

more than a dozen projectiles accelerated to supersonic speed by Lorentz force, carrying enough kinetic energy to shoot all carbon-based life into flesh and blood, rushed towards Lin Jiajun, who had not yet reacted!

there is no doubt that the forensic life-saving armor is in effect!

a vague shield that was faintly recognizable to the naked eye wrapped him in it, carrying the impact of at least eight shotguniles.

a few others pass above due to distance.

As we all know, shotguns can only be used in close combat, and they are inaccurate at a distance.

Ling Yichuan was expressionless and pulled the trigger again.



another dozen projectiles rushed over!

Ling Yichuan showed that he was familiar with this gun, knew that it did not need to be loaded again, and knew that it was a repeating shotgun.

At this time, in front of Lin Jiajun, a phantom of a martial general dressed in armor and hair suddenly appeared!

he has a leopard head and ringed eyes, a swallow-jawed tiger whisker, and looks a lot like the Yanren Zhang Yide described in the speech!

"Drink ——!"

like thunder!

accompanied by this roar, a shockwave with a large lateral range set off a second wave of shotguniles, rushing head-on towards the rotting angel!

but the latter doesn't even bother to move.

she just stood there, watching the shock wave come with great momentum... Then dissipate at the tip of her nose at a close distance.

seems to spray a face, but it is actually a little worse.


Seeing this scene, the most shocked was Lin Jiajun!

his spirit goggles, can only be triggered once in a round, this is gone?

he only felt that all this happened extremely suddenly, the process was extremely paradoxical, and the ending was extremely lossy, but he couldn't understand why for a while.

Why are rotten angels fooling us? In order for us to let our guard down? Then why did she just stand outside Yingling's control? How did she know the distance of Zhang Fei's attack?

Is a coincidence?

only to see the rotten angel show another damn bewildered Mona Lisa's mysterious smile, as if answering his question!

Ling Yichuan did not pull the trigger again, but casually threw the Gauss shotgun on the ground.

she also knows that there are no bullets in it?! Lin Jiajun was shocked again.

at this time, Lin Jiajun's afterlight glimpsed, and a long gun barrel stretched out from the side of his cheek and aimed at the hunter.

he was stunned: "Hey! Wait a minute! "


the sound of the gun was deafening, Lin Jiajun covered his ears and ran to the side, glaring: "I told you to wait and didn't hear it!" <

p idx="33"> Qifei shot very decisively.

instead of using the powerful new gun, he switched back to his M82A1 sniper rifle.

there was only one round of ammunition in that gun, and he didn't want to waste it on undead hunters.

M82A1 is the same.

for absolute hits... Well, in order to hit with a high probability, Qiu Qifei used [Lock Marksman] again

however, the rotten angel did not dodge or force, allowing the bullet to cut her heavenly spirit.

with a crisp sound, a piece of her head was hollowed out.

which is not bad... If it weren't for the level bonus defense, if someone was hit in the head by this gun in reality, the head would really explode like a watermelon hit by a sledgehammer!

"Oh, I got shot." The rotten angel raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

her lips are sexy... Affected by the state of [Lust], Qiu Qifei is a little difficult to concentrate.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Jiajun roared: "Keep shooting her!" "

Qiu Qifei bit his lower lip hard, forced his mind to concentrate, and pulled the trigger again!

Since the hunter does not hide, he no longer wastes physical strength to use skills, and directly relies on the shooting ability bonus brought by the title of '100 steps through the Yang', and continuously explodes!

bang bang!

bullet takes a part of the rotting angel's head with each hit.

from the braincase, to the eyes, to the cheeks....

in the end only half of the jaw remained, without the wrap of the mouth, the long tongue of the rotten angel drooped from the side.

large wound is slowly healing itself, and it is also emitting a pale green gas.

"Go, go!" Lin Jiajun pulled Qiu Qifei hard, who was in a somewhat wrong state, "Take advantage of the fact that she can't see us now!" "

"ah... Oh! Oh! Qiu Qifei forcibly withdrew his attention from the female hunter in front of him.

Somehow, after smashing the head, in his eyes, the figure of the rotten angel became more prominent, making him swallow.

At the same time, the excessive consumption of stamina made his stomach begin to growl, and Debuff of [Appetite] began to make trouble, and Qiu Qifei only felt that the empty stomach seemed to be twisted together, making him hungry.

people are full of lust.

he is hungry and colorful, double pressure, and is extremely uncomfortable by these two abnormal states!

as they passed, their heads were squirming the re-grown rotten angels, as if they could see them, slowly turning their necks in the direction they were moving, slowly reaching out, as if trying to grasp something.

this scene is quite terrifying, but Qiu Qifei's reaction seems to be a little too big.

Qiu Qifei was originally just passing by, and couldn't help but glance at Ling Yichuan more, but he didn't know what he saw, his expression suddenly distorted, and he became extremely afraid!


he screamed and ran out holding his head!

"Hey! What's wrong with you again! Lin Jiajun only felt tired and did not love, and hurried to catch up.

After a while, the head of the rotting angel was restored, and her vision was also restored, but she did not rush to chase the two, but looked in the direction of the office and walked away.


because Qiu Qifei suddenly went crazy, ran blindly, and ran to the upward elevator, the two simply took the elevator back to L1, adjusted and talked again.

they arrived at the 'warehouse and transshipment department', intending to take a short break.

Qiu Qifei, who was suffering from mental torture, sat on the ground with his butt, took out a piece of [spoiled cooking cake] from the prop bar and began to gnaw.

the two skills of special forces only consume stamina, and stamina is not enough, so it must be supplemented.

[spoiled cooking cake] is such a food to restore physical strength.

Although there are side effects of tummy trouble, the 3 skills of special forces [Steel Stomach] can perfectly avoid this small problem.

"Something is wrong!" Something is wrong! <

p idx="73"> 'forensic' Lin Jiajun was anxious: "Why does this hunter seem to know everything about our skills and props?" "

"Yes! It's all you know! "

"I just didn't figure it out, she said how the next meeting will be, and then suddenly sneak up... Not just to let our guard down! "

"She needs to take those steps!" She's deliberately putting a distance! She even calculated the attack range of 'Zhang Fei Yingling'! And that distance, just enough for a Gauss shotgun to hit me! "

"What a female hunter! What a scheming! "

"But how the hell did she figure out our details?!"

"What the hell do you say is going on?!" If the information is so asymmetrical, this one can't be played! <

p idx="80"> Lin Jiajun was anxious to go crazy, while Qiu Qifei was overly numb, and the two of them were now like an old couple who had been quarreling for years.

"old pervert... Can you... Help me stop the bleeding first..." <

p idx="82"> Qiu Qifei, who was extremely pale, looked at his injured right arm.

seeing that he was injured and still bleeding, Lin Jiajun's stomach full of doubts and blame was stuck in his throat, and he "sighed" heavily, and took out a [hemostatic forceps that can also be used by living people] from the [post-mortem kit] of the forensic doctor

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