
Qiu Qifei let out a hellish scream, braced his stomach with his hands, kicked his legs together, and crawled back in panic.

his SAN value has dropped below 30% again, and the system prompts [Mental Abnormality] IDX="3"> is about to fall to 15% [Deep Fear].

As for Fei Changcai... The SAN value has long been cleared.

except that he was not forced to be kicked out of the game because he was in the process of execution.

his actions now are all out of survival instinct.

Fei Changcai, whose body begins to dissolve, looks like an ice cream stick dropped on the asphalt road on a red hot day.

or watermelon-flavored kind... Because it is orange-red.

he crawled in the direction of Qiu Qifei, his body disintegrated, muscles, fat, and blood mixed together, like melting cream ice cream.

"save... I..." <

p idx="11"> Qiu Qifei sweated profusely, his eyes were full of fear, and he shook his head frantically, "No... No...... Stay back...... Please... Don't scare me... Don't scare the brother..." <

p idx="12"> Fei Changcai seemed to be unable to hear, he dissolved and climbed hard, and soon revealed his blackened bones.

on his bones, countless tiny arcs of electricity can be seen jumping.

I don't know where the strength came from, he lunged forward!

his flesh and blood were like a wet sticky coat, and he left behind... The bones that retained the complete fascia burst out, as if the bones were his body.

Fei Changcai stretched out his bone hand, suddenly grabbed Qiu Qifei's ankle, tried his best to raise his head, three big holes in his face, two eyes and a mouth, and at the same time stared at Qiu Qifei, his throat emitted a low roar of leaking air:

"17"> "Why... Don't save me...?! "

"ah——! Don't scare me——! Qiu Qifei was extremely angry, and kicked Fei Changcai's skull face!

with a click, Fei Changcai's cervical vertebrae were fractured, and his entire black skull was actually kicked into the chest cavity from between his shoulder blades!

Qiu Qifei was so frightened that his eyes lost his mind, and the SAN value dropped by 10 points again.

[You have entered the 'Deep Fear' state!] 】<

p idx="22"> the game interface temporarily disappeared, and the surrounding environment suddenly became extremely real... But it's not so real.

because the illusion of a low SAN value also appears.

Qiu Qifei was like eating too many fungi, the world in front of him began to distort and distort, blood oozed from the cracks in the laboratory wall, and the flesh and blood that Fei Chang had dissolved into a pool suddenly fluttered and flew up, turning into a smooth flying carpet, "facing himself", and small eyes and long mouths were reborn on it, as if smiling at himself.

like a fucking ray made of flesh and blood.

="" media-idx="1"/>

(the ray is this thing, imagine for yourself)


are all fake! It's all fake! "

Qiu Qifei closed his eyes hard!

hallucinations were briefly blocked.

but soon, even when he closed his eyes, he saw something.

(because Qiu Qifei's SAN value was too low, he pried the 'spiritual sense' again, and under the influence of this problematic headset, he saw ... <

p idx="32"> a pair of deformed big hands pinching the Taoist Dharma seal.

initially just a white dot the size of a grain of rice, like a luminous object suspended in the vast void.

then approaching very quickly.

the previously heard chanting of scripture is also overlapped from far and near.

"Nothing is not heaven, nothing is fate, nothing is not God, nothing is not elemental." If things are like this, are they not? Everyone can know the heavens, everyone can know God, and everyone can be fatal.

not be the other heaven, the other god this is not the god, the other god is not the god, the other is not the fate, the other is not the yuan. "

overlapping sounds are getting denser and more manic!

"He God is not God, he is not God, he is not God, He Yuan is not Yuan!!"

Qiu Qifei saw the deformed hands clearly... There are no palms, only fingers, slender and thin fingers like bamboo, each finger has more than a dozen knuckles!

the French seal he pinched changed rapidly, all the time.

Chaos, evil, demon, treachery!

Qiu Qifei covered his eyes, black blood oozed from his fingers, and began to chant in his mouth:

"Nothing is not heaven, nothing is fate, nothing is not God, nothing is not yuan..."

"45"> At this time, Shi Youcheng and Ling Yichuan were both a little confused.

a few seconds ago, Ling Yichuan had already seen the system notification of the successful execution, as well as the notice of the honorary achievement of the first completed the hidden execution of the rotten angel in the national service... Of course, this is not important, and it is not unusual to see it often.

Shi Youcheng also saw the information that Fei Changcai was eliminated, the lump of flesh and blood that had been molted had turned into white light and dispersed, leaving only a pitch-black skeleton, and the three bat wings on the back, which for some reason had not disappeared.

In any case, Fei Changcai's execution is over.

but Qiu Qifei began to get sick.

Ling Yichuan didn't know what happened specifically, and could only guess that he was weak in psychological endurance, too ruthless in san, and was already in a semi-crazy state.

she will not miss such an opportunity.

Taking advantage of Shi Youcheng's distraction, she pretended to attack Qiu Qifei, who hurriedly flew out a sword, and Ling Yichuan threw an axe at him!

she was hit by the sword in the abdomen and retreated, Shi Youcheng was also slashed in the shoulder by the ghost axe, the [snake scale soft armor] was broken, he snorted and covered the injured left shoulder.

earned... Eve sneered, and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but not far away, Qiu Qifei, who was covering his head and committing illness, suddenly raised his head, his face was full of fear, and he pointed at her:

"God of Chaos!" God of a Thousand Faces! Faceless God!! "

Ling Yichuan:"??? "

the rotten angel's face was puzzled, and his thoughts were all disturbed.

she tilted her head and pointed to herself, meaning... Are you talking about me?

it was just a second of convulsions, and then Qiu Qifei went soft, with an exoskeleton that had lost power, lying on the ground in a kneeling position, as if suddenly losing power.

