
there are three small pieces of equipment/tools in the medical examiner's exclusive weapon [Autopsy Set], the strangest of which is the hemostat.

Lin Jiajun was also strange when he first played forensics.

What is a hemostat that can be used by living people?

Isn't the hemostat originally intended for living people?

dead people still need to stop bleeding?

do a little science here.

Although the name has the word hemostat, the function of hemostats is more than that, especially in the hands of forensic doctors whose main work is 'post-mortem', hemostats are usually used to clamp the local soft tissues of the corpse....

but the game designer of Midnight Nightmare, I don't know if it is to consider the function of the character, or out of pure bad fun, but let the 'forensic' character's hemostats can be used to stop the bleeding of teammates, probably he himself knows that this operation is outrageous, so he took an outrageous equipment name.

Okay, after the water finished the word count, Lin Jiajun pinched the hemostat and approached his teammate's injured right arm.

the wound with red and swollen muscles had already revealed the white bones, and the pseudo-forensic doctor frowned, "Why does your wound seem to be inflamed... It's swollen and smelly. <

p idx="11"> Qiu Qifei did not speak, he looked weak, a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his lips were white.

Lin Jiajun began the operation.

hemostasis is simple, just hold the hemostat near the wound, and the system will randomly mark several important large blood vessels.

he only needs to use hemostats to clamp these vessels in turn, each clamp for 3 seconds, and the system will let him see the reading note.


p idx="15"> the reading bar is completed, it shows that [the blood vessel has stopped bleeding] it is all completed, it shows that [the wound has completely stopped bleeding]

just like playing a game.

Oh, this is a game... That's okay.

the wound that completes hemostasis, then begins to heal slowly, and in general, it will recover completely in a minute or two.

"Okay." Lin Jiajun put away the hemostat, "You can't lose your life, right?" <

p idx="21"> From the team column, he can only see that Qiu Qifei's blood bar has dropped a lot, but he can't see the specific number, and if the blood volume drops slowly, it can't be seen.

Qiu Qifei waited for a moment and frowned: "It's still falling." "

"How come? Do you have any other wounds? "

Qiu Qifei frowned, looked at the newly emerged abnormal state [wound infection], and then looked down at the wound on his right arm—it was obviously much slower to heal than before, and the wound was red and swollen severely.

"Damn... The axe is poisonous! "


The axe is not poisonous, just a little dirty.

lethal bacteria exceeded the standard.

L2, in Dr. Kosuke Osawa's office, the rotten angel gracefully lifts Jiro's leg and cuts open his palm with a ghost axe in a manicure pose.

she smears green blood on the refurbished ghost axe.

uses his own dirty blood to quench the effect, which is actually Ling Yichuan's exploration and attempt on the game.

just like she had dripped blood in Shi Youcheng's mouth before.

passive skill [Pathogen] does not mention the blood of decaying angels, but she argues by taking it for granted... Blood is certainly dirtier than breathing and touching.

this kind of open game, you must have an open mind.

it turns out that she was right.

'PLO-121, what are you doing sitting in that old immortal office? '

'I'm resting. Ling Yichuan said.

she is indeed resting.

Although the 2 skills of the Rotting Angel are strong, they are also blue-consuming, and they have been used many times before, plus the consumption of 'Fear Aura', which burns a total of 60% of the energy value.

Fortunately, the decaying angel also recovers quickly, as long as it stays in place, the energy value can be restored at a rate of 1% every three seconds.

there is no monitor in the office, but there is an office area outside, and at this time, outside the glass curtain wall, all the monitoring is looking to this side - these are the eyes of PLO-125.

'I saw that the guy dressed like an oriental warrior seemed to be awake, he just came out of the dressing room... Why didn't you kill him? '

Ling Yichuan did not answer, the goddess just wants to be cold.

'Why are you ignoring me?' PLO-125 asked.

Ling Yichuan was thinking, 'why', 'hehe', 'go to the bath' these three universal replies, which one can be used to prevaricate the other party... Oh, no, this product is staring at itself.

computer screen, the countdown of each containment room is still jumping.

the information found here by the two fugitives, Ling Yichuan has also read it, the containment will soon break through the containment, and some of them may interfere with their hunting... But Eve didn't know about the other containments.

Ling Yichuan was thinking about how to get information about these containments while "quenching"... The appearance of PLO-125 made her suddenly have a flash of inspiration.

this guy, originally a D-level person in the base, is likely to know a thing or two about other containments!

Ling Yichuan has a certain knowledge reserve of the XP Foundation, and Eve's intelligence is quite high, and the combination of the two is not difficult to speculate that the dangerous information held by D-level personnel may be more than B-level personnel or even A-level personnel.

because intelligence itself may be contaminating.

high-status base personnel do not take risks easily.

