Ling Yichuan was slightly startled, can this dirty thing flash?

and then, a monster introduction popped up directly in front of his eyes

: [Name: PLO-666 (quantum life)

] [Type: ordinary monster]


A high-risk experimental subject named 'Fei Changcai' was almost dead after being forcibly injected with 9 gene drugs.

to be precise, 87.6% of the body is dead.

through a series of genetic phenomena that are not yet explained by science today, part of its corpse is still alive, and it has acquired additional quantum properties, becoming a strange life form beyond the scope of understanding.

PLO-666 can accumulate charge from high-dimensional space, and when a certain amount of spillover is reached, the body can be decomposed into quanta and teleported over long distances.

the deformed wings behind it do not seem to fly normally, only shaking, but its body can remain afloat.

there is no change in airflow around it, so the flight dynamics are unknown.

PLO-666 is extremely difficult to kill because it can be broken down into the smallest known units, so most attacks can only cause temporary damage to it.

PLO-666 likes to follow cowardly people, it senses the fear of overflow, and it will launch a physical attack similar to a prank against the next three paths.

is not very harmful, but it is very insulting. 】


p idx="13"> [containment measures: none] [Note: It reminds me of a Grim Reaper who likes to kill with a spoon...]

Ling Yichuan read it in two seconds, and he counted in his heart.

turned out to be a harassing type copy monster... It's good too.

she rested quietly for a moment, her eyes sweeping over the glowing console and cultivation chamber, sweeping over the sparse human body and dirty blood stains on the ground, thinking about her next move.

Of course, she wasn't thinking about how to win the game.

nothing to think about.

Although the other four are a team, due to the extreme asymmetry of intelligence, Ling Yichuan can already play them to death easily like a scumbag licking a dog.

Oh, unless the two big remnants can find N more skill books and peerless weapons in the quest map, which are enough to reverse the situation.

this probability is infinitely close to 0

Ling Yichuan has never fought such a rich battle, and now, she can devote part of her energy to do her (Eve's) business.

she wants to explore the depth of the story.

In Eve's painful memory, another blonde female doctor who does not know her name and has never seen her true face is the person she most wants to kill.

but after she broke through the containment, she did not find the female doctor.

female doctor still alive? Could it be hidden somewhere on the replica map? As an NPC or a quest monster?

why can't I see her face? What exactly is she capable of?

will she scream when she abuses her?

Ling Yichuan wants to know.

he wants to satisfy his curiosity, and she wants to satisfy his (Eve's) desire for revenge.

L4 In the quiet corridor, a rotten angel in an elegant black dress walked out, looking sideways at the unexplored path.

this floor is small, that is, larger than L5, with only a circular corridor surrounding several laboratories in the center, and 3 containment rooms distributed on the periphery of the circle.

at this point, her eyes are focused on the display screen of containment rooms 4-3, where a dangerous countdown jumps:

> 16 minutes and 27 seconds.

in another 16 minutes, the amnesiac containment inside will come out.

the ghost in chambers 4-2 who can restrain himself... Or just call Hokage well... He will also come out.

time is enough.

Ling Yichuan muttered: "Let's turn L4 upside down..."


elevator to the upper level.

The moment the elevator door closed , the two fugitive players who looked like defeated dogs let out a breath and sat on the ground.

"Finally escaped..." Qiu Qifei was sweating profusely, and he was terrified.

Shi Youcheng wanted to scold him twice, but he lost his mental strength, glanced at his miserable physical strength and energy value, and decided to say two words less to save strength.

elevator went up quietly, and the two sat with their backs to the wall, looking prostrate.

listening to the slight traction machine drive, their vigorous heartbeat finally calmed down.

SAN values are also slowly recovering.

No matter what, even if you lose the battle, the time after the fight is always the most comfortable, the brain is empty, and the elevator box wall closed on all sides can also create a sense of psychological security.

an undisturbed space here, they are out of danger.

sitting on their knees, the defenseless duo suddenly had a flash of electricity in front of their eyes.

A black skeleton with three wings on its back appeared out of thin air inside the already unspacious elevator, floating in front of them!


"Whata (middle aaaaa

> Shi Youcheng jumped up, instinctively stepped back, and opened his hands against the wall of the box;

Qiu Qifei was even worse, he jerked back, the back of his head bumped, and he obviously felt that he secreted a little urine, fortunately tightened the sphincter in time, otherwise it would be out of the ocean phase....

know that it is normal to be scared into incontinence in the game cabin.

while being scared incontinent in the game... It can only be said that it is very rare.

PLO-666 floated, feet off the ground, head almost touching the top of the car, condescendingly looking at them with two pairs of deep eye sockets.