"What just happened...?" He looked dazed.

Shi Youcheng was also at a loss, and he didn't understand 10,000 in his heart, only feeling that this game was a mess and inexplicable, and he just wanted to reopen it quickly.

at this time, the system sends multiple prompts:

"63"> [Your physical strength has fallen below 30%, entering a 'moderate fatigue' state. <

p idx="64"> [You are in a highly toxic miasma, and the degree of infection has deepened... Please find a safe place as soon as possible. <

p idx="65"> Shi Youcheng discovered that there was already a layer of pale green mist floating in this not too large laboratory.

again the skill of the rotting angel?

he was secretly frightened!

"Nighthawk!" Fall back!! He shouted loudly, trying to wake up his teammates.

they can't fight, they have to find a place to restore it in all directions.

Qiu Qifei still had reason left, frowned in his direction, and staggered to his feet....

everything in his eyes is distorted in a colorful color, and the overlapping chanting can be heard in his ears.

At this time, Qiu Qifei finally remembered the remarks of the headphones!

' This product will never cross-band, if you hear a strange whisper coming from the headphones, it is like someone is affectionately leaning into your ear and whispering to you... Remember! Don't listen! <

p idx='74'> he quickly took the headphones off!


auditory hallucinations are gone!

Counterfeit goods kill people!

"Go!" Qiu Qifei put away the powerless exoskeleton, lightly put himself into battle, and rushed towards the gate that exploded a hole.

Ling Yichuan now has neither energy value nor skills, so he can only pick up the ghost axe and twist his crotch to catch up.

Eve seems to have an uncoordinated body, and her running posture is enchanting and weird, which adds a touch of horror.

Shi Youcheng covered his teammates to retreat first, he ran behind Qiu Qifei, in front of Ling Yichuan, and when the distance was pulled in, he turned around and shot a sword.

after hitting to repel Ling Yichuan, he immediately interrupted the skill, and the sword flew back into his hand.

ran a few steps, shot another sword, repelled again, and retracted the sword.

this is how to understand the role of 'Taoist'.

Players after level ten have few weak hands, even if they are some very basic characters, they have developed some high-level gameplay.

For example, the Taoist imperial sword technique, if it is allowed to play in automatic mode, is not necessarily the optimal solution.

you know, there are three biggest advantages of imperial swordsmanship, one is no cooling, one is that the landing point is controllable when shooting, and the last is that the skill can be ended at any time.

so as long as you end the skill in time when you hit, you can let the flying sword patrol back and forth between yourself and the hunter, so that the hunter chases one step at a time, and the mentality explodes.

Ling Yichuan's mentality was better, and there was no explosion, but she simply didn't chase and let the two of them leave.

she stopped and watched the two leave.

less than an hour, playing the current completely one-sided situation, Ling Yichuan is already very satisfied.

she was thinking about something else at the moment.

"God of Chaos, God of a Thousand Faces, God of No Face... It can't really be me, right? "

up to 169% SAN value, superimposed on Eve's intelligence, Ling Yichuan now has a good brain.

just now the special forces player suddenly fell ill and pointed to himself and said three names... It's suspicious.

it is difficult for Ling Yichuan not to associate these titles with his own personality fusion system.

that's a coincidence, isn't it?

What does chaos mean and not to say... A thousand faces are very similar.

forum are talking, Ling Yichuan himself has certainly known that his image, his face, once exposed on the Internet, will be mysteriously "mosaic face".

the hunter personalities he has fused will fuse together, presented in a distorted and blurry texture, constantly changing.

could my plugin come from the gods represented by these three names?

one bit, or three digits?

Ling Yichuan was pondering, when he suddenly heard a strange sound of "rattling" behind him, he turned his head in a little surprise, and saw the remaining body of the riot soldier player after the execution... It actually moved!

which is a black skeleton, with intact fascia at the joints, and the vertebrae behind it... There are actually three deformed, undissolved bat wings attached!

he flew up, and there was an electric current flickering in the eye socket in the hollow, and finally condensed into two blazing blue pupils!

system prompt:

[The success of the execution represents another failure of the "gene mixing experiment". <

p idx="108"> [Now, the experimental subject named 'Fei Changcai' has completely died, but a by-product was accidentally born. <

p idx="109"> [a new 'exception item'. idx="110"> You can number it. <

p idx="111"> [PLO-______ (number must be greater than 616)]


dead and not stiff? After death? Wreckage and corpse? Die with a grievance or everlasting regret?


Ling Yichuan had light in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth outlined a faint smile curve, but due to facial muscle problems, he looked very stiff and a little hideous.

Obviously, the hidden execution of the rotten angel has a great advantage, and the remains of the fugitive after being executed will be transformed into a replica monster, increasing the advantage of the killer.



which is an interesting number.

in Xia Guo, praise; In the West, representing Satan.

he/she likes both.

Ling Yichuan happily entered the number.

PLO-666, floating in front, looked at him with a bean-sized electric pupil, and the current on his body suddenly flickered and suddenly disappeared.

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