
L4, experimental specimen showroom.

the lighting here is very dim, only the position of the specimen, there is a faint cold light.

atmosphere is much like a museum.

but if you look at the specific appearance of these specimens, it is estimated that this is more like an exhibition hall of deformity.

like an alchemical wizard's bedroom.

in the first floor of the storage and transport department, the fugitive player sees many mold traces left by the corpses, but does not see the corpses themselves.

they are all here.

rotten angels directly killed many people in anger, and many did not kill directly, but died through type II high-risk laboratories and tortured with genetic drugs.

deformed fragments left behind after their failed evolutionary failure, are stored here.

click, faint inaudible footsteps, walk slowly here, stop-and-go.

A rotten angel in a black dress was passing through a wall of specimens, she just glanced at these deformed organs contained in the glass square, and then walked away.

most of these lattices contain deformed organs in a semi-decayed state.

Twin hearts with popping pulp, long-haired brains split into four-lobed, six-fingered palms half apes and half humans.

under these grids, the identity of the organ owner is also intimately marked.

[D-level personnel. Iskandan Perkins]<

p idx="16">[D-level personnel. Reine Garcia]

[D-level personnel. Shaina Lange]

[C-level personnel. Security. Marvin Baskabiru]<

p idx="19">[B-level personnel. Researcher. Tono Kempf]<

p idx="20"> The only intact organ here that is not decayed, or even deformed, is an eye with a brown iris.

eyes float in the embalming, quietly watching the monster that killed him go away.

below the grid, the label reads:

>[A-level personnel. Meme expert. Malt Chloe]

this eyeball, is one of the keys to escape for the fugitive.


Ling Yichuan was here by patrolling with the naked eye to see if there were any noteworthy clues or props, while asking the hacker brain on the spirit channel: 'Do you know that there is a blonde female doctor in the base?' I want to know everything about her. <

p idx='27'> unexpectedly, PLO-125 said in a puzzled tone: 'Blonde Doctor? '

Ling Yichuan: 'You don't know? '

PLO-125: 'You're mistaken, there is no blonde doctor here.' '

Ling Yichuan: 'Are you so sure? '

PLO-125: 'After I became this virtue, I briefly invaded the base's systems, not to mention some highly dangerous secrets, at least I have seen all the information about the base's personnel... Let me tell you so. '

'First of all, the researchers in the base themselves have doctorates, but here, doctors do not just represent degrees. '

' Doctor is an honorific title that only A-level personnel can be called Doctor. '

' and there are only 4 A-class personnel in this base, all of whom are men. '

'Also, even if you're referring to a female researcher, I'm pretty sure... No blonde ones. '

Ling Yichuan fell into deep thought.

she turned to ask, 'Are there any other staff members in the reception base?' '

Ling Yichuan worried that Eve didn't kill clean enough.

PLO-125: 'No, at least not where the monitoring can see. '

Alas, I had to continue to take a back seat.

‘...... So can you see what is special about L4, a place worth visiting. <

p idx='42'> PLO-125 was silent for a moment.

Ling Yichuan's question, originally I just planned to save myself a little time, and I wanted this brain to draw a focus on myself.

it doesn't really matter if it is there or not.

the whole base is a flipped pyramid, the structure is large and small, and the area of L4 is larger than L5, and the search is fast.

even if the hacker's brain draws a focus on herself, she will roughly walk through other non-key areas and take a look.

maybe you can find the previous equipment or props in a corner?

but the silence of PLO-125 attracted Ling Yichuan's attention.

'What's wrong, what's not to say?' '

'Hmm~~ There's nothing you can't say~~' PLO-125's tone became very teay, as if it was saved by Liu Hao.

Ling Yichuan frowned.

PLO-125 brewed for a moment and said, 'You don't know that there is a very special archive room on the 4th floor, which is used to store and organize a lot of dangerous information. '

she really doesn't know, 'What dangerous information.' '

PLO-125 continued: 'Hmm~~ You'll know if you go and see it yourself. '

' specific location. '

'You... Did you get pure water? '

Ling Yichuan understood, and wanted to exchange.

she thought a little and replied, 'It's small, I'll find it myself.'" '

PLO-125: 'No~ Hehe, Eve, you are an anomaly yourself, but this is a base for containing anomalies, and you should not underestimate this place. '

'That's a misplaced space, a secret location made with unusual objects, and you'll never find it unless anyone tells you how." '

mustard Nasumi... Ling Yichuan asked patiently, 'How do you know?' '

PLO-125: 'When I was a D-class, I used to deal with hazard information for a few days. '

Well, very convincing.