'PLO-125...' Ling Yichuan immediately asked: 'You... What are the other containments on the base? <

p idx="54"> the latter's answer exceeded her expectations.

'Of course. '

PLO-125's tone is a bit smelly:

"57"> 'I knew a lot during those poor, experimental days...'"

I became like this later, and I had the experience of hacking the base database for a short time....

and the two doctors, in order to preserve my abnormal characteristics, did not dare to use memory deletion potions on me casually....

hehe... No one knows the containment here better than I do. '

Well, better than she expected.

' but there is a problem, I also need your help. Before Ling Yichuan could speak, PLO-125 also put forward his own requirements, "I can't be exposed to air for a long time, I need water to moisten myself, otherwise I will die." <

p idx="63"> Ling Yichuan quickly agreed: "No problem, I'll go to the toilet to help you scoop a bucket of water." ’

‘...... Don't. '

PLO-125 said bitterly:

"66"> 'The water here has been polluted by you, I hide in the toilet, there is no way, although my only remaining brain does not know why it has a certain degree of antibacterial and corrosion, but it cannot be soaked in dirty water all the time... Better to find a little clean water, otherwise I'll still die. '

Ling Yichuan frowned, 'Where is clean water.' '

PLO-125: 'The headquarters sent a box of pure water, a total of four bottles, originally on the shelves of the storage and transfer department on the first floor, and now it has been obtained by these outsiders... You help me grab it. <

p idx="69"> deep in his consciousness, the Christmas devil laughed: "He's lying. <

p idx="70"> Ling Yichuan did not rush to communicate with the Christmas devil, and agreed first: "I will try to help you get it, but if not, I will still give you toilet water." '

PLO-125: 'Then I'm really going to die.' '

'You tell me about the other containments.' 'Ling Yichuan tried to prostitute in vain.

PLO-125:‘...... I can only tell you part of it first. <

p idx="74"> Ling Yichuan accepted it for the time being, so PLO-125 informed her of the containment information on the second floor.

'By the way, do you know what is in the safe in Dr. Kosuke Osawa's office? Ling Yichuan asked again.

'Then I don't know. '

a moment passed.

'Now can you go and find me those bottles of purified water?' PLO-125 couldn't wait to ask.

Ling Yichuan perfunctorily agreed, and said that he would rest for a while.

After silenced PLO-125, she turned to her consciousness space and asked the Christmas demon: 'Mr. Anderson, why did you just say he was lying?' <

p idx="81"> the Christmas devil laughed: "Miss Eve, you are still too simple... Learn to doubt others, doubt everything, with your ingenuity, think a little and you will find that something is wrong. <

p idx="82"> As he said, Eve thought about the anomaly in the words in the brain, and soon found the problem: "83"> 'If you don't have clean water, you will die, such a big thing, PLO-125 will tell me at the beginning, not until now.'" ’

‘bingo! The Christmas devil laughed, "He was lying when he heard this!" Hehe, human desire is gradually growing, it seems that after this little bastard has been temporarily safe, he wants more, although I don't know what water he wants...'<

p idx="85"> Eve's mind turned extremely fast, and he made an inference: 'In addition, there are so many people in the base, why did the head office only send four bottles of water?' idx="86" > Christmas demon exclaimed, 'If Miss Eve were my helper, maybe I could make the world's nasty children into gingerbread people and roast chicken.' '

'You are too exalted. <

p idx="88"> Eve had no interest in the feat, and she got up to continue the game.

she already had all the information in the office, except for the knee-high safe next to it.

safe needs to be opened with a password, but as a qualified hunter, you can do things by violence, try not to delay time.

she picked up the brand new ghost axe that had advanced with both hands and slammed it down on the safe!

[Name: Ghost Axe of Light Discerning People

] [Type: Universal Weapon (can bring out copies)

] [Attribute: Ghost]

[Quality: Normal]

[Conditions of use: Player level reaches LV10; Cold weapon talent reaches level 2; Physical talent reaches level 2; Mystic talent reaches level 1]

[Feature 1: 'Yin Qi Armor' attack with a ghost axe, with 50% physical penetration. 】

[Feature 2: Every time the 'Bloodthirsty Maintenance' ghost axe hurts someone, it will absorb a certain amount of blood, and blood sucking will improve the quality of its equipment. (This feature can be stacked in different copies.) <

p idx="99"> [Note: The owner of this ghost axe, the party that once killed everyone is terrified. Today, he is a hunter character in Midnight Nightmare. 】

[Note 2: When you find and use the hunter character of the ghost master, the 'Return to Owner' effect will be triggered to get additional buffs! 】

Not long ago, it was a rusty ghost, the quality was broken, and now it has only been increased by 1 level, and the physical penetration has increased by 20%.

And not only that, the rust peeled off, and the sharpness of the axe itself increased, which was equivalent to opening a blade.


go down with an axe! The "outer armor" of the safe was split through a deep hole!

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