larger than the elevator, but Ling Yichuan has no other way now, because she was shot in the chest, the ID card is all gone, and she can't take the elevator.


not so long ago.

In order to save Shi Youcheng, who mysteriously disappeared, his teammates each took action.

'riot soldier' Fei Chang took the elevator down, took a look with two teammates in L2, got two ID cards that could continue to go down, and then went to L3 alone

Chief Fei is an honest person who knows which is more important than another.

so when he arrived at L3, he hurriedly began to look for where Containment Rooms 3-3 had been moved, trotting all the way and not entering any room to take a closer look.

because his purpose is clear, only look for rooms 3-3 or the captain, and exclude all other distractions.

he doesn't care about any props or clues that may be available along the way.

while the other two are far less "loyal" than he is.

At the beginning, the idea of 'forensic' Lin Jiajun and 'special forces' Qiu Qifei was also very clear, L2 is very large, second only to L1, there are three circles inside and outside, they first start from the inner circle.

right in the middle of L2, is also an office area called the 'Researcher Office Center'.

it is also full of messes, with corpses exploding in the abdomen everywhere, and a few xenomorph flowers eating here.

the two came to probe and look, but they were found by the monster and had to delay the fight.

with the captain's previous reminder, they knew that the movement was too large to attract other monsters nearby, so they did not shoot, and adopted a relatively quiet style of play.

After the weaker forensic hall, the special forces opened a universal skill that can harden the body and went straight up!

With his hardened steel body, the Xenomorph Flower, known for his agility, could not hurt him at all, and he also had the power of mechanical exoskeleton amplification, directly tearing the monster's hand out, throwing the convulsive wreckage on the ground, and stepping on it flattened one foot after another.

the means are ferocious, comparable to hunters.

ended the killing, and the two wanted to quit to continue looking for the captain, but they saw a small office on the side of the office center.

the electronically controlled atomized glass there seems to be damaged, flashing, sometimes opaque matte, sometimes completely clear and transparent, so that people can see the computer screen in it....

a small office, a damaged glass curtain wall, a flashing computer light... What a clear seduction ... Oh no, guidance!

both of them know very well that there must be important clues or precious props inside!

At this time, the two stood between the corpse of the researcher and the monster, looking at the flashing computer light in the office with a tangled expression.

"Take a look?" 'Forensic' Lin Jiajun probed in an uncertain tone.

"Then go and take a look." 'Special Forces' Qiu Qifei helped him make sure.


"> "Didn't Five-nine go to find it... Most likely, the containment room has not been lowered to the 2nd floor, otherwise the rooms here will move, and we will definitely hear the sound. <

p idx="82"> Qiu Qifei convinced himself and Lin Jiajun.

makes sense, but it can't hide the two's plastic teammate for Shi Youcheng.

they both nodded at the same time and strode forward.

went closer, they saw the cause of the damage to the atomized glass ... The corpse of a researcher who had not exploded collapsed here with his back against his desk, his face had been gnawed away, and most of his body had been eaten.

but his hands were still stiff and stretched forward, and in his bloody hands, he clutched a small toy-like silver pistol.

from the direction of the muzzle, there is a large pool of exploding blood on the opposite glass curtain wall, and many spiderweb-shaped cracks appear on the glass.

"This gun should be a good thing." 'Forensics,' said Lin Jiajun.

Qiu Qifei nodded.

they consider themselves old players, and what is happening here can be seen at a glance.

it is clear that the researcher shot a xenomorph flower in the last moments of his life.

the monster he hit was completely blown to pieces, and except for the blood stains that pasted this wall, the body could not be found at all.

the same kind of swallowed can not eat so clean.

apparently caused by this gun.

Lin Jiajun showed a humble and noble character, Qiu Qifei smiled, endured nausea, and forcibly broke the corpse's clenched hands.

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