Some information, although important, may carry some degree of mental pollution, and it is impossible for people above C level to handle it personally.

only inappropriate D-level personnel would be assigned to do such a job.

Ling Yichuan thought about the possibility of coercing this brain by force, and finally decided to forget it, time is precious, maybe find him water, it was part of the plot of the copy, but in order to maximize her interests, she still had some reservations between her words:

"67"> 'I killed two intruders, but only one of them had a bottle of pure water you said. <

p idx="68"> PLO-125 suddenly became emotional: "Enough is enough!" Just one bottle is enough! Fast! Bring it to me! I'll tell you where the archives are! "

Ling Yichuan circled around the specimen exhibition room again, did not gain much, only found a useless bright flashlight.

she returns to chambers 3-3, which slowly pan and rise under the remote control of PLO-125.

Ling Yichuan took out a bottle of pure water and looked down for a long time, never seeing anything special about it.

What is the use of ?



"Fei Changcai" flashed again the successful sneak attack, this time it was crushed in the sound of gunfire.

which is more broken than the last time.

Qiu Qifei showed a bitter face, limped and followed Shi Youcheng to flee forward, his physical strength called the police many times, he looked like a kidney deficiency, panting:

"> "I... I'm so tired... I have to take a break... Anyway, it will take a little time for the skeleton to regain ... I...... Just a while..."<

p idx="79"> Shi Youcheng looked at him helplessly: "Okay." <

p idx="80"> the two of them were chased by Fei Changcai's "remains".

both of them are so uncomfortable in the game.

they are not in the state of residual blood now, but in addition to the amount of health, stamina is also one of the most important main attributes.

without stamina, they can't move an inch.

but the PLO-666 killed that day did not give them a chance to rest well at all!

It's hard to find a place to rest, it's time to take medicine, it's time to do a handstand... The lewd skeleton suddenly appeared in front of the two people, and cast a heavy head hammer at the enemy who was in the upside-down state.

Shi Youcheng seemed to hear the sound of an egg breaking.

Now, they have completely lost the mind to win the game... Just find a safe place to avoid that cheap quantum skeleton!

at which point the movement of the containment chamber again brought a slight ground tremor.

the faces of the two changed again and again.

"She's up!" Dodge! "

the current situation, but if they encounter the hunter again, the two have only one way to die.

they happened to pass by a 'security room' with an open door, and no matter what was inside, they ran inside first.

ducked inside, half concealed the metal iron door, and then turned to look at the furnishings inside the security room.

the two were slightly surprised.

there is a whole wall full of screens that are playing 3 layers of surveillance.

It is clear from the surveillance footage that the hunter did not come here, she should have gone to the 2nd or 1st floor.

the two brushed together and sighed in relief, Qiu Qifei sat down and began to replace his exoskeleton power armor with nuclear batteries.

then fill the magazine of the sniper rifle with bullets.

Well, at this moment, the inventory of the item bar is almost empty, and only one advanced Holy Light grenade remains.

"This game is dead..." he muttered bitterly.

"At least this security room will allow us to return blood." Shi Youcheng opened the cabinet next to him and found that there were not only 3 protective suits inside, but also several thermal weapons.

"Two flying blade launchers, two KY snig rifles (yes, this is blocking), and a high-heat sword!" Ha ha! These weapons are all available for copying! "

may be too miserable before, but now seeing these equipment that is not too valuable, it also makes Shi Youcheng happy: "A wave of blood!" At least this game is not a loss! "

Qiu Qifei hurriedly walked over, touched these weapons one by one, read the equipment introduction, and then calculated the price of bullets and nuclear batteries he consumed, well, there was indeed no loss.

but it is still impossible to win the game with these equipment alone.

even the unkillable skeleton can't be killed....

thinking of this, the two were slightly discouraged.

but soon, they saw a [L3 Security Personnel Notice]

a total of 13

pieces posted on the wall, very concise, and the two read it in seconds.

After reading , they slowly looked at each other, and they both saw the light of hope in each other's gradually dilated pupils.

"There's a way!" The two spoke in unison.

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