'forensic' Lin Jiajun has been on guard with his [Gauss shotgun].

the evil fun of midnight nightmare planning, they have learned many times.

who knows if this corpse, which seems to be dead to the point of no longer dying, will suddenly cheat the corpse and jump up to gnaw at the kid who flew away.

fortunately, until the hands were broken apart and the body was motionless.

"Yo!" Qiu Qifei, who got the small gun, let out a low cry of surprise, "Borrowing your auspicious words and old perverts is indeed a good thing!" <

p idx="5"> Lin Jiajun stretched out his hand curiously: "Show me." <

p idx="6"> Qiu Qifei wanted to throw it over, but he was worried that the gun would not be dropped, so he carefully handed it over: "It feels a bit like the 'little cricket' in "Men in Black". "


p idx="7"> [Name: KM5-b launcher] [Type: Universal weapon (can bring out copies)]

[Quality: Rare]

[Introduction: The 'solid helium bullet' fired by this weapon is a non-theoretically non-existent bullet, and when it hits the target, after a delay of 0.8 seconds, an extremely small will occur. Helium flash reaction', causing more than 100 million K of high-temperature damage, as well as a small range of shock waves. <

P IDX="11"> [Ammunition capacity: 2/3] [Note:

All high-specification weapons circulating within Watson Creek, without exception, have technological breakthroughs from the study of anomalous phenomena and abnormal individuals.

This weapon is from PLO-101 (Vulcan Ajaini)]


Wow." Lin Jiajun turned the small gun over and over for a while, "Helium flashes are out?" So, the 'solid helium bullet' it fired can trigger a small nuclear explosion reaction? "

"No, old pervert."

Qifei laughed and took the small gun back: "Nuclear explosion is nuclear fission, helium flash is nuclear fusion... This shot is so awesome that I'm going to give him a nickname, let's call him 'Little Sun'. "

times have changed, and now it is cultural people who play games all day.

looking at his love for it, Lin Jiajun was too lazy to grab it, and casually yin and yang said: "Give you a good car, you must also be able to afford good oil... Your 'little sun' bullet is afraid to be difficult. "

indeed... Qiu Qifei frowned, but quickly relieved, "It doesn't matter, go back and try whether it is good or not, as long as it is easy to use, even if it is more expensive, you can always buy it." <

p idx="20"> Fei Changcai's anxious voice came from the headset: "Night Lord, old pervert, have you found the captain?" <

p idx="21"> Qiu Qifei was a little weak: "Well, not yet." <

p idx="22"> Fei Changcai: "The captain is starting to lose blood!" Probably the execution has already begun! But I haven't found him yet! Do you say they're going to be in a closed containment room? Shall I find a way to open the containment room? "

the two glanced at the team column and found that Shi Youcheng's blood bar was indeed shortening.

the team column can only see the health bar of his teammates, but cannot see his other status, so they have no way to judge how Shi Youcheng lost his blood.

Lin Jiajun hurriedly stopped: "Five Nine calm down!" Don't open the door of the containment room below! Have you seen the cabin in the woods? It is estimated that there are some difficult monsters inside! Release it and you'll be gone! "

"That captain..."

"> "Captain Jiren has his own natural appearance..." As soon as this sentence came out, Lin Jiajun himself blushed, what am I talking about? He added:

"We look according to the plan, as long as we find 3-3 containment rooms, we will definitely find the captain, don't panic, panic..." (Note 1)

"29" > "Okay..." Fei Changcai stopped talking.

Lin Jiajun and Qiu Qifei were also a little anxious about this situation.

ahead, the mysterious office, the damaged curtain wall is still flickering, from time to time becoming transparent, and the light emitted by the computer screen seems to seduce them in.

but the team spirit tells them that the captain is in danger and urgently needs their rescue!

Finally, reason prevailed.

"Even if we look for it now, we will most likely not find the captain."

'forensic' Lin Jiajun was puzzled: "Let's go in and take a look, we can also consider the overall situation and save time." "

Qiu Qifei nodded, deeply agreed.

Lin Jiajun is a junior high school math teacher by profession, with strong logic, and a natural and natural persuasion between words.

The two came to the office door, and there was a sign on the glass curtain wall next to it, which read:

[Senior Containment Specialist, Dr. Kosuke Osawa]

"40"> "Yo, it's actually a neon man." Lin Jiajun stretched out his hand to push the door, but the door was unlocked, and it was pushed open at once.

