" countdown? What countdown? Qiu Qifei squatted in front of the safe and looked up stunned.

Lin Jiajun stared at the screen, beckoning with a serious face: "Come and see!" After

confirming that confirming that there was no password and could not open the safe, Qiu Qifei immediately walked to his teammate and looked at the screen: "What's wrong?" <

p idx="3"> he saw from the section view of the base that there was a countdown next to the containment room on each floor.

L2 is marked in blue, there are 8 containment rooms, and the countdown is 9 minutes and 46 seconds left.

L3 is marked in yellow, there are 5 containment rooms, one of which is 'damaged' and the location is moved to L4... There are 19 minutes and 45 seconds left in the countdown.

L4 is marked orange, there are 3 containment rooms, of which rooms 4-1 were moved to L3, and the countdown is 29 minutes and 44 seconds.

" what does it mean, does it mean... Are these containment rooms about to explode? "Qiu Qi flew down and pumped cold air.

“...... I guess I want to open the door. <

p idx="9"> Lin Jiajun shook his head: "The monsters or dirty things contained in the base may be released soon... I said, well, this copy seems too safe, a little abnormal, so it's waiting for us. "

"Can it be stopped?" Qiu Qifei asked.

"< "I'll see...">

Lin Jiajun moved the mouse, clicked on the profile view, and found that there was no interaction, which was a locked predetermined procedure.

but can be minimized.

on the computer desktop, there is only one envelope icon, after clicking it, it is found that it is an email.

[Title: The highest emergency plan has been activated at the No. 16 Containment Base

] [From: Kosuke Osawa

] [Cc: #所有A级人员]


Due to the occurrence of abnormal event PLO-035-12, more than half of the personnel of the base have been damaged, which has led to more serious critical incidents—— PLO-121 broke through containment...]<

p idx="19"> The mail was quite long, but the content was not complicated, and the two of them quickly sorted out their heads.

First of all, it seems that this mysterious company has more than one containment base, and it can only be ranked 16th.

each containment base actually has clear specification restrictions.

like Base 16, it can only hold some smaller, humanoid containments.

and the so-called PLO-035-12 anomaly event is an incident that caused the base employees to explode and suddenly give birth to 'xenoflowers' in their stomachs.

The specific information about this incident was not disclosed in the email, but they could see from the words between the lines of the email that the impact of this anomalous event was probably not limited to Base 16.

because Kosuke Osawa seems to have tried to contact other bases many times, but has never been able to get in touch.

it is estimated that something has happened to everyone.

and the most important thing in this email is to explain the countdown of the various containment rooms in the base.

which turned out to be the base's highest emergency plan.

as to why, there is no explanation.

the two of them looked confused after reading it.

"What weird logic?"

Qiu Qifei did not understand: "PLO-121 is the rotten fallen angel of the hunter, right?" Oh, a dangerous containment breaks through the containment, the solution is to release all the containment? If you have more lice, you are not afraid to bite, right? "

"I don't understand..." Lin Jiajun touched his chin and guessed: "Is it to release them first, and finally blow up the base and kill them all... But there is no need to release it, it can't be blown up in the containment room? Or is the containment chamber too strong? "

"It should be difficult to kill all the monsters held here in a single way, right?" Qiu Qifei has also seen the XP Foundation and played with the Brain Leaf Company.

"Who knows?" Lin Jiajun spread his hands.

Suddenly, the computer screen goes black.

the dark red lights inside and outside the office also began to flicker....

"moisture... Zizi...", the two immediately made a defensive gesture!

"Be careful!" What plot might we have triggered! Lin Jiajun picked up the [Gauss shotgun] and looked around vigilantly.

"back-to-back!" Qiu Qifei shouted.


the lights went out completely, even the light in the corridor outside disappeared.

the two suddenly became nervous.

this copy has not had this completely dull environment until now.

Snap... In the dark, Lin Jiajun made the sound of pulling a torch.

he had a miniature flashlight on his Gauss shotgun, but now it won't turn on.

"Out of power?" Qiu Qifei asked.

"Impossible!" Lin Jiajun's tone was low: "The battery I just changed!" Did you put on a tactical helmet? <

p idx="49"> he remembers that Qiu Qifei's helmet had night vision.