(When the power runs out, the pupil is gone, only the eye socket remains.) <

p idx="61"> "You... Why don't you save me..." <

p idx="62"> the skeleton opened its mouth and made a very unscientific voice.

which is an octave lower and has a hollow reverberation.

like a ghost who came to ask for his life.

two people look at each other, what is the situation?

Qiu Qifei stood up trembling: "Five nine? You...... Aren't you dead? What is the state now? <

P idx="67"> Shi Youcheng's SAN value is not too low, and he made a rational judgment: "Be careful!" It could be the mechanic of turning the player into a replica monster after death... He's not five-nine! "

he's a ghostly monster who came to mess with my heart! He added in his heart.

ding, elevator doors open.

skeletons blocking the doorway.

Shi Youcheng coldly had a fat face, drew his sword an inch, "Get out of the way!" "

he just tried it, after all, he didn't know what the characteristics of this monster said, and he didn't dare to make a rash move, but he didn't expect that this black skeleton would obediently let go.

both were stunned.

After a while, the elevator door slowly closed and was about to close automatically, and the skeleton of Fei Changcai actually stretched out his hand and pressed the door opening button very intimately for them.

then swung his skull back, signaling that they could go.

the two are very confused, but it is not a matter if they don't leave... They then vigilantly squeezed out from the skeleton.

the skeleton did not attack.

"Be careful, don't attack." Shi Youcheng bowed his head forward and whispered: "Looking at his appearance, it is not possible that it is a replica monster on our side, maybe there is a residual consciousness of five or nine." <

p idx="79"> "Isn't that like the ghost of five or nine?"

Qiu Qifei couldn't help but look back: "It's more penetrating..."

the skeleton floated behind the two people, and no longer spoke, so he kept a short distance and followed them.

"Why is he following us?" Qiu Qifei was uncomfortable.

"Who knows, the monsters in this copy seem to have some strange characteristics." Shi Youcheng guessed blindly: "Maybe like that suit man, just follow, it won't be good, anyway, let's be careful." "

they poked their heads out of the elevator and looked at the front and back corridors, and there was no danger.

from here you can look to the front left and see the nearest containment room 3-4.

countdown on the display screen, showing a countdown of 6 minutes and 05 seconds.

Shi Youcheng glanced at the map and lowered his voice: "We need to find a safe place now and recover well, L2 has that female ghost that looks like Gaco, 100% dangerous, and L3 is safe for at least 6 minutes." "

"I suggest, let's go to the elevator going up in Area A, we can attack, retreat or defend, if..."

omit the five hundred words of Shi Youcheng's delusion.

"Then it's time to take medicine, it's time to do a handstand, and get back to state as soon as possible." (Qiu Qifei has a skill to accelerate the recovery of stamina, which requires a handstand)

"Moreover, when I ran away just now..."

"92"> Shi Youcheng suddenly took out a pale yellow disc-shaped item from his arms with a mysterious face.

Qiu Qifei's eyes lit up: "Isn't this 'holographic projection chassis with 120 vulgar edged videos'!" You actually got it back! "

"Of course, good things can't be lost."

Shi Youcheng smiled and said: "How about it, let's take it and look slowly, you must be very san value now..."

"96"> Suddenly, his face changed greatly! There was a sharp pain from Kikube! Reflexively ejected itself!


Qiu Qifei watched in amazement as Shi Youcheng "flew" ten meters away, and when he looked back, he found that the black skeleton with wings was squatting on the ground "with a face" lewdly, hands folded, index fingers outstretched.

Millennium kill!

"You... Why..." It was so ridiculous that Qiu Qifei couldn't organize language for a while.

only listening to Shi Youcheng's shy roar in the distance, the sword light flashed, and the obscene skeleton monster was quickly split into pieces.

"It's so weak?" Qiu Qifei was surprised again, he reached out and grabbed a bone and saw the monster introduction.

At this time, Shi Youcheng covered his hips and walked back angrily: "Why is this thing in the Malgobi ... Want...... Sneak attack on me..."<

p idx="104"> Qiu Qifei looked solemn.

Shi Youcheng frowned: "What's going on with your expression?" "

Qiu Qifei handed him the bone, Shi Youcheng took it, and also saw the introduction of PLO-666, and his face changed again!

At this time, Shi Youcheng's hands were slightly numb, and a subtle electric current appeared on the bones, and he quickly threw it to the ground.

I saw the wings and broken bones cut into several segments, slowly shaking in the winding of the arc, and gradually resplicing together.

Shi Youcheng gritted his teeth, slashed manually, and smashed PLO-666 a little more with an eight-faced Han sword, and then hurriedly said:

"110"> "Go, go!" Hurry! "

After the two left, it didn't take long for a full PLO-666 to shake its three deformed wings and float again.

arc is accumulating, and small electric pupils appear in its eye sockets again.

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