"Small-footed chickens don't do good things wherever they go." Qiu Qifei cursed and followed in.

this office is very small-day style.

is small, but also neat.

rectangular office space, only one desk, one office chair, and a password cabinet no taller than the knee, not even a small sofa, let alone other office furniture.

just putting things together is crowded enough to show how small the office is.

Lin Jiajun walked around to the computer and saw that the screensaver animation was playing on the screen that was not turned off, similar to the screensaver of early Windows, with three geometric figures floating around, constantly changing shapes.

he could see at a glance that the three changing graphics were the company logo seen on the L1 escape elevator door, triangle, square and solid circle.

he didn't touch the mouse right away, but looked at other details first.

except for the mouse and keyboard, there is only one frame left on the desk, and there are three people in the photo.

respectively, the white-haired old man wearing a suit and shining spirits, the middle-aged beautiful woman with a sweet smile, and the boy with glasses with a rebellious face....

could it be grandfather and grandson?

many people at home and abroad will put family photos in the office place, which is quite normal, but it always feels a little conspicuous in the game.

Lin Jiajun picked it up to see if there were any clues.

System prompt:

[Ordinary family of three. 】

a family of three?

Lin Jiajun raised an eyebrow.

in the photo, the old man with his arm around the beautiful woman's shoulder is obviously much older... This Nima... A tree of pear flowers presses begonias.

Qiu Qifei came over: "What's wrong?" Any clues? <

p idx="60"> Lin Jiajun told him what he had found, and then said: "This old color batch should be Dr. Kosuke Osawa, the old cow eats tender grass, I don't know if it is a clue." "

Qiu Qifei's heart moved, reaching for the desk drawer, "Let's see if there's anything in here." <

p idx="62"> there are no fools in the foursome, and each of them can act as an intellectual responsibility at some point.

Lin Jiajun is a little older, vigilant and delicate; Qiu Qifei is young, at the peak of his brain power, and quite alert.

drawer was also unlocked, and after opening it, when they saw what was inside, the two were both stunned, and their expressions became very strange.

"these... <

idx="66" > drawer, there are 8 different color frames neatly arranged, containing 8 photos taken at different times.

each photo, is a group photo of three people, but the background is different, the women are different, the children are different, and even the era ... The difference between the first and last can be seen.

the only thing that is the same is the white-haired old man with a kind smile.

Dr. Kosuke Osawa.

he looks exactly the same in these photos, except for the difference in clothing and the slight difference in hair length!

Qiu Qifei with an exoskeleton made a strange look trembling, "Shhh... I got goosebumps. <

p idx="72"> Lin Jiajun frowned: "This goods is immortal? <

p idx="73"> he picked up the frame, took the photo out, looked at both sides, but did not show the date.

however, no date is required.

the first photo in the drawer is obviously the oldest, a black-and-white photograph, where the old man was dressed in a traditional Japanese costume with a pattern of hakama and a pair of round-framed glasses, his gray hair was back, and he was meticulously combed.

beside him stood a small, white-faced kimono woman with a small boy about two or three years old in her arms.

Lin Jiajun looked at the background of the photo: "Like the streets of Tokyo between 1930 and 1940

..." "Old Biden is arranged according to time..."

Qiu Qifei looked down one by one in order from left to right, "Every photo behind should be closer to the present." <

p idx="80"> he pointed to the last one, "Look, this kid is holding a smartphone in his hand, conservatively, this old man has not continued to age for a century, right?" <

p idx="81"> Lin Jiajun's eyes were solid, his face was heavy, and he muttered: "A century... His figure has not been fat for a century..."<

p idx="82"> Qiu Qifei was shocked: "Hey, isn't your focus a little strange!" "

an immortal old man... Although there is a terrifying sense of grotesqueness, these photos do not give more clues.

Lin Jiajun signaled Qiu Qi to fly to check the safe, and he moved the mouse and turned on the computer.

no password, which is obviously a simplification of the game.

Lin Jiajun saw a cross-sectional view of the base appear on the screen.

but this section map is not the same as the copy map that Shi Youcheng saw, because it only highlights all the holding rooms in the base.

each floor of the containment chamber is marked with a different color, with a number jump next to it.

"These numbers are..." IDX="90"> Lin Jiajun, who is a mathematics teacher, saw the clue in only a second, and his face changed greatly: "Book that!" It's a countdown! "

(Note 1: panic is chaotic, Shanghai dialect, homonym "panic is egg", meaning "panic nima", the surface word presented from Mandarin

"92"> meaning, is it to let you not panic, from the dialect presents the inner meaning, or let you not panic... )

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