"Take back the equipment slot, I dare not take it out again!" Qiu Qifei said depressedly: "That thing is stained with the vomit of the rotting angel, and it seems to be poisonous!" "


an exclamation mark finally jumped on Qiu Qifei's head, which indicates that the danger is near!

he hated this threat from an unknown source, gritted his teeth, and once again used the universal skill [Psychic Ability. Hardening]

which is a body strengthening skill that can be instantaneous, the strength is not high, the victory is not forward swinging, the speed is fast, and the hardening does not affect the body's reaction, unlike the 'gift of Medusa', you can only "wait for death with a golden body".

Qifei's muscle fibers instantly thickened, and a faint metallic sheen appeared on the surface of the skin.

whatever exactly is coming, he is ready now!

unfortunately this is the 2 skill [Deep Sea Touch] of the Rotten Angel

> Ling Yichuan has come to L2 and launched reconnaissance and attack remotely.

At this time, in her perspective, the spirit bodies of the two are hiding here back to back, and there is no defense.

thick and large spiritual tentacles, python-like swimming over, approached them in silence... Then choose one of them and pierce it violently!


the heavily armed "tough guy" Qiu Qifei suddenly screamed, and the sniper rifle did not grasp firmly and fell to the ground!

Lin Jiajun was shocked: "What's wrong?!" "

At this time, 8 seconds of Deep Sea Touch passed, and the red emergency light jumped a few times, and finally the lighting was restored.

the torch on Lin Jiajun's gun was also turned back on.

I saw Qiu Qifei wearing a semi-mechanical exoskeleton squatting down, his face pale, his expression frightened, and cold sweat dripping down!

"I just... I just saw the hallucination... Should be...... Psychic attack! "

Qiu Qifei just felt that his arms were a little itchy, and when he looked down, he found that his forearm was rapidly melting, revealing the corroded bones, which caused the rifle to fall....

then he saw dozens of sharp tentacles with barbs burst out of the darkness, slamming through his body!

hallucinations were intense and short-lived, and suddenly passed, and Qiu Qifei realized that what he had just felt was an illusion.

after all, there was no light just now, and he should not see anything.

At this time, he glanced at the abnormal status bar, frowning and frowning: "I have been recruited, and there are two more Debuffs: 'hallucinatory intimidation' and 'mental pollution'... It should be a ghost! Let's run! "

Lin Jiajun glanced at him more.

if it were usual, this kid wouldn't be so afraid of hunters... No matter who is coming, as long as the state of hatred is still successful, he will try to give the hunter a headshot.

the two hurriedly retreated, came out of the office, and when they passed the outside office area, they stopped again and made a vigilant posture again.

in the corridor outside, a long, deep breathing sounded: "Ho... Call...... Ho...... Phew..."

"It's her!" Qiu Qifei's face was solemn, "This ghost likes to scare people!" "

immediately after, the sound of sharps scraping the wall sounded, a harsh friction sound, as if scraping their eardrums.

sound is getting closer.

Ling Yichuan scraped the wall with his nails and slowly approached.

he doesn't seem to be in the slightest hurry, teasing the prelude to his prey, like sprinkling an even seasoning for a delicacy.

in consciousness, the chainsaw butcher is nagging again: 'This lady is as wave as an old sheep's head.' '

alchemical wizard: 'No... She's different. <

p idx='84'> demon monk: 'What's the difference?' '

Ripper: 'She's consuming them, not just teasing.'" '

double-sided killer. Sister: 'She's still in complete control... Hehe, let these miscellaneous pieces feel your pain, Eve! '

Double Face Killer. Brother: 'Rip them off, rip them off!' <

p idx="88" > Christmas demon: 'I just heard you guys saying bad things about me?' ’


the sharp scratching sound stops.

the two escapees standing inside, simultaneously raised their guns and held their breath.

Ling Yichuan suddenly poked his head out, looked at the two, and asked in a heavenly voice: "Are you looking for me?" "

seeing this tentacle fluttering head, Qiu Qifei suddenly rounded his eyes and immediately pulled the trigger!

what he is holding at the moment is not the [M82A1 sniper rifle], but his newly acquired little toy - [KM5-b launcher]

in order to ensure that nothing is lost, he also uses the 2 skills of special forces.


p idx="96"> [Name: Lock Marksman] [Type: Skill (character-specific)]

[Level: C level]

[Consumption: 3% stamina per shot]

[Cooldown: None]

[How to use: see the target, Just shoot at any part

of the target's body] [Effect: The bullet will fly magically automatically to the target's head]

"103"> [Note: Lock on YYDS! <

p idx="104"> bullets fired with the 'lock method' have never missed, at least in his case.


there is always a first time in everything